
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jewish organizations AIDING the genocidal Iran deal, those parve and those FIGHTING

Yad Vashem official position is American Jews did NOTHING to stop the Holocaust.

Jewish organizations AIDING the genocidal Iran deal, those parve and those FIGHTING

as more becomes clear it will updated here

Remember Yad Vashem's official position is American Jews did nothing to stop the Holocaust.
These organizations so far are aiding and abetting this catastrophic, genocidal deal that Israel is begging us to help block.

These American Jewish organizations actively support and lobby FOR  the genocidal deal
National Jewish Democratic Council
Jstreet spending $2 million to campaign FOR the deal

These American Jewish organizations passively support  the genocidal deal SO FAR by remaining SILENT
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Union for Reform Judaism
Rabbinical assembly (Conservative)
Central Conference of American rabbis (Reform)
Chicago Board of Rabbis let me know about your local board of rabbis
United Jewish Committee (National Federation)
Jewish Federations North America JFNA resorted to mouthing the assurances that President Obama has been making –concluded its statement by urging Congress to give the accord its “utmost scrutiny.”

More than 140 U.S. Jewish federations mum on Iran deal – 8 come out against

as of 2 days ago

Those organizations PARVE wishy washy

Pathetic Jewish Organizations. American Jewish Congress send out emergency solicitation email to raise $ for Iran deal. Does NOT stat their position,.Their website shows them honoring Hillary, who backs the deal.

HONOR ROLL FIGHTING this catastrophic Deal
Aipac leading the lobby vs deal
Zionist Organization of America The ZOA is “deeply horrified, but not surprised by the truly terrible nuclear agreement
L.A. Miami, Boston Houston, Dallas, Detroit & Phoenix Jewish Federations strongly condemn Iran deal. Thank you for speaking up at this critical time!
American Jewish Committee
Republican Jewish Coalition The group called on Congress to stop the deal
Americans for a Safe Israel
Endoment for Middle East Truth EMET blasted the deal as a “diplomatic disaster of historic proportions.”
The Israel Project TIP’s president, Josh Block, said of the deal with Iran that it “is a realization of the deepest fears and the most dire predictions of skeptics.
The president of the World Jewish Congress, Ronald Lauder, expressed strong skepticism about the Iran deal

CONGRESS? list will be updated


Refuting top 13 LIES Obama/Kerry tells about the catastrophic Iran deal.
This catastrophic, war inducing genocidal Iran deal, promoted by many Obama LIES, must be defeated. Lobbying Congress info at the bottom.
Obama IS leading BOTH Israel and USA to doors of the ovens. Huckabee is right! And trump supports him.
1.     LIE Iran has fatwa vs Nuclear weapons. TRUTH: No such fatwa exists
2.     LIE Iran will not use nuclear bombs vs Israel or USA TRUTH: For sure they will. Naziism too far away to remember? 1, To reestablish Persian Empire. 2. For the honor of wiping Israel off map and bring out hidden 2th imam.
3.     LIE American Jews support the deal
TRUTH: They do not and the leftist polls that say otherwise are lies
Jews who support deal are suicidal, genocidal, fratricidal and ignorant
4.     LIE The deal blocks Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and does not aid their terrorism. Truth: It guarantees them, even if they don’t cheat, which they will. The Obama deal gives $150 BILLION to the world's worst terrorist regime to buy any arms
5.     LIE Obama will protect Israel. TRUTH: he deal calls for USA to defend IRAN vs Israel! Truth Obama always has hated Israel and wants them destroyed. He can’t do it directly for political reasons.
6.     LIE Obama is trying to protect the West. TRUTH: Obama is a supporter of radicalized Islamic jihad. Obama is gutting US military
7.     LIE Verification is possible. Truth. Iran has aways cheated. Will cheat. Deal lets them have 3 months notice and to turn in their OWN samples. And they will not allow military site inspections.
8.     Obama’s aids deep ties to Iran. Valarie Jarett born there and speaks Farsi, Kerry’s son-in-law Is iranian Iranian terrorists attended the wedding, Susan Rice huge investments.
9.     The deal IGNORES Iran’s continuous demonization of Israel and USA, fostering terrorism on 5 continents, their pledge to buy ICBMs with the hundreds of billions they now get etc
10.   Lie There exists no good alternative to this deal. TRUTH Many much better options exist. A third grader could have done better
11. LIE US military approved the deal. Truth: Top Brass trashes deal
12. LIE Deal Binds Iran to obligations. TRUTH> Their “obligations” are voluntary
13.  LIE everything agreed to has been revealed. Truth: US admit to hiding much
14.  Lobby Congress info
SEE THE EVIDENCE HERE for all 13 points

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