
Monday, April 13, 2015

What Jews, and everyone else, need to know about Hillary that you won't learn from mainstream media

If someone says they will vote for Hillary,  ask them if they know this about her? The evidence and links to the evidence is at the fuller list below if you want details.

1. She took and takes millions in “donations/bribes”from Arab countries and Russian billionaires to influence US policy even as Secr. of State.
2. No accomplishments as Senator
3. Disastrous time as  Secretary of State
4 Benghazi,  ascribed the planned assault to a video even though she knew within minutes it was planned terrorist operation
5. She aids and abets Islamic terror
6. Sides with Obama’s appeasement on Iran
7. Long history of being very anti Israel, except when she needs Jewish money
8. Her top aid is from Muslim brotherhood family and knee deep in Islamic terrorism
9. Hillary has always palled around with terrorist leaders
10. Excused Hamas for war crimes of shooting rockets from schools and hospitals saying there wasn't enough room in Gaza
11.Remember her reset button with Russia????
12. what about the  Constant scandals  – including the opening up of 900 confidential FBI files of political opponents – cast Hillary in a suspicious light. Nothing was proven, but you know how that goes. “‘Whitewater-gate,’ ‘Cattle-gate,’ ‘Jenifer Flowers-gate,’ ‘Nanny-gate,’ ‘Lincoln bedroom-gate,’ ‘Travel-gate,’ ‘Trooper-gate,’ ‘File-gate,’ ‘Paula Jones-gate,’ ‘Vince Foster-gate’, ‘Helicopter-gate,’ ‘White House Coffee-gate,’ ‘Web Hubbell Hush Money-gate,’ ‘Pardon-gate,’ ‘Illegal Gift-Gate,’ ‘Monica-gate,’ ‘Benghazi-gate,’ ‘Email-gate,’ ‘Wiped Server-gate,’
l3. 80 people is her circle have DIED under mysterious circumstances
14.VERACITY? Most Americans think she is a liar by poll
15. We know she  Lied about sniper fire. just like Brian Williams
16. we know she Lied about being poor when she was very wealthy.
17  She committed Email felonies and jeopardized US security.  Violated rules by having own server, lied about it, then deleted all emails after congress asked for them
18 do you know  that she was was Fired During The Watergate Investigation.As her supervisor at the time put it, “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
19. Laughed about getting child rapist acquitted and passing poly
20. Hypocrite She attacks CEO pay, while she earns 200,000 per speech, her foundation has collected $2 billion, her son-in-law is hedge fund guy.
21 Hypocrite Attacks big money in politics  at the SAME TIME she says plans to raise $2.5 billion, more than Obama/Romney raised combined!!!
22, Phony
23. Disrespectful
UNREAL: Former White House Employee Reveals the Sick Name the Clintons Called Secret Service Agents
24.Temperamentally unsuited. ANGER out of control.
25. Constantly saying  many stupid and wrong things
26. Her war against women. Organizing effort to discredit the many women complaining about Bill's predatory behavior to advance his career.  as well as paying women on her staff far below wages to men.
27 Will be terrible for economic growth  Radical Domestic anti-growth political views
28. Doesn't think it is businesses that create jobs. Said so
29. LIED
30. $6 billion missing from State dept. Hillary, check your pockets.

For details and evidence of all these see

What Jews, and everyone else, need to know about Hillary that you won't learn from mainstream media

A.Deep concerns about her long standing pro terror, anti Israel views 
1.  Took and takes millions in “donations/bribes”from Arab countries even as Secr. of State.
the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation received money from "a front for the government of Iran" called the Alavi Foundation.  total $ received $2 billion.

2. No accomplishments as Senator and disastorous time as  Secretary of State except massive increase Islamic terror on her watch. This is the joke she is. What doies she say here? Seriously?

