
Thursday, May 19, 2016

#1 issue for voters is economy. Obama wrecked it. Trump will get us roaring again.

#1 issue for voters is economy. Obama wrecked it. Trump will get us roaring again.
1.       Obamanomics wrecked the US economy. Record poverty, record poor recovery from recession, first POTUS ever to never surpass % growth, doubled all previous debt, middle class losses, record business strangling regulations, more businesses fail than start. Obama worst, most destructive President ever.

2.    Bill Clinton said in 2012 that Obama did better than Bill could have in fixing the economy “No president -- not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have repaired all the damage that he found in just four years," Clinton said. "But he has laid the foundation for a new, modern successful economy." 

3.       Biggest Democratic lie is blaming Bush for 2007 recession. Democrats caused it.
4.  Bill economy in 90s only good because a. inherited roaring economy from Reagan b. Newt Gingrich, republic Speaker forced Bill to adopt conservative ideas.
5. Now Hillary wants to double down on Obama’s horrible economy and says Bill will be in charge.
Bernie will give us socialist Venezuala where they are starving, eating their pets.
6.       Trump will slash corporate taxes, cut Obama regulations, get rid of Obamacare. He knows how to make money.

7.       Top 17 reasons show Hillary to be most corrupt, dangerous criminal, treasonous person ever to run for president

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