
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

36 inherent, catastrophic problems with Obama's Iran deal

36 catastrophic flaws of Iran deal. More info on each point below the list.

This deal makes Obama the leading financier of Islamic terrorism in the world and will lead to WW3. This deal does the opposite of rolling back Iran’s nuclear program. It funds, protects, and perfects the nuclear program.

1. Iran funded anti Israel group JStreet only Jewish organization pro deal

2. Iranian theological reason they want nuks to destroy Israel.
3. Bill Clinton promised N. Korea nuk deal would stop their nuk effort
4. This deal gives $150 billion to finance their worldwide terrorism
5. Deal ends  limits on conventional weapon sales to them or their weapons sales to terrorists, including ICBMs?
6. Obama top aids have vested interest in the deal.

7. Iran will cheat. They have never abided by past agreements.  They have as much as 24 days notice of any inspections. Verify it? Our own State Dept says Iran global terror undiminished

8. 50 examples of  Obama aiding and abetting Islamic jihad provided

9.Obama says he has Israel's back. NOT! A Timeline of Obama’s Israel hatred provided. He scoffed at Israel's demand that Israel's right to exist be prerequisite to deal

10. Iranian regime NOT required, as a condition for this deal, to disclose the previous military dimensions of its nuclear program — to come clean on its violations — 
11  Iranian regime NOT required to halt all uranium enrichment. The deal specifically legitimizes enrichment under certain eroding limitations.

12.  Iranian regime has NOT been required to shut down and dismantle its Arak heavy water reactor and plutonium production plant

13. Iranian regime has not been required to shut down and dismantle the underground uranium enrichment facility it built secretly at Fordow? 
14.  Iranian regime has not been required to halt its ongoing missile development? No. The plan PERMITS resumed arms sales!
15 Iranian regime has not been required to halt research and development of the faster centrifuges 
16.  International community have NOT established procedures setting out how it will respond to different classes of Iranian violations.
17. Iranian regime has not been required to halt its arming, financing and training of the Hezbollah terrorist army in south Lebanon? 
18. Iranian regime has not been required to surrender for trial the members of its leadership placed on an Interpol watch list for their alleged involvement in the bombing, by a Hezbollah suicide bomber, of the AMIA Jewish community center offices in Buenos Aires 
19.  Iranian regime has not been asked to close its 80 estimated “cultural centers” in South America from which it allegedly fosters terrorist networks
20.Iranian leadership did not have to  agree to stop inciting hatred among its people against Israel and the United States and to stop its relentless calls for the annihilation of Israel? 
21.  Iranian regime did not have to agreed to halt executions
22. Nuclear deal further cements Iran’s repressive and ideologically rapacious regime in power
23.  lies or absurdities has Obama told about the deal?
a. He posits Iran can be successful regional power in compliance with our norms of behavior
b. He claims erroneously that 99.9% Muslims want what we want. Truth? Majority support violent jihad
c. Iran can be counted on to abide by agreements. Truth? The never have in past.
d. Inspectors can verify compliance. Truth? Iran says it won’t be allowed without 24 days notice.
e. This deal will guarantee Iran won't get bomb. Truth? It does the opposite.
f. My sanctions hampered their efforts. Truth? He fought tough sanctions all along.
g. He says their faith precludes use of nuclear bomb. Truth? That shows a denial of the basis of their beliefs.

24. Concessions USA make from its original "red lines"?
Kerry and his team having collapsed on almost every red line they previously laid out 
25.  This will CREATE nuclear proliferation, arms race in the region. 
26. Obama claims Netanyahu has no better answer. LIE!
27. Why are Iranians dancing in the streets? Why are they laughing at us?

28. the deal strengthens this worst nation on earth 
29. Better alternatives to this deal are simple.
30. This deal makes war inevitable.
31. Hillary's financial incentive to support deal. Profit from Hillarys uranium deal Russian ships loaded with US uranium are on the way to Iran.
32. US & Israeli flags burned in Iran last week! Crowd yells "Death to America! Death to Israel!" Who's in front? President Rouhani
33. Is this deal constitutional? No it is not. "[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.." How is this not a "treaty"? 

34. Obama did not even ask for the return of our imprisoned Americans held by Iran!
35. Saudis say deal extremely dangerous.
36. many of those supporting deal took iranian bribes
37. Refuting Obama's myths about the deal
Below is a series of myths and facts regarding the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran.
Start with Obama myth and then refute:

1.  The choice is this deal or war. The opposite is true. This deal increases the prospects of war. It immediately gives Iran up to $150 billion, which will bolster Iran’s support of terrorism and regional conflicts, requiring a vigorous armed response from neighbors. In the long run, an emboldened and strengthened Iran will seek regional hegemony—dramatically increasing the chances for broader conflict.

