
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How about 40 reasons to oppose Hillary?

Hillary: Incompetent, horrible foreign, economic and domestic policy ideas plus a monster as a person

She doubles down on policies of worst president ever.
Obama "legacy" demolished in 3 minutes. He will go down as worst president in 100 years. Hillary will be worse. and she will be even worse

1.       No one could have been a more INCOMPETENT Secretary of state if they tried

a.       Isis born under her watch and now we learn she SOLD weapons to them

b.       Benghazi happened. She IGNORED 600 requests for more security before it. Lied about the cause of it to protect Obama to the faces of the dead’s families and all of us.

c.       Gave 20% of our URANIUM to the Russians who gave it to iran through her illegal pay-to-play scheme with the Clinton Foundation

d.       Took $100,000,000 from world’s worst nations as bribes through Clinton Foundation. What do they expect from her now?

e.       Catastrophic Iran deal hatched.

f.    Isis spreads to 30 nations, as Aluida spreads too.

g.       Yemen, Libya, Ira, Syria, Lebanon deteriorate, all come under orbit of Iran.

h.       Wikileak emails of hers show deep hatred of Israel from her top aids

i.       All our adversaries advanced. Russia into Crimea, Middle East and huge navy push into Atlantic, china in South China sea, N. Korea keeps testing nuks, Iran humiliates us regularly in Persian Gulf.


2.       Disastrous economic policy

a.       Doubles down on Obama’s worst ever presidency. Record poverty. Record poor economic growth over 8 years. First time never reaching 3%. Record low labor participation rate. Most new jobs part time and low wages. Obamacare costing us x what Obama said and indivudla premiums skyrocketing. Home ownership drops. Wages stagnant. Record new business killing regulations and highest corporate tax rates in world. Waste  TRILLION on stimulus that produced no growth or jobs. They try and fool us by claiming Obama reduced defecit. He reduced his ANNUAL deficit from . trillion a year to still record $500 billion but he doubled accumulated DEBT. Do you get the difference between anuual deficit and accumulated debt? Anemic pitiful economic growth
revised upward 1.3 to 1.4%. pathetic. India 6.7% Israel 4%.

b.       Her claim that Obama had to dig us out of republican made mess is the opposite. Democrats caused the disaster of 2007/8.

Hillary's response to Trump's economic plan that it's "trickle down economics" shows the total economic illiteracy of Democrats. They have no clue how to grow the economy. Wall Street Journal "With chutzpah one has to admire, the party that in two terms weakened, if not wrecked, the economy, now presents itself as its savior."

     Obama has worst ever record of anemic growth over 8 years. Last quarter was 1.2% annualized. China at 7%. All Dems want to do us redistribute ever shrinking pie instead of growing it. Her plan of high taxes, more regulations, more government confiscation of privately earned growth keeps growth abysmal. Result of Obamanomics is record poverty, doubling all previous federal debt, middle class shrinking. It will be a disaster if we elect lying, corrupt Hillary. As Trump said "all Hillary has to offer is more regulations, more taxes, more bureaucrats, more restrictions on energy production and American production." 

     Why would any intelligent person believe Hillary can do anything positive for the economy when Hillary will double down on Obamanomics disaster? Democrats: have no clue how to GROW economy. They do the OPPOSITE. They kill growth

     Mark Levin compares US economy under Democrats to a great racehorse being held back from running. They hobble the thoroughbred with regulations, high taxes, sucking too many nutrients (money) out of the horse for the horse to use properly to energize it.

3.       Disastrous domestic policies

a.       Supports OPEN BORDERS

b.       Supports Blacklivesmatter, which has led to huge rise in murder rates, rise in killing of cops and is based on a lie.

c.       Supports no limits for abortion, so even ok to kill babies against limits set by Roe V Wade

d.       Lies about not wanting to confiscate guns. Her Supreme Court will overturn Webber case.

e.       She told us the justices she wants to appoint: essentially social workers with law degrees. SUPREME COURT: do you understand what a Hillary Supreme court will do to our rights? They will be gone. free speech, guns, freedom assembly, religious freedom, all gone forever

f.        ENDANGERS US Wikileaks shows she KNOWS we cannot vet the refugees.

g.       Tell me again what the Democrats have done for the inner cities? 8 years Obama=RECORD POVERTY, massive rise in murder rate. 6 generations welfare dependency. 80% illegitimate births. 50% unemployment among black young men.

