
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Why would a black person vote for Hillary? The Democrats policies HURT Blacks purposefully,

Why would a black person vote for Hillary? The Democrats policies HURT Blacks purposefully, while lying about Republicans. The Democrats will keep on trying to keep Blacks in chains of poverty, family dissolution, drug addiction, despair, just to win elections.
1. The slave owners were Democrats. The segregationists were Southern Democrats.…/democratic-party-racist-his…
A Republican president freed the slaves (Lincoln). The KKK were Democrats…/the-democratic-party-and-the…/
2. The inner cities are run by Democrats for decades and are disasters for blacks.
Under Obama, we have record poverty and Hillary says we are doing great and makes fun of the pro-growth policies of republicans “rising tide lifts all boats” We have record poverty and dependency after 7 years of Obama.…/more-children-living-po…/30415391/ even though Democrats created HUNDREDS of programs and spent $22 TRILLION over 50 years. Why? These programs incentivize long term dependency
3. 2/3rds of blacks understand “Blacklivesmatter” misses the main point of huge black on black murders, and the police are needed to protect poor neighborhoods. There has been a massive increase in dead black men. Not caused by police. By other black men. Why? Obama.…/in-our-cities-murde…
Obama causing huge amount of black deaths How Obama's efforts to exacerbate racial tension is leading to massive increase in black deaths…/how-obamas-efforts-…
Getting them killed through efforts to lie about police leading to massive spike in black on black crime Racial tension has skyrocketed under Obama and it has been n purpose by him War on blacks…/obamas-war-on-black… 
4. Obama is not criticized because he is black.…/obama-not-criticize…
5. Obama war on blacks Record black unemployment/blacks suffer under Obama…/obama-blacks…/2014/01/08/id/545866/…/obamas-tragic-legacy-for-black-america…
6.Hillary is embracing Obama’s worst ever presidency and wants to double down on it.…/by-every-measure-am…
6. Hillary is the most corrupt, diabolical, lying, dangerous person to ever run for President.…/hillary-supporters-…
pathological liar, took millions from worst terrorist nations, $6 billion missing from State dept, allowed our top secret info to be hacked by our enemies from her email server, 80 Clinton acquaintances died under mysterious circumstances, Russian reset, gave our uranium to Russia, terrorism exploded and our enemies flourished under her tenure. 10 reasons why Islamic terrorists want her to win…/why-islamic-terrori…

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