
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

VIDEO If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT: poor, women, terrorism, jo...

If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT:
1.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT: The poor.  8 years of Democrats gave us Record poverty. Income gap widens sharply
2.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT: people having good jobs. Record poor recovery from recession now. Record # quit looking for jobs. More businesses fail than start. First ever to never each 3% annual growth in 8 years
3.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT: people owning homes. Record poor housing starts
4.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT: our top top secrets being hacked by our adversaries and enemies because our top State official kept a private server in her bathroom closet
5.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT Blacks. Record black unemployment. Rising racial tension. Massive increase in blacks murdering blacks.
6.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT your grandchildren’s debt. Obama Doubles all PREVIOUIS DEBT of 43 presidents by himself
7.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT world terrorism. Isis created, Alquida expands under Obama. Iran gets $50 billion and spreads terror massively. He tried, without success, to support terrorist Muslim Brotherhood to run Egypt
8.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT women. Hillary led abuse campaign vs women Bill raped and abused. She pays women way less in their foundation.
9.       If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT free speech and assembly. Paying professional rioters to physically assault trump attendees at rallies.
10.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT the right to bear arms. One more SCOTUS vote will upend Heller, and Hillary has pledged gun confiscation.
11.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT US being energy independent. Hullary pledges to close down coal mines and end fracking.
12.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT the budget. Obamacare costs 3x what he said
13.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT whether our officials lie to pass things. Admitted lied to pass Obamacare. Admitted lied to pass Iran deal
14.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT middle class budgets. Massive increase in health care premiums
15.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT Israel.
16.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT the safety of the world. Military gutted
China expands massively. Russia in Middle East first time in 70 years. Syria, Iraq, yemen, Libya all disintegrate
17.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT using IRS to harass Americans based on politics.  Used IRS to harass political opponents
18.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT racial tension.Inspired chaos and racial tension rise considerably
19.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT scandals by officials. Record # scandals. Wasted a trillion on phony shovel ready jobs program that was slush fund to pay unions, Fast and furious guns given to Mexican drug lords to increase murder rate to scare americans resulted in death of border agent, Chrony capitalism money for friends failing energy companies like solyndra, $100 million at least spent of vacations
20.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT the medical care of our veterans.VA horrible medical care of vets not improved
21.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT abuse of executive orders by POTUS. Supreme Court slapped him down several times on Executive overreach
22.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT our safety, Allowed massive influx Muslims, 51% of whom support shariah, 25% support jihad.
23.   Hypocritically takes credit for Bin laden death when he OPPOSED all means used to capture Bib laden

24.   If you vote Democratic, you DON”T CARE ABOUT: massive influx of illegal aliens, some who commit violent crimes and are not deported.

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