h.       OBAMACARE falling apart and she will make medical care WORSE, and sold on LIES and she wants to “fix it” Her real goal is SOCIALIZED medicine. In other words, expand FAILED VA medical care to all of us. We already
have single payer medical care for Veterans. Called the VA. How is that working out? Obamacare always designed to fail so leftists could impose one payer system, destroying privatized medical care. That is what hillary will do. VA care for all of us. Obamacare collapses, (no same doctors, no same plan, skyrocketing premiums and deductibles, major insurers dropping out, costing USA trillions,) just now CNN invites Obamacare architect MIT Jonathan Gruber to defend it. This is the same guy who was caught admitting they sold the Obamacare to us, knowing it was all ridiculous, because they thought us stupid.

i.       36. Riots occurring financed George Soros, her #3 top donor.

j.       Want to pervert religions that do not agree with liberal views. WIKILEAKS shows her team hates Catholics and Evangelicals. . Even more outrageous is the email from Sandy Newman, identified
as the president of “Voices for Progress,” that demands Roman Catholics give up their beliefs and just become liberal Democrats. John has already noted their disdain for “Thomism” in the following post, but this one is even worse:
There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could happen. . . Even if the idea isn’t crazy, I don’t qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about how one would “plant the seeds of the revolution,” or who would plant them. Just wondering . . .
Podesta offers this chilling response: “We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this.”

There you have it folks, today’s Democratic Party and their respect for “diversity.” Here they admit a deliberate intent to interfere with a private religious institution because it doesn’t conform to the dictates of liberal identity politics.

k. Gutted our military. Let our nuks atrophy. Fired thousands of military commanders who disagreed with their inept policy.

4.       She is a monster She’s WAY WORSE than nasty. MONSTER Hillary: She is a DESPICABLE, tyrannical, psychotic, leftist radical person. There is no other way to describe her. A lifetime of corruption, bribe taker and giver, lies, scandals and incompetency and her supporters DO NOT CARE. Her POLICIES will exacerbate the nightmare of the Obama years.

NEWEST wiklieaks shows she authorized paying people to incite violence at Trump rallies, to commit voter fraud

1. Lifetime of Scandals. She gets away with murder. Different set of rules for her vs everyone else. She uses hammer to destroy subpoenaed phones,
bleach bit to destroy subpoenaed emails. Her husbands threatened head of Justice dept. on private plane day before FBI director lets her off hook and he has close ties to their foundation. FBI agent in charge's wife gets $675000 campaign donation from Clinton surrogate to throw case.

2. STOLE Hundreds of millions meant for Haitain relief relief.…/report-clinton-foundatio…/

3. BRIBERY Hundreds of millions in bribes from Islamic terror nations and Wall street. Wickleaks reveals Bill gets $ million bribe for his birthday from QATAR. What does Hillary owe them now?

4. LIE after lie after lie. Her supporters do not care. Lies about being under sniper fire. Lies about
cause of Benghazi. Lies for years about her emails. lied about her health. She cannot tell the truth about anything.

5. Corrupted State dept. in pay-to-play scheme giving favors to huge donors. corrupted FBI

6. took RACIST. KKK $ . KKK $ and endorsements.…/…
7. ANTI_SEMITE. Loves saying “fin jew bastar Loves saying “fin jew bastar…”…/


9. #3 top supporter Nazi lover George Soros. Her supporters do not care.

10. Closest Secret Service agent 8 years writes book detailing her INSANITY…/ex-secret_service_agent_…

11. Laughed about getting child rapist off.

Hillary is a MURDERER. Media and despicable Democrats do no care. MURDERER.

b. Dozens of close associates are dead under mysterious circumstances. 85 dead closed acquaintances and supporters who were willing to tell the truth found dead. Her supporters do not care.
c. SCALIA? Podesta spoke about assassinations days before Scalia was found dead.
e. Hillary has anger problems out of control, according to the Secret Service. Closest Secret Service agent 8 years writes book detailing her INSANITY
f. Strange John Kennedy Junior dies flying his plane. His death was only way she had opening to senate state in state she had never lived in, Mysterious.
Media is so in her pocket that she literally gets away with
If you vote Hillary, you might be literally signing your death warrant by droning.

15. Obama in 2008 “she will say and do anything to get elected. Hillary can’t be trusted and isn’t qualified to be president.” Her supporters do not care.

