
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How Obama is destroying the USA on purpose. 54 illustrations

             The real State of the Union under the Obama/Democratic catastrophe
How Obama has severely weakened USA, enhanced our enemies and endangered the free world.
Once you accept Obama is on the enemy’s side, and Hillary is just as radical, everything he does makes perfect sense 
Obama/Hillary/Democrats are destroying the nation and the world.
On Obama’s watch: Mr. Obama also claimed foreign-policy success, but with little connection to reality anywhere in the world. (WSJournal 1/13/16
1. His failure to intervene left Syria to become what former CIA Director David Petraeus calls “a geopolitical Chernobyl,” spreading chaos throughout the Middle East. It nurtured Islamic State, which has swamped Europe with refugees and is inspiring jihadists in the U.S. On Obama’s watch: The disintegration, growth of terrorism and massive deaths in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen. Taliban control most territory in Afghanistan since 2001. Rise of Isis by creating vacuum in Iraq. Al Quida growing in power. Just pretend fighting vs Isis.
2. Obama calls Isis JV, contained even as they grow to 20 countries and top intelligence say we have never seen anything like this
3. The most serious long-term threat has been the rise of authoritarian powers on Mr. Obama’s watch: Iran, Russia, China. Iran gets $150 billion to finance terror, while they test ICBMs and show off underground missiles. Obama praises them even though they are world’s greatest terrorist nation.
4. Russians return as power brokers in Middle East.
5. China expanding. 
6. All our allies feeling betrayed. 
7. This twisted man sees the enemies are Tea party, Fox News, republicans and embraces Iran, Cuba, Chavez etc
8. No control on our southern border. Massive influx illegal immigrants, including terrorists
9. Worst refugee crisis of our time, started because Syria disintegrated while Obama did nothing. 
10. Homegrown terror in USA. 
11. Mass shootings up 10x. 
12. Murder rates spike in many cities as police are cowed by “Blacklivesmatter” groups. 
13. Record poverty. 
14. Doubling all previous DEBT. 
15. Massive spike in food stamps. 
16. Releases 10s of thousands of illegal alien felons from jail instead of deporting them, over 100 murderers after they were released. 
17. More businesses fail than start. 
18. Record poor recovery from recession. 
19. Massive spike in those who quit looking for jobs. 
20. Middle class loses wealth. 
For eight years, Barack Obama has imposed failing economic policies on the country, even as he has brilliantly exploited the results for political gain. Democrats produced stagnating wages, rising prices, economic insecurity and failed antipoverty programs—and then somehow blamed the resulting inequality and fear and destitution on conservatives.
21. Massive spike in business killing regulations. 
22. Obamacare costs triple. 
23. 50% college grads cannot get full time jobs. 
24. Most new jobs are part time or low paying.
25. Military gutted, smallest Navy and Air Force since WW2 in a very dangerous world.
26. Economic mobility collapses. Gap widens under Democrats favoring the rich.
27. IRS, EPA, Justice Department all used for political harassment of Obama foes. 
28. Obama handcuffs FBI in investigating Islamic terror. 
29. Uses executive actions to subvert Congress and the Constitution. 
30. Releases top terrorists at gitmo out in world to go back to terror vs USA.
31. Standard of Living declined more steeply since government starting keeping records
32. Home ownership at lowest level
33. Foreclosures worse than any time in America
34. Race relations lowest level in 20 years. It is on purpose
35. Faith in government all time low
36. Betrayed Israel at every chance
37. Wants to import 100,000 syrian “rapefugees” despite them being unvettable (according to FBI, 80% being male and 20% admit Isis allegiance
38. Obsessed with gun control even though his home city has toughest gun control laws and record gang shootings
39. He causes huge uncivility by continuing to disparage opponents. “More than any recent President, he has turned the bully pulpit into a battering ram to smash his opponents. He denounced the Supreme Court in the 2010 State of the Union. He all but called Paul Ryan’s 2011 budget un-American. He played the race card to win re-election in 2012. He doesn’t argue with Republicans; he demeans them” WSJ 1/13/16
40. Treason at Benghazi gun running
41. Fast and Furious scandal giving guns to Mexican drug lords to spike murders here to increase calls for gun control. US border cop killed by those guns
42. Growth rate of economy paltry 2% annually under Obama. Historic average 3% WSJournal 1/14/16
43. Gitmo detainee, who said he would kill Americans if he was released, has just been freed...
44. US more divided than ever since the 60s.
45. Does nothing as world’s oldest Christian communities are wiped out by Muslim barbarians.
46. First time big drop in international ranking of economic freedom.
47. Total failure to fix VA scandalous treatment of our veterans
48. Total failure to enforce gun control laws we have and thren unconstitutionally overreach with new executive actions
49. Exacerbates racial tension, leading to police being vilified, with resultant hike in murders in cities
51. How many people has Obama had murdered?
52. Dumping extremely dangerous Islamic terrorists we had in custody at Gitmo
53. Destroying private coal industry and now stopped all Federal coal leases. Roughly 40 percent of the coal produced in the United States comes from federal lands.
54. Obama wants to weaken USA through massive criminal and Islamic immigration
Obama is not an idiot, or delusional. He is a principled radical leftist +Islamic jihadist with totalitarian 
desires. A triple lethal combination. Hillary is just as bad.

