
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Donald Trump Defends Huckabee’s ‘Ovens’ Imagery

Donald Trump Defends Huckabee’s ‘Ovens’ Imagery

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
( Donald Trump, who has been known to take aim at his political opponents in the GOP Presidential campaign with insulting Tweets, actually stood up for rival Mike Huckabee after the former Arkansas governor criticized the Iran deal in a manner that compared President Obama to a Nazi leading the Jews to the ovens of death camp crematoria.
Huckabee supporters proudly display his comment, that Obama, by making a nuclear deal with Iran,”will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven” on social media memes, while critics call the remarks “inexcusable.”
Huckabee defended his remarks and said that “the response from Jewish people has been overwhelmingly positive.” He didn’t specify which Jewish people, and it must not have included the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL released a statement that “to hear Mr. Huckabee invoke the Holocaust when America is Israel’s greatest ally and when Israel is a strong nation capable of defending itself is disheartening.”

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