
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Can You Say Capitulation? Obama and Iran

World Jewish Digest today

The Obama administration has been nothing if not inconsistent in its dealings with Iran.
Lee Smith in Tablet details how the Obama administration has consistently caved in to Iranian demands, to the point where it now has strayed far from its original goals in negotiations.
The White House has attacked critics of the deal by pointing out that any negotiation is a give and take, but the deal currently being negotiated serves entirely Iranian interests and not American ones.
There was a time when the administration was intent on dismantling the Iranian nuclear program. As John Kerry said in December 2013, the U.S. imposed sanctions on Iran “because we knew that it would hopefully help Iran dismantle its nuclear program. That was the whole point of the regime.”
Today, the administration is not talking about dismantling anything. The whole point of the deal, as the White House sees it, is simply to extend Iran’s break-out time to a year, which won’t really be a year, according to the administration, but is still somehow a useful round number.
It used to be that the White House wasn’t going to let Iran enrich any uranium at all. As former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said in April 2012, “Our position is clear: Iran must live up to its international obligations, including full suspension of uranium enrichment as required by multiple UN Security Council resolutions.”
However the Joint Plan of Action in November 2014 acknowledged Iran’s right to enrich uranium.
And on and on and on.

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