3. Her refusal to assign blame to al quida for Benghazi, but ascribed the planed assault to a video

4. How she aids and abets Islamic terror

5. Sides with Obama’s appeasement on Iran

6. Long history of being very anti Israel, except when she needs Jewish money

Hillary Clinton Attacks Israel, Says They’re Conquerors Who “Deny Dignity”

7. Her top aid is from Muslim brotherhood family

who is with her out on the campaign trail

8. Pals around with terrorist leaders

9. Excused Hamas for war crimes

10. Russia: remember her reset button???? 

millions from Russian billionaire who traffics with Iran? Cannot trust Democrats with national security: Carter, Hillary and Bill, and Obama and acquiescence to the Soviets/Russians

B. The Constant scandals  – including the opening up of 900 confidential FBI files of political opponents – cast Hillary in a suspicious light. Nothing was proven, but you know how that goes. “‘Whitewater-gate,’ ‘Cattle-gate,’ ‘Jenifer Flowers-gate,’ ‘Nanny-gate,’ ‘Lincoln bedroom-gate,’ ‘Travel-gate,’ ‘Trooper-gate,’ ‘File-gate,’ ‘Paula Jones-gate,’ ‘Vince Foster-gate’, ‘Helicopter-gate,’ ‘White House Coffee-gate,’ ‘Web Hubbell Hush Money-gate,’ ‘Pardon-gate,’ ‘Illegal Gift-Gate,’ ‘Monica-gate,’ ‘Benghazi-gate,’ ‘Email-gate,’ ‘Wiped Server-gate,’

80 people is her circle have DIED under mysterious circumstances

worse scandal of all? April 2015

C. VERACITY? Most Americans think she is a liar by poll Torah "stay far from falsehood"
 Lied about sniper fire. just like Brian Williams
Lied about being poor when she was very wealthy. Chelsea ios buying a $10 million apt in NY. The Clinton Foundation has $2 BILLION in contributions, much from Arab nations. Hillary got $300,000 a speech.

1. She committed Email felonies and jeopardized US security.  Violated rules by having own server, lied about it, then deleted all emails after congress asked for them

2. That she was was Fired During The Watergate Investigation her supervisor at the time put it, “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

3.  Laughed about getting child rapist acquitted and passing poly

4. Hypocrisy!
She attacks CEO pay, while she earns 200,000 per speech, her foundation has collected $2 billion, her son-in-law is hedge fund guy.
b.    at the SAME TIME she says plans to raise $2.5 billion, more than obama/Romney raised combined!!!
Hillary is going to be a Champion for the middle class. She will get after those Pesky CORPORATE CEO's and HEDGE FUND people because they just make too much money. This from someone who gets paid $250-$300,000 per speaking engagement. Many paid for by the very CEO's she attacks. In addition she received upward of $11,000,000 for a failed book. What a PATHETIC, CAREER POLITICIAN HYPOCRITE. She also wants to get all the (DARK) unaccountable money out of politics. She should start with her corrupt foundation.
"It’s pretty rich for Hillary Clinton to lament big money in politics while her campaign chairman and SuperPAC allies are busy courting secretive liberal billionaires in San Francisco," said Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Short.

5. Phony

6. Disrespectful

UNREAL: Former White House Employee Reveals the Sick Name the Clintons Called Secret Service Agents

E. Temperamentally unsuited. ANGER out of control. Maimonides: excessive anger worsat human virtue".

F. The many stupid and wrong things she says:

G. Her war against women. Organizing effort to discredit the many women complaining about Bill's predatory behavior to advance his career., as well as paying women on her staff far below wages to men.

The most BRUTAL ABUSERS OF WOMEN & CHILDREN RIGHTS. Iran & Saudi Arabia & Brunel have BEHEADED OVER 30 WOMEN IN 2015. They stand in line like pigs at a feeding trough slopping up ever $$$$$$$ they can. A disgrace to humanity..

H. Will be terrible for economic growth
1.. Radical Domestic anti-growth political views
2. being mentored by Saul Alinsky, Rules for radicals, as Obama
3. Doesn't think it is businesses that create jobs

I. Uses $2 BILLION Clinton foundation to support their lifestyle and do very little charity

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