16 .EMAILS Lies and lies about private unsecured server, then bleach bits emails under subpoena, and destroys phones, obstructing justice.

17. Claims can’t remember classification lectures, lies about classified material on her illegal private server stored in a bathroom, and jeopardizes all our nation’s top secrets.

18. CORRUPTED FEDERAL AGENCIES Obama and Clintons have corrupted IRS, EPA, Justice dept., ) State dept., Homeland Security. Even FBI!!

19. TOP AID TERRORIST For 20 years, HUMA .

20. Mentored by radical saul Alinsky "Rules for radicals" Her supporters do not care.

22. Hillary considers half of Trump's supporters irredeemable deplorable, and now wilileaks exposes her contempt for religious Catholics, Israel, Southerners, Hispanics and she takes KKK money

23. Wikileaks shows mainstream media totally aligned with Clinton. Her presidency will destroy checks and balances the nation needs.

24. Wikilieaks proves it was Hillary campaign that started obama birther and obama Muslim to derail him in 2008.

39. Abuses women:

We now know the Clintons have an open marriage but Mrs. Clinton threatening, smearing and targeting women her husband has sexually assaulted. Some of the women Bill raped said that Hillary grabbed them and threatened them.

Bill impeached, disbarred, rapes and abuses and she wants him back in the White House.
details and sources below

. SEX. Are there any Democratic politicians not a sexual deviant? 
Trump 30 years in public eye surrounded by beautiful women and NEVER 1 complaint and then month before election all these complaints? Ladies being paid off like sanders was. JFK bragged about his extra marital affairs with women he shared with mafia bosses. Bill brags about 2000 women, only 20 have said he raped/abused them so far. He flies regularly on sex offender’s plane to private island.…/flight-logs-show-bill-clinton-flew…Ted killed one conquest drowning in a car. Hillary ruined the lives of many of the women her husband raped.VP candidate Kaine applauds his open marriage, Biden can’t keep his mitts off any woman he’s near. Hillary laughs about getting child rapist off. Al Gore cheated on Tipper. Gary Hart caught cheating after daring press to catch him.. John Edwards had to drop out for sex scandal. And latest: video of Obama showing his erection to female reporters on an Air force one. Rumors about video about to surface showing Bill raping 13 year old on Epstein’s island. Anthony Weiner, married to Hillary’s top aid, addicted to sexting nude pictures of himself to underage girls.
Trumps’ accusers? One is tied to Clinton foundation. Another has been discredited by her close friend.
40. She has not had a job in the real world in 40
years, driven a car in decades, has never hired anyone in a non-government capacity, not traveled without secret service for decades. She is just not in touch.

40 reasons Hillary is wrong for America

1. Lifetime of SCANDALS. Her supporters do not care.…/here-they-are-hillarys-22-biggest-sca…/

2. Hundreds of millions in BRIBES from Islamic terror nations and Wall street. Her supporters do not care.…/saudi-arabia-has-funded-20-hilla……/exclusive-persian-gulf-sheikhs-ga…/
3. LIE after lie after lie. Her supporters do not care.
4. CORRUPTED State dept. in pay-to-play scheme giving favors to huge donors. Her supporters do not care.…/clinton-foundation-ceo-admits-p…/
5. Gave 20% our uranium to Russia who gave it to Iran as part of bribery pattern. Her supporters do not care.…/flashback-clintons-loved-russia-…
6. RACISM. Her supporters do not care. KKK $ and endorsements.…/……/video-kkk-grand-dragon-e…/ Donations and endorsement from KKK. Her supporters do not.…/klan-leader-claims-kkk-has…
7. Anti-SEMITISM. Her supporters do not care. Loves saying “fin jew bastar…”…/…/hillary-clinton-campaign-accuse…/
8. Israel hatred. Her supporters do not care.…/hillary-is-vicious-… Israel hatred. Her supporters do not care.…/it-wasnt-just-sid-torrent-of-anti-is…/
9. #3 top supporter NAZI lover George Soros. Her supporters do not care.…/why-is-team-hillary-taking-money-from-…/
10. Closest Secret Service agent 8 years writes book detailing her INSANITY…/ex-secret_service_agent_…
11. INCOMPETENCY led to ISIS formation. Her supporters do not care.…/2638370-someone-else-also-thinks…
12. Wants to confiscate GUNS like Hitler and Stalin did. Her supporters do not care.…/hillary-gun-rights-she-want…
13. ABUSING WOMEN her husband raped. Her supporters do not care.…/hillary-clinton-enabled-bil…
14. Laughed about getting CHILD RAPIST off. Her supporters do not care.
Hillary is a MURDERER. Media and despicable Democrats do no care. MURDERER.