Obama’s catastrophic, worst-ever Presidency. Sources: 
Obama worst, most dangerous president in US History: scandals, lies, impeachable offenses, stupidity 
see all 288 of my examples of obama’s jihadist activities

        Obama is not an idiot, or delusional. He is a principled radical leftist +Islamic jihadist with totalitarian desires. A triple lethal combination. Hillary is just as bad.
Obama’s catastrophic, worst-ever Presidency. Sources:
Everything he says is a lie to advance his jihadist and radical leftist agenda.
see all 288 of my examples of obama’s jihadist activities
      Everything he says is a lie to advance his jihadist and radical leftist agenda.
see all 288 of my examples of obama’s jihadist activities



  1. This man speaks the truth! The evil exuded by Obama is palpable! Be aware! Don't let him pull the wool over your eyes with his endless lies!

    1. He's not only 100% correct, just by the year 2010, I had collected 164 acts of malfeasance against Obama. He is a tyrant with a "personality disorder" fed by his Mother who had him raised in Islam in Indonesia even though the mainstream media would like to believe it was Catholic-Obama has never mentioned he was a Catholic! Stanley Ann Dunham abandoned him and left her Father and Mother who were Communists, to raise this Islamized boy, plus remember his Kenyan radical Islamic Father who abandoned him too, who hated Imperialists like those in Europe and in America and is also dead, and the Reverend Wright who was Muslim turned Christian and who accepted Muslims into his "church" of Black hatred against Whites and Jews of which Obama and his "wife" said they didn't pay attention to for 20 years. Yes, and (America was founded by some Imam too-right : x !!!) Everything Obama has ever said was an outright lie except for his predictions of "CHANGING" THIS COUNTRY. Oh yes, this he has done and has brought America so far down and into trouble that it will take many years to recuperate IF it even can, now that this monster has given 150 billion dollars of our money to terrorist Islamist Iran!

    2. He's not only 100% correct, just by the year 2010, I had collected 164 acts of malfeasance against Obama. He is a tyrant with a "personality disorder" fed by his Mother who had him raised in Islam in Indonesia even though the mainstream media would like to believe it was Catholic-Obama has never mentioned he was a Catholic! Stanley Ann Dunham abandoned him and left her Father and Mother who were Communists, to raise this Islamized boy, plus remember his Kenyan radical Islamic Father who abandoned him too, who hated Imperialists like those in Europe and in America and is also dead, and the Reverend Wright who was Muslim turned Christian and who accepted Muslims into his "church" of Black hatred against Whites and Jews of which Obama and his "wife" said they didn't pay attention to for 20 years. Yes, and (America was founded by some Imam too-right : x !!!) Everything Obama has ever said was an outright lie except for his predictions of "CHANGING" THIS COUNTRY. Oh yes, this he has done and has brought America so far down and into trouble that it will take many years to recuperate IF it even can, now that this monster has given 150 billion dollars of our money to terrorist Islamist Iran!
