
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hillary says Trump not qualified to be POTUS? From the corrupt, heartless liar who...

Hillary says Trump not qualified to be POTUS?
From the corrupt, heartless liar who...
-says fight Isis with love and kindness
-said Benghazi was not an organized Alquida raid but spontaneous response from a video
-wants to confiscate all guns from law abiding people. Leaving them only with criminals
-was worst Secr.of State ever. Islamic terror, china, Russia, North Korea all expand. Iran deal plotted. Syria, ira, Yeme, Libya all disintegrate to terrorist states.
-emails show clearly is Israel hater
-allowed our enemies to hack our top secrets from her illegal server
-used her phony criminal Foundation to take $2 BILLION in BRIBES , mostly from world’s worst terrorist nations
- On her watch, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Libya fell apart to terrorists
-Tried to justify Hamas sending 10,000 misiles at Israel from schools and hospitals by suggesting gaza is “small”
-pathological liar
-such a foul temper that her Secret service detail despises her
-mentored by radical Saul Aloinsky "Rules for Radicals"
-90 associates died under mysterious circumstances after posing threat to her
-led campaign to abuse women Bill raped and abused

Most corrupt, evil, dangerous, incompetent, lying, psychopath ever to run for president.

What will a Hillary presidency look like? if this is the America you want, vote for the most corrupt candidate ever.

Besides being the most corrupt, lying, dangerous person ever to run for president,,

Hillary's top aid for decades, Huma, is from Muslim brotherhood family.

Now she wants to bring in huge # of unvettable Syrian rapefugees, 80% of whom are military age men, sent by isis to conquest.

She wants open borders to terrorists can sneak in.

She eschews waterboarding which was done on 3 people and directly led to Bin Laden capture. Hypocrites Obama and Hillary claim Bin laden success

She justified terrorist hamas shooting 10,000 missiles at Israel from schools and hospitals by suggesting they had no other space to shoot them from

She claimed in her book Israel is illegally occupying territory

When Israel built some apartments in Jerusalem, as Secr. of state, she called BIBI and screamed at him for an hour.

Long anti-Israel history

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