b. Dozens of close associates are dead under mysterious circumstances. 85 dead closed acquaintances and supporters who were willing to tell the truth found dead. Her supporters do not care.

c. SCALIA? Podesta spoke about assassinations days before Scalia was found dead.

e. Hillary has anger problems out of control, according to the Secret Service. Closest Secret Service agent 8 years writes book detailing her INSANITY

f. Strange John Kennedy Junior dies flying his plane. His death was only way she had opening to senate state in state she had never lived in, Mysterious.

Media is so in her pocket that she literally gets away with MURDER?

If you vote Hillary, you might be literally signing your death warrant by droning.

Here is what happens when you cross the Clintons: 85 dead closed acquaintances and supporters who were willing to tell the truth found dead.

How many will she "DRONE" when she has the controls?

16. Supports COP KILLING advocates blacklivesmatter. Her supporters do not care.
17. Obama in 2008 “she will say and do anything to get elected. Hillary can’t be trusted and isn’t qualified to be president.” Her supporters do not care.
18. Constantly INCOMPETENT  decisions including advocating Higher taxes, more regulations, more Muslims terrorists, more race riots, more cop killings, more murders, massive spread Islamic terror, Israel sold down the river, China/N. Korea/Iran/Russia/ Isis/ Alquida all expand as we contract. Her supporters do not care.…/hillary-clintons-foreign-poli…including: Gave Russia a reset button which reset cold war/ Lack of a coherent plan to address the Arab Spring/ Deteriorating relations with Israel/ Assessment of Bashar al-Assad (whom she labeled a “reformer”)/ Cluelessness that withdrawal of U.S. forces in Iraq would give the radicals a foothold/ Benghazi scandal/ Lack of bringing to justice the jihadists who killed our 4 Americans/ Victory lap on Osama bin Laden giving a false impression of al-Qaeda’s decimation/ Blindsiding the Israeli prime minister with a public declaration of U.S. policy on “1967 borders”/. Backing Hugo Chavez’s candidate in Honduras rather that the middle and business classes’ choice (who was also pro-American)/ Relaxation of Cuban sanctions followed by Alan Gross’s imprisonment/. Surprising Poland and the Czech Republic by pulling out anti-missile sites Embracing Hosni Mubarak (calling him a family friend) just when pressure was needed to prevent what ultimately became his overthrow / The lack of a cogent approach to the Middle East/ Failing to take decisive action in Syria before jihadists poured into the country/ The decision to overthrow President Gaddafi in Libya/. Downplaying human rights, especially with China Failing to robustly support the Green Revolution in Iran/. Engagement of Iran and foot-dragging on sanctions, allowing Iran to reach the cusp of a nuclear weapons capability/ Announced “pivot” to Asia without carrying through/
19. Believes 3rd world has a RIGHT to come to USA. Wants OPEN BORDERS.…/wikileaks-dump-hillary-dreams-o…/
20. Will ENDANGER US Believes it is safe to bring in 100,000 syrian refugees despite ALL our security agencies say we cannot vet them and 0 Muslim nations take any. Her supporters do not care.…/isis-to-send-wannabe-serial-kil…/

21. Lies and lies about private unsecured server, EMAILS then bleach bits emails under subpoena, and destroys phones, obstructing justice. Her supporters do not care.…/clinton-scandal-44-more-lies-tur…

22. Claims can’t REMEMBERE classification lectures, lies about classified material on her illegal private server stored in a bathroom, jeopardizes all our nation’s top secrets. Her supporters do not care.…/heres-all-40-times-hillary-clint…/

