
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

These are some of the HUGE LIES told by the Left, Islamic radicals, Obama, Blacklivesmatter, anti-Semites REFUTED

Telling the Big LIE
Hitler’s propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, said that if you state an outrageous lie long enough, people will believe it. These are some of the HUGE LIES told by the Left, Islamic radicals, Obama, Blacklivesmatter, anti-Semites
1. The Holocaust did not happen/vastly overstated
2. Palestinian people are ancient people and usurper Jews came and stole/occupy their land. Palestinians just want to live in peace, side-by-side Israel.
3. Obama: 99.9% Muslims want what we want
4. There is an epidemic of police purposefully gunning down innocent blacks
5. Jews control the media, banks, etc.
6. The Iran deal will contain Iran’s aggression and nuclear weapons program
7. The Democrats are better for the economy, helping blacks, women etc
8. The Holy Temples described in Old and New Testaments, standing on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, never existed. 
9. Obama has the best interests of the US at heart.
10. Jstreet is a pro Israel group
11. CAIR is legitimate Islamic organization
12. Climate change is real and there is a moral imperative to reduce fossil fuels because of it.
13. The israel's are making up stabbings 

1. Hitler/Nazis killed over 6 million Jews plus millions of others in the 1940s, with the aid of much of Europe’s citizens.
2. Palestine was a name given to Jewish Judea 2000 years ago by Rome. Modern Arab Palestinians are a made up people by the Soviet Union, and used by Arabs as a phony tool to weaken Israel. Jews have lived on the land the bible promised them for 3000 years. Most “Palestinians” have 0 connection to that land. 
Two Israeli prime ministers, Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, offered creative proposals that recognized both Israeli and Palestinian connections to Jerusalem. But Palestinian leaders spurned those ideas – which included sharing the Old City and the Temple Mount – as they rejected comprehensive peace plans in 2000, 2001 and 2008 that could have resolved the conflict. BDS boycott vs Israel effort is code for Israel’s destruction. That is the real goal Israel belongs to the Jews There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not".     Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian, 1946
They want all Jews dead and Israel gone.
3. By Pew poll, most Muslims support violent jihad and forced shariah, including more than 1/3rd US Muslims. 
Muslim support for isis? Answer 81% by Arab poll.…/al-jazeera-poll-suggests...Ki… Jews…/killing-jews-this-i… Raping as policy…/isis-rape-rape-rape…
US Muslims support shariah and jihad
4. The number of police shooting innocent black men is infinitesimally small. The consequences of the blacklivesmatter movement, embraced by Obama, and the riots Obama had financed by George Soros, has led to a direct surge in murder in many US cities…/obama-defends-black-lives-matter-movem……/democrats-purposefu… 1. lie about the facts and make cops the bad guys 2. bring in professional outside agitators and have Soros pay $33 million to pay for riots. 3. Bring agitators to white house to urge them on. 4. make sure al shapton visits obama 150 times.
4. The number of police shooting innocent black men is infinitesimally small. The consequences of the blacklivesmatter movement, embraced by Obama, and the riots Obama had financed by George Soros, has led to a direct surge in murder in many US cities…/obama-defends-black-lives-matter-movem……/democrats-purposefu… 1. lie about the facts and make cops the bad guys 2. bring in professional outside agitators and have Soros pay $33 million to pay for riots. 3. Bring agitators to white house to urge them on. 4. make sure al shapton visits obama 150 times.

5. Classic anti-Semitic stereotypes. The media goes overboard to portray Israel badly. The banking industry discriminated against Jews for decades, not hiring any. the media will always excuse Islamic barbarity…/the-media-will-alwa……/the-jewish-media-the-lie-that-wont-die/
6. The Iran deal is the worst diplomatic deal since the appeasement of Hitler by Chamberlain at Munich. It guarantees Iran nuclear weapons and gives them hundreds of BILLIONS to buy weapons now, enhancing their world’s worst nation sponsor of terrorism. Preparing to destroy Israel with Obama’s help. Iran deal worst catastrophic, genocidal deal by USA ever. Strengthens worst nation on earth. + endangers USA in 6 ways
7. Democrats are weakening our economy and endangering the free world though horrible policies. 50 ways, foreign and domestic, that Obama/Clinton Democrats are ruining the country and world…/50-ways-foreign-and…
8. King David established Jerusalem as capital of Israel in 995 BCE. His son Solomon built the first temple 3000 years ago. Jerusalem is mentioned 700x in the Bible, 0 in the Quran. Many ancient historians write about the Romans destroying the rebuilt Second Temple in 70 CE.

One of main LIES of the time is that Jews never had Temples on the Temple Mount. This was said this week by the Mufti of Jerusalem. Ok so it ignores the 700 x Jerusalem is mentioned i the tanach, the entire history of the death of Jesus as described in the New Testament, the works of the historian Josephus, etc. It is.  part of the LIES of the phony, non historical Palestinian people claiming the land of the Jews. But wait! 
A Boy’s Discovery Rebuts Temple Mount Revisionism
by Jerold Auerbach
October 25, 2015

A 10-year-old Russian boy, Matvei Tcepliaev, recently made an extraordinary discovery in Jerusalem. Working as a volunteer in the Temple Mount Sifting Project, he found a 3,000-year-old seal—engraved limestone about the size of a thimble, with a hole at one end so it could be hung from a string—from the time of King David. The artifact was nestled in the hundreds of tons of earth and rock that had been illegally excavated from below the Temple Mount in the late 1990s by the Muslim Waqf, a trust that retains authority over the contested site. The Temple Mount is sacred ground for Jews, Muslims and Christians, but Jewish historical claims are denied by many is ironic that the Muslim excavation, undertaken to build an underground mosque, ultimately confirmed Jews’ historical claims
9. Obama is a jihadist, as evidenced by these 234 policies he’s pursued. :…/180-examples-that-o…
Obama flooding nation with Muslim terrorists but REFUSES to allow in Christians fleeing for their lives
10. Jstreet, funded by Iranian money and Geoge Soros, was started for the sole purpose of splitting the American Jews support for Israel to help Obama weaken israel.…/anyone-in-congress-……/jstreet-happy-to-do…

Disgustingly they take the liars side
11. Hamas based Cair…/islamic-terror-grou…

12. Climate change influenced by human use is dubious science at best, and forcing the world to reduce fossil fuels because of it, is immoral. It will keep hundreds of millions in abject poverty while enriching billionaire Al Gore.
13. The liars have no conscience.

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