
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee: says spread the word of how terrible Iran is being

I spent last night and this AM with Congressman Ed Royce. chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The subject was US-Israel and it focused on Iran, BDS and Palestinians. On the subject of Iran, to the question what can we do, he said, spread the word of how terrible Iran is being, spreading evil (My word) during our negotiations, so to keep us Congressional resolve against Obama's strong arming them down the road to support his appeasement.. He stressed that Obama is on the opposite side of the vast majority of Congress and must be stopped.
So spreading the word:
As Iran chanted death to America and Israel, Obama keeps giving them more and more concessions.
They are WORST nation on earth.…/iran-is-worst-natio…
Obama’s many lies about Iran deal…/obamas-many-lies-ab…
Why Iran DEAL must be defeated…/why-obamas-iran-dea…
Why does Obama so desperately want the deal? He wants to strengthen Islamic jihad. 50 examples.…/why-is-it-so-hard…

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