23. Obama and Clintons have CORRUPTED FBI!!!!!  IRS, EPA, Justice dept., (…/a7807adc-3ff4-11e6-a66f-aa…
) State dept., Homeland Security. Even FBI!!…/
Her supporters do not care.
24. For 20 years, Hillary's top aid and probably main lover is MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD terrorist supporter Huma. She will be probable chief-of-staff if Hillary wins. Yesterday email revealed shows her contemporary for AIPAC.…/292310-huma-abedins-ties-to-the-muslim…
Her supporters do not care.
25. Why is everyone silent about Hillary being a PSYCOPATH?  Besides her complete corruption and pathological lying, we have 85 close acquaintances dead under mysterious circumstances and now a smoking gun. New memo has her suggesting we "drone " Wiki leaks founder Assange. She doesn't even deny it. Just says she doesn't remember suggesting it. Closest Secret Service agent wrote a book warning about her uncontrollable anger. Media covers it up. Her supporters do not care. America might elect a murderous psychopath.…/361459-secretary-clinton-drone-assange/…/26967/
Her supporters do not care.
26. INSANE: Closest secret Service agent says Hillary insane.…/ex-secret_service_agent_… Her supporters do not care.
27. No CLUE how to grow economy. Wants more failed Obamanomics. Obama projected 3.9% annual growth. We got 2%, worst ever average growth over a 2 term presidency. Why? Democratic economics. High taxes, massive business killing regulations. Result. Doubled debt, historic low labor participation and home ownership. Stagnant wages. Massive rise in health care premiums. Hillary doubles down on this disaster. Her supporters do not care.
28. IRAN DEAL:1 of 100 reasons to vote Trump over Hillary, besides her being an anti-Semite and Israel hater She enthusiastically endorses Iran deal. He says worst deal ever made.…/hillary-clinton-ano…
Of all the many LIES KAINE told in the VP debate, none is more consequential than the LIE he told about Israeli military supporting the Iran deal. Her supporters do not care.
29. Mentored by radical Saul Alinsky "Rules for radicals"…/hillarys-mentor-rad… Her supporters do not care.
30 STOLE hundreds of millions meant for HAITI relief.…/report-clinton-foundatio…/
Her supporters do not care.
31. DEPLORABLES??Hillary considers half of Trump's supporters irredeemable deplorable, and now wilileaks exposes her contempt for religious Catholics, Israel, Southerners, Hispanics and she takes KKK money.…/wikileaks-hillary-camp-mocks-cat…
32. Wikileaks shows mainstream media totally aligned with Clinton. Her presidency will destroy checks and balances the nation needs. 
33. Want to PERVERT RELIGION that do not agree with liberal views. Even more outrageous is the email from Sandy Newman, identified as the president of “Voices for Progress,” that demands Roman Catholics give up their beliefs and just become liberal Democrats. John has already noted their disdain for “Thomism” in the following post, but this one is even worse:
There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could happen. . . Even if the idea isn’t crazy, I don’t qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about how one would “plant the seeds of the revolution,” or who would plant them. Just wondering . . .
Podesta offers this chilling response: “We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this.”
There you have it folks, today’s Democratic Party and their respect for “diversity.” Here they admit a deliberate intent to interfere with a private religious institution because it doesn’t conform to the dictates of liberal identity politics.
34. SEX. Are there any Democratic politicians not a sexual deviant? 

Trump 30 years in public eye surrounded by beautiful women and NEVER 1 complaint and then month before election all these complaints? Ladies being paid off like sanders was.
JFK bragged about his extra marital affairs with women he shared with mafia bosses. Bill brags about 2000 women, only 20 have said he raped/abused them so far. He flies regularly on sex offender’s plane to private island.…/flight-logs-show-bill-clinton-flew…
Ted killed one conquest drowning in a car. Hillary ruined the lives of many of the women her husband raped.VP candidate Kaine applauds his open marriage, Biden can’t keep his mitts off any woman he’s near. Hillary laughs about getting child rapist off. Al Gore cheated on Tipper. Gary Hart caught cheating after daring press to catch him.. John Edwards had to drop out for sex scandal. And latest: video of Obama showing his erection to female reporters on an Air force one. Rumors about video about to surface showing Bill raping 13 year old on Epstein’s island. Anthony Weiner, married to Hillary’s top aid, addicted to sexting nude pictures of himself to underage girls.
Trumps’ accusers? One is tied to Clinton foundation. Another has been discredited by her close friend.

35. OBAMAXCARE falling apart, and sold on LIES and she wants to “fix it” Her real goal is SOCIALIZED medicine. In other words, expand FAILED VA medical care to all of us.

36. Riots occurring financed George Soros, her #3 top donor.

38. We already have single payer medical care for Veterans. Called the VA. How is that working out? Obamacare always designed to fail so leftists could impose one payer system, destroying privatized medical care. That is what hillary will do. VA care for all of us. Obamacare collapses, (no same doctors, no same plan, skyrocketