
Thursday, October 29, 2015

My favorite part of the debate is when me Huckabee reminded everyone that the Clinton’s KILL opponents

My favorite part of the debate is when me Huckabee reminded everyone that the Clinton’s KILL opponents (or at least there are 80+ deaths pf acquaintances of the Clintons who crossed them)
It is not enough that Hillary LID about cause Benghazi, ignored 600 requests for more security, sold out her office as Secr of state so her husband could earn more for speeches. Cross her and you might end up dead.

How can any intelligent person respect a Democrat? How ObamaBidenKerryClinton and the Democrats are radically weakening USA and strengthening worldwide Jihadism by weakening the economy, massive Islamic and illegal immigration, fomenting racial unrest, and aiding worldwide Islamic jihad, gutting our military, while not hindering Russia and China’s, including a link to 234 examples of Obama’s promotion of radical Islamic jihad. Expansion
Hilary, if elected in 2016, will continue and exacerbate these disasters.
Hillary is just as dangerous and evil  Hillary Clinton: corrupt, sandal after scandal, radical, pro-Islamic terror, anti Israel,

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