2. Iran won’t get a nuclear weapon. This deal does not block Iran’s path to a bomb (see Analysis: An Unacceptable Deal). Instead, the deal legitimizes Iran’s nuclear program and allows it to legally reach a nuclear weapons capability with a breakout time measured in only days.

3. The whole world backs this deal. The negotiations with Iran involved the United States and five other countries—none of Iran’s neighbors were involved. Many countries in the Middle East, including Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other Persian Gulf countries, are deeply concerned about the impact this deal will have on Iran’s ability to fund terrorism and promote instability.

4. With no deal, Iran is free from scrutiny. As a party to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran is forbidden from developing nuclear weapons and must undergo regular IAEA inspections of declared sites. With no deal, Iran is still held to inspections of declared sites and cannot pursue nuclear weapons.

5. With no deal, Iran will sprint to a bomb. If Iran turned on all 19,000 installed centrifuges, breakout time would be about two-to-three months to enrich enough uranium to weapons grade. But first, Iran would have to banish IAEA inspectors and reconfigure its centrifuges to produce highly enriched uranium. Iran knows such a breakout would risk a military strike on its nuclear infrastructure, which would grievously damage a program that took decades and billions of dollars to build.

6. With no deal, sanctions will fall apart. On the first day of the deal’s implementation nearly all financial, investment, and energy sanctions lift. With no deal, the United States continues to impact the behavior of partners, and U.S. statutory sanctions on elements of Iran’s economy continue. Access to the U.S. economy is crucial to most countries and companies, and those that choose to confront the United States on this issue could lose access.

7. “Snapback” will work. The “snapback” mechanism is problematic. It requires up to 65 days to establish and would only apply for major Iranian violations, meaning there are no consequences spelled out for more minor violations. In addition, “snapback” explicitly exempts all international contracts signed before a violation, significantly reducing its impact on Iran.

8. This deal strengthens Iran’s moderates. There is no evidence that this deal will impact Iranian foreign policy, support for terrorism or human rights. Instead, the regime will receive an economic boost of up to $150 billion and renewed oil sales, providing Iran additional resources and legitimacy to pursue its agenda. In fact, the agreement is likely to inspire the regime to expand its extreme behavior as a way to demonstrate its faithfulness to the ethos of the Islamic revolution.

9. This deal extends Iran’s breakout time. Given all that is unknown, such estimates about Iranian nuclear capabilities are speculative at best. According to the administration, Iran’s purported breakout time extends by months, not years. All meaningful restraints on Iran’s nuclear program are removed by year 15, allowing Iran to achieve thereafter a breakout time measured in days.

10. Rejection of a deal is unprecedented. Throughout U.S. history, Congress has rejected agreements negotiated by the executive branch and insisted on substantial changes. Nearly 200 treaties, including 80 multilateral accords, have been modified before they were approved.

1.Why does Jstreet support  Obama's Iran deal?

This anti Israel group was organized by Obama, funded initially by Iran and George soros and covertly works with Islamic terrorist groups.
JStreet ANTI Israel group Funded by iran $ and George Soros

2.Obama says Iran would never use nuclear weapons. LIE.
Will Iran USE NUKS vs USA and Israel?  Yes. It is the key to their theology. They say openly and regularly they plan to destroy USA and Israel. Why would we not believe they'll try? they can also use proxies to do it.

3. Has a Democratic president made a deal with a rogue, terrorist nation before promising it would curb their nuclear program, which turned out to be wrong? 
Clinton in signing the N. Korea agreement: "This is a good deal for the United States... North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program." — President Bill Clinton, Oct. 21, 1994 Another idiot Democratic 

4. Does Iran benefit financially from the deal?
Under President Obama’s Iran deal, sanctions will be repealed and $100 billion to $150 billion will promptly flow into Iran’s coffers. This infusion of cash will allow the mullahs to 1) expand their support for Hezbollah and other terrorist groups around the world, and 2) cement their domestic control over Iran–control that at times has been shaky because of the economic damage inflicted by sanctions.Sanctions will be gone. Snap back will be impossible. $150 billion in money they can use to buy and ship arms. It shatters the painstakingly constructed sanctions regime that forced Iran to the negotiating table. It ushers in new era of global commercial interaction with Iran, reviving the Iranian economy and releasing financial resources that Iran will use to bolster its military forces and terrorist networks.  Israeli's nuclear affairs minister, Yuval Steinitz Those who think that giving Iran $150 billion will have no effect on the Middle East are naïve," said Steinitz. "It's like pouring fuel on the burning Middle East. Even if it actually delayed Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons by ten years (it won’t), because it will preserve the mullahs’ power for the foreseeable future and will enhance their ability to promote terrorism around the world.

5.Were limits lifted on conventional weapon sales to them, including ICBMs? , one week ago Obama’s Secr. Of Defense and Chair of Joint Chiefs stated “UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the ban of arms sales to Iran be lifted”. Guess what it is in the final agreement.

6.Do any of obama's top aids have vested interest in the deal? Is it Kerry’s Iranian son-in-law? Valarie Jarett close ties to Iran, born there etc? Susan rice’s investments in Iran?  

7.Can we trust Iran?
They have never abided by past agreements. Obama says doesn't matter. Islamic law allows them to lie to advance the cause. Taqiyya. They have as much as 24 days notice of any inspections. Verify it? Has the Iranian regime been required to submit to “anywhere, anytime” inspections of any and all facilities suspected of engaging in rogue nuclear-related activity? No. Instead, the deal describes at considerable length a very protracted process of advance warning and “consultation” to resolve concerns. According to the agreement the inspections and the dates will be managed by Iran and they will have 24 days advance notice of inspections. Absurd.  

THEY ARE THE WORST NATION ON EARTH. As Iran chanted death to America and Israel, we negotiated with the with the WORST nation on earth.

2. Even as we negotiate, our own State Dept says Iran global terror undiminished

8. Are there examples of  Obama aiding and abetting Islamic jihad?

9.Obama says he has Israel's back. Do we believe him? NO! Timeline of Obama’s Israel hatred

10.Was the Iranian regime required, as a condition for this deal, to disclose the previous military dimensions of its nuclear program — to come clean on its violations — in order both to ensure effective inspections of all relevant facilities and to shatter the Iranian-dispelled myth that it has never breached its non-proliferation obligations? No. ( Rather than exposing Iran’s violations, the new deal solemnly asserts that the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which Iran has failed to honor “remains the cornerstone” of ongoing efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. 
11 Has the Iranian regime been required to halt all uranium enrichment, including thousands of centrifuges spinning at its main Natanz enrichment facility? No. The deal specifically legitimizes enrichment under certain eroding limitations.

12. Has the Iranian regime been required to shut down and dismantle its Arak heavy water reactor and plutonium production plant? No. It will convert, not dismantle the facility, under a highly complex process. Even if it honors this clause, its commitment to “no additional heavy water reactors or accumulation of heavy water in Iran” will expire after 15 years.

13. Has the Iranian regime been required to shut down and dismantle the underground uranium enrichment facility it built secretly at Fordow? No. (Convert, not dismantle.)
14. Has the Iranian regime been required to halt its ongoing missile development? No. The plan PERMITS resumed arms sales!
15. Has the Iranian regime been required to halt research and development of the faster centrifuges that will enable it to break out to the bomb far more rapidly than is currently the case?
16. Has the international community established procedures setting out how it will respond to different classes of Iranian violations, to ensure that the international community can act with sufficient speed and efficiency to thwart a breakout to the bomb? No.
17. Has the Iranian regime been required to halt its arming, financing and training of the Hezbollah terrorist army in south Lebanon? No. (This kind of non-nuclear issue was not discussed at the negotiations.)
One of the most alarming and catastrophic elements being overlooked in yesterday's give-away deal to the mullahs is that Iran will soon receive $150 billion dollars. With that money they can immediately go after Israel with tens of billions in horrific conventional weapons, missiles, bombers... way before any nuclear bomb is fully functional. Israel will be overwhelmed as never before, and America will be more vulnerable to Iranian plots financed, bizarrely, by Mr. Obama's giveaways. The mullahs can now echo Lenin: "The West will supply us the rope to hang them.
There is no reason for President Obama to give Iran that amount of money, which will be used tomorrow to try to destroy Israel, hire tens of thousands of ISIS, Hamas, and Hezb’allah terrorists, and  finance terrorism against America and other countries. It will put at risk our Navy in the Persian Gulf, with Obama probably ordering some type of American retreat when challenged by the Iranians so as not to jeopardize our "partnership" with them as well as the hopes he has placed in the mullahs and his sympathy for other Iranian goals. This so-called treaty has been a hoax from the beginning, a ruse and cover-up for Mr. Obama's plan to resurrect Iran and financially fortify the mullahs and Iran.
18. Has the Iranian regime been required to surrender for trial the members of its leadership placed on an Interpol watch list for their alleged involvement in the bombing, by a Hezbollah suicide bomber, of the AMIA Jewish community center offices in Buenos Aires in 1994 that resulted in the deaths of 85 people? No. (This kind of non-nuclear issue was not discussed at the negotiations.)
19. Has the Iranian regime undertaken to close its 80 estimated “cultural centers” in South America from which it allegedly fosters terrorist networks? No. (This kind of non-nuclear issue was not discussed at the negotiations.)
20. Has the Iranian leadership agreed to stop inciting hatred among its people against Israel and the United States and to stop its relentless calls for the annihilation of Israel? No. (This kind of non-nuclear issue was not discussed at the negotiations.)

21. Has the Iranian regime agreed to halt executions, currently running at an average of some three a day, the highest rate for 20 years? No. (This kind of non-nuclear issue was not discussed at the negotiations.)
22. Does the nuclear deal further cement Iran’s repressive and ideologically rapacious regime in power? Yes.
23. what lies has Obama told about the deal?
Obama’s many lies about Iran deal
1. He posits Iran can be successful regional power in compliance with our norms of behavior
2. He claims erroneously that 99.9% Muslims want what we want. Truth? Majority support violent jihad
3. Iran can be counted on to abide by agreements. Truth? The never have in past.
4. Inspectors can verify compliance. Truth? Iran says it won’t be allowed.
5. This deal will guarantee Iran won't get bomb. Truth? It does the opposite.
6. My sanctions hampered their efforts. Truth? He fought tough sanctions all along.
7. They have fawta vs use nuclear bomb. Truth? No one can find any evidence of it.
8. Their faith precludes use of nuclear bomb. Truth? That shows a denial of the basis of their beiefs.
Neglects to state
1. His top aids :Kerry (son-in-law) , Valarie Jarett (born there) , Susan Rice (investments) have deep ties to Iran
2. Iran's ongoing spread of terrorism on 5 continents
3. Iran's ongoing talk of destroying Israel and USA
4. Iran's ICBM and submarine programs
5. Obama’s extensive, long enduring Islamic support and fraternizing with terrorists
6. He sent secret envoy before 2008 election promising mullahs they'd like his presidency
7. He scoffed at Israel's demand that Israel's right to exist be prerequisite
Details here

24. what concessions did USA make from its original "red lines"?
Kerry and his team having collapsed on almost every red line they previously laid out — allowing Iran more centrifuges than Pakistan had when it developed its nuclear arsenal; allowing Iran to keep its fortified, underground plant at Fordo; compromising on anytime, anywhere inspections;  US drops demand for snap inspections allowing Iran a plutonium path; and forcing Iran to come clean on its previous work on the military dimensions of a nuclear program.

25. Obama says this will stop nuclear proliferation in the region. It will do just the opposite.It will facilitate a nuclear arms race throughout Middle East.

26. Obama claims Netanyahu has no better answer. LIE!
Netanyahu has a better answer, Obama!

27. Why are Iranians dancing in the streets? Why are they laughing at us?  By FREDERICK KAGAN, Wall Street Journal The nuclear agreement with Iran announced Tuesday is an astoundingly good deal, far surpassing the hopes of anyone . . . in Tehran.

28. Does the deal strengthen this worst nation on earth? YES! Yaakov Amidror, former head of the National Security Council, warned on Tuesday that the agreement between Iran and world powers legitimizes Iran’s military nuclear program and will see the Islamic Republic emerging stronger within 10 to 15 years.

"We will see in 10-15 years that Iran is stronger from every point of view, that it has the power to walk towards the bomb without anyone being able to stop it. The details are important, but much less important than the principle of the matter," Amidror told Arutz Sheva.

The principle of the deal, he continued, “is very bad, because it legitimizes a military nuclear program in the hands of Iran. The price the Iranians paid to get this legitimacy, which was very important to them, is delaying the implementation of the program for 10-15 years.”

29. Bill Kristol: The alternative to the deal. Sanctions remain (& could be strengthened). Iran doesn't get $140b. Sabotage resumes. No war. Force them to their knees.

30. Obama claims this will PREVENT WAR. proponents "argue that the only alternative to this agreement is military conflict," says. "In fact, the reverse is true."

