
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How can anyone who cares about the poor, middle class, minorities, the future, their grandchildren, vote DEMOCRATIC?

How can anyone who cares about the poor, middle class, minorities, the future, their grandchildren, vote DEMOCRATIC? Democratic policies are severely hurting the poor, middle class, blacks, racial tensions and so much more,

1. Do you hate the poor? Obama/Democrats have given USA RECORD POVERTY

2. Do you hate the middle class? Middle calss has lost $5000 on avergae during Obama

3. Do you hate Blacks?

4. Do you like increased racial tension? Can't you see how obama is escalating tension?

5. Do you hate your grandchildren? He has DOUBLED all previous US debt.

+ our Jewish kids are being intimidated and harassed in college campuses in growing numbers, all under Obama's pro Islamic terror policies. Don't you care?

6. Do you want USA to have huge Islamic terror infiltration in our government?

7. Do you want IRS to be used to persecute pro israel groups?

8. You don't care he's gutting our military as China, Russia and Islamic terrorism expand?

9. Democrats policies are inimical to Jewish values and interests
They TALK compassion, but their POLICIES produce  the opposite

10. Do you like riots in the streets? Democrats polices exacerbating racial tension

Obama met with furgeson protestors at whgite house to urge them ON!

11. Do you want your children to be able to collect Social security? Democrats keep demagogueing against reform that will make Social Security viable.

12. Do you care if your children can get a job? Obama regulations are closing businesses
Americans are starting fewer businesses, new companies are going out of businessmore quickly, and the new firms that do get off the ground are creating fewer jobs.None of that bodes very well for an economy still trying to find its footing. Obama and Hillary both have said "businesses don't create jobs"We have RECORD low participation in labor force.

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