
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Rubio Gets Top Jewish Bundler and Friend of Adelson on Board

Rubio Gets Top Jewish Bundler and Friend of Adelson on Board

phil rosen romney
Republican presidential hopeful has received the endorsement of a top Jewish leader and Republican donor in his race for the Republican nomination in 2016.
Phil Rosen, co-chair of the real estate practice at law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges, will serve as a senior foreign policy advisor for the Rubio campaign, Jewish Insider reported Monday.
“For several months I’ve been talking with most of the 2016 Republican field about their individual campaigns, paths to victory and policy positions” and made the “difficult” decision to “throw my weight behind Senator Marco Rubio,” Rosen told Jewish Insider.
Rosen , who raised around $5 million for former GOP presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, listed Rubio’s foreign policy experience and knowledge, as well as ability to attract the “necessary and desirable” support from youth voters, Hispanic voters and female voters, as a reason for his choice. Rosen also helped organize a $50,000-per-couple fund-raiser for Romney in Jerusalem, according to the NY Times.
Jewish Insider, a popular morning newsletter, also noted that Rosen is close with GOP mega-donor Sheldon Adelson, with whom he serves on the boards of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) and Birthright Israel. As previously reported Rubio is rumored to be Adleson’s favorite candidate in the Republican primary.
The move towards Rubio could help Jewish donors on the sidelines end the deliberating process and jump on board of Rubio’s campaign as the most electable Republican hopeful. The Washington Post reported last week that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has struggled to make inroads “among the powerful and monied financial community” — in part because of his social conservative views.
In public opinion polls, the one-term Florida Senator is slowly emerging as the most electable Republican nominee against Hillary Clinton in three of the most critical swing states.
Rubio trails Clinton by 3 percentage points in Florida and Ohio, and leading by one in Pennsylvania, running closest out of eight Republican contenders in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to a recent Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll. In Florida, Clinton gets 47 percent to Rubio’s 44 percent, and 46 percent against former Gov. Jeb Bush, who would receive the support of 42 percent. The remaining candidates poll below 40 percent. In Ohio, Rubio trails the former Sec. of State by 45-42 percent, while in Pennsylvania, he ekes ahead by one point (44-43).

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