
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Obama can make all the jokes he wants at annual WH Correspondents Dinner, and his Kool-Aid drinking lackeys will drink it up, but we know the truth.

Obama can make all the jokes he wants at annual WH Correspondents Dinner, and his Kool-Aid drinking lackeys will drink it up, but we know the truth. Obama presidency WORST ever: Democratic policies are EVIL. Obama‘s goal was to WEAKEN and DEGRADE USA and he succeeded. Hillary wants to double down on this disaster.
1.    Economy/Domestic
a.    Democrats CAUSED 2007 deep recession, not Bush.
b.    Obamanomics have been a disaster. NEVER BEFORE in US history have we had annual growth below 333% 8 years in a row, until Obama. Anemic recovery. Poor growth. More businesses failing. Huge new business killing regulations. Double all previous debt. record # quit looking for jobs, job killing Obamacare
And going in wrong direction “that marked the economies worst performance in 2 years” . Used IRS and EPA to abuse political opponents.  May 2016"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy added the fewest number of jobs in seven months in April and Americans dropped out of the labor force in droves, signs of weakness " 
c. Radically anti-American; Uses Soros to finance riots, relentless assault on police leading to massive surge in crime and murders. About to pardon thousands of violent drug lords.

2.    Democratic polices hurt poor, minorities. Record poverty. massive new racial tensions.
3.    Disastrous foreign policy: Senator Lieberman: the world never seemed this dangerous and leaderless.” Cozied up and appeased to world’s worst. Our military has been gutted. (Smallest army, Air Force, Navy for over 70 years.) Appeasement of terrorist Iran, (let them have nuclear weapons, long range ballistic missiles, hundreds of billions to finance terror)  Isis created and flourishing, 85 active Islamic terror groups, Middle East disintegration: terrorist now control Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq. China expanding to shut is out South China Sea. Russia expanded into Middle East first time in 70 years. Did everything he could to weaken and isolate Israel while aiding radical Islamic jihad.North Korea keeps threatening. All our allies alienated. Why? ,Obama  is a jhadist and a radical leftist who wants America weakened. Belives America is the main problem in the world.
4.    Hillary: 
a.    most corrupt, lying (about Benghazi, being under sniper fire, emails), treasonous (top secret emails hacked by our enemies)  candidate, dangerous candidate ever, another Saul Alinsky mentored radical,  wants to double down on Obama’s record. Led campaign to abuse women her husband abused
Tax Foundation says her plan DECREASES economic output, cost 300,000 jobs and drop wages.
b.    She is as pro-Islamic jihad as Obama
Hillary Clinton 10 reasons why Islamic terrorists want Hillary to be president

Says we should fight Islamic terror with more “love and Kindness”

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