
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Don’t nevertrumpers understand if Trump loses the GOP will NEVER AGAIN elect a President.

Don’t nevertrumpers understand if Trump loses the GOP will NEVER AGAIN elect a President. Hillary will flood the USA with so many illegals who will get the right to vote before 2020 that that will forever close out GOP from Presidency. Many that is what these nevetrumpers want, to keep their cushy positions while watching the USA atrophy.
It is either Benghazi Hillary or billionaire success trump. 2 real choices only.
If you plan to vote for Hillary, it shows you DON”T CARE ABOUT: the poor, blacks, women, Israel, terrorism, fascism of the left, jobs, our military being gutted, veterans, treason of top secrets being hacked from private server by our enemies, taking bribes for phony charitable foundation from enemies while Secr. Of State, corruption, lying, right of free speech, right to bear arms, religious freedom, right to assemble peacefully, the Benghazi dead, IRS abuse, economic growth, income inequality, illegal immigrant murders, voter fraud, hiring paid rioters, cop killing advocates, no borders at all, rising murder rates, allies betrayed, China and Russia and North Korea expanding, 150 FBI agents investigating her for possible treason, repealing Obamacare and Iran deal disasters, etc...
Video version
Blog version
SHE IS INSANE. Secret Service guy who knew Hillary 8 years in White house book says she’s INSANE
TREASONOUS HILLARY: Debased, corrupt, evil, lying, incompetent, radical, pro jihad, Hillary STORY
Why Trump could be a great President. Obama is the worst. Hillary dangerous
Can't call yourself PRO ISRAEL and vote for HILLARY. She is viciously anti-Israel

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