31. why does Hillary like the deal? Does it have anything to do with profit from Hillary's uranium deal Russian ships loaded with US uranium are on the way to Iran. Iran since Russia is Iran’s primary supplier of enriched uranium. Iran’s sole operating nuclear power facility in Bushehr gets the bulk of its nuclear fuel from Russia. Rosatom, the Russian uranium supplier, also struck a deal with Iran late last year to build eight more nuclear reactors, all of which would be fueled exclusively from Rosatom enriched uranium supplies–supplies which may well have been obtained through Rosatom’s 
32. Will Iran become nicer? US & Israeli flags burned in Iran last week! Crowd yells "Death to America! Death to Israel!" Who's in front? President Rouhani
33. Is this deal constitutional? No it is not. "[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.." How is this not a "treaty"? 

34. 4 Americans  remain in Iranian jails

35. Saudis say deal is extremely dangerous Mostly Sunni Saudi Arabia, which has been a harsh critic of the talks with Iran, has been muted in its official reaction, though Reuters quoted an unnamed Saudi diplomat as calling the agreement "extremely dangerous."  
  • "This is a dangerous agreement... [it] provides Iran with what it needs most to pursue its wars and expansionism against the Arabs: funds." — Salah al-Mukhtar, Ammon News.
  • "Iran has tried to intervene in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria and it is seeing that it's not paying any price... There is also a feeling in Tehran that the U.S. is avoiding a military confrontation with the Iranians." — Hassan al-Barari, Al-Sharq.
  • According to Hani al-Jamal, an Egyptian political and regional researcher, the deal means that the international community has accepted Iran as a nuclear power.
Many Arabs have expressed deep concern over the nuclear deal that was reached this week between Iran and the world powers, including the US.
Arab leaders and heads of state were polite enough not to voice public criticism of the agreement when President Barack Obama phoned them to inform them about it. But this has not stopped Arab politicians, political analysts and columnists reflecting government thinking in the Arab world from lashing out at what they describe as "Obama's bad and dangerous deal with Iran."The Arabs, especially those living in the Gulf, see the framework agreement as a sign of US "weakness" and a green light for Iran to pursue its "expansionist" scheme in the Arab world.

"Some Arab countries are opposed to the nuclear deal because it poses a threat to their interests," said the Egyptian daily Al-Wafd in an article entitled, "Politicians: Obama's deal with Iran threatens Arab world."

36. CUFI's talking points
The Historically Bad Iran Deal
On Tuesday morning, the day that over 5,000 CUFI members from all 50 states were headed to Capitol Hill, the President announced that America and the other P5+1 nations reached a nuclear deal with Iran.

Let us be clear- this deal is dangerous for Israel, the United States and the entire world.
Armed with information about this historically bad deal our CUFI members headed to Capitol Hill demanding that their Members of Congress vote against the agreement because it failed to meet even the following most basic requirements:
1. Sanctions Relief. Any sanctions relief should be gradual and phased in only as Iran complies with its obligations under an agreement. Providing Iran with tens of billions of dollars upon signing a piece of paper, would give them a tremendous windfall in exchange for something that is worth next to nothing: their word.
2. Anytime, Anywhere Inspections. Iran lies and cheats. Iran has a long record of hiding its nuclear program from inspectors. Iran has built and hidden entire nuclear facilities. Any deal that does not allow for anywhere, anytime inspections will simply be a license for Iran to continue cheating.
3. Past Nuclear Activity. Iran must reveal all of its previous nuclear and related weaponization work. In the absence of this disclosure, there is no baseline and therefore no possible way for inspectors to ensure Iran is complying with its new obligations.
4. Non-Nuclear Sanctions. Any sanctions relief under this deal should be limited to those sanctions imposed in response to Iran’s nuclear program. Iran has never agreed to end its support for international terror (in fact, in these negations, the Obama Administration never even asked them to do so). There is therefore no reason to end sanctions imposed upon Iran because of its support for terror.
5. Arms Embargo. The arms embargo was imposed because of Iran’s support for international terrorism – it has nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program. The arms embargo must remain in place until Iran stops supporting terror.
6. Term. The deal would enable Iran to become a nuclear power with the full blessing of the international community in as little as ten years. If a nuclear Iran is an unacceptable threat today, then it will continue to be an unacceptable threat a decade from now. An agreement must deny Iran the bomb, not merely postpone the day of reckoning.
Congress will have 60 days to review this deal. Over the next 60 days we will be calling upon you to share with your Members of Congress the dangers of this historically bad deal.
We need your help over the next 60 days help protect Israel and America from a nuclear Iran. When called upon please be ready to email, call and meet with your Members of Congress. We were created for such a time a this. Together we can make a difference for our children and grandchildren.

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