
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Every important decision Hillary has ever made has been a disaster, corrupt, dangerous, lying, and points to psychosis.

Every important decision Hillary has ever made has been a disaster, corrupt, dangerous, lying, and points to psychosis.

1. As First Lady, led campaign of abuse of women her husband raped and abused

2. As Secre. Of State, took hundreds of $MILLIONS in BRIBES from Islamic jihadi nations for her criminal phony foundation from nations with business before USA. TREASON. That is why Islamic terrorists want her to win.

.3. As Secr. Of State, she IGNORED 600 requests for more security at Benghazi, let 4 Americans die, and then LIED to families and USA about the cause, to cover for Obama

4. As Secre. Of State, she allowed our adversaries and enemies to hack our top top secrets from her illegal private server. TREASON.

5. Do you know anyone else who have had 90+ acquaintances who posed a threat to you or your spouse DIE under mysterious circumstances?

6. She is most corrupt person ever to run for Potus

7. Pathological liar

8. The only non-government job she ever had she got a rapist off as a defense attorney and laughed about it.

9. His first government job as staff for Watergate committee she got FIRED for unethical behavior.

10. As Secr of State, she laid groundwork for catestrophic, Iran deal

11. Russian rest button to Russia president gave Russia green light to expand wildly

12. Her top aid, Huma, is from Muslim brotherhood terrorist family

13. Says we should fight isis with love and kindness. As Secr. Of state, architect of policies that birthed ISIS

15. Justified Hams terrorists shooting 10,000 missiles at Israel from schools and hospitals saying the space there is small

16. Wants to import 100,000 unvettable Syrian RAPEFUGEES

17. Wants to destroy the coal and fracking industry, wiping out tens of thousands of jobs and making us more dependent on Arab oil

18. Even though surrounded by armed guards, hypocritically wants to confiscate all guns, leaving vulnerable women defenseless against criminals

19. She’s doubling down on worst ever presidency of Obama policies, who gave us record POVERTY, Doubling all previous DEBT, first ever Potus with no growth above 3%, record # uit looking for jobs

20. Biggest flip flopper ever. Will say anything to get elected.

VS Trump’s solid and excellent ideas and record of billionaire business success

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