
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Why the obsession Dems have with gun control?

Why the obsession Dems have with gun control?

John Hinderocker: "two explanations for the Democrats’ gun obsession. The first is that they perceive a danger of losing their base, and therefore are pushing an issue that their base believes in, even though it alienates most voters in the middle. If that’s right, it is a sign of desperation. The second is that their agenda is so exhausted that they literally can’t think of anything better to talk about. I think that might be it: what are Obama and Clinton going to give speeches about to fire up the troops, Obamacare? Immigration? The Iran deal? Unpopular as it is, gun control may be as good as they’ve got."  
   They've destroyed everything else. Why are Democrats obsessed with gun control and climate change? Because even their base knows they are bankrupt intellectually and all they do is ruin USA, so they need to shore up their radical base with this nonsense.
Obama/Hillary/Democrats are destroying the nation and the world
Once you accept Obama is on the enemy’s side, and Hillary is just as radical, everything he does makes perfect sense
Obama/Hillary/Democrats are destroying the nation and the world.
On Obama’s watch: the disintegration, growth of terrorism and massive deaths in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen. Iran gets $150 billion to finance terror, while they test ICBMs and show off underground missiles. Russians return as power brokers in Middle East. Taliban control most territory in Afghanistan since 2001. China expanding. All our allies feeling betrayed. No control on our southern border. Rise of Isis. Al Quida growing in power. Worst refugee crisis of our time. Homegrown terror in USA. Mass shootings up 10x. Murder rates spike in many cities as police are cowed by “Blacklivesmatter” groups. Record poverty. Doubling all previous DEBT. Massive spike in food stamps. Releases 10s of thousands of illegal alien felons from jail instead of deporting them, over 100 murderers after they were released. More businesses fail than start. Record poor recovery from recession. Massive spike in those who quit looking for jobs. Middle class loses wealth. Massive spike in business killing regulations. Obamacare costs triple. 50% college grads cannot get full time jobs. Most new jobs are part time or low paying. Military gutted, smallest since WW2 in a very dangerous world. Economic mobility collapses. IRS, EPA, Justice Department all used for political harassment of Obama foes. Obama handcuffs FBI in investigating Islamic terror. Uses executive actions to subvert Congress and the Constitution. Releases top terrorists at gitmo out in world to go back to terror vs USA.
Obama is not an idiot, or delusional. He is a principled radical leftist +Islamic jihadist with totalitarian desires. A triple lethal combination. Hillary is just as bad.
Obama’s catastrophic, worst-ever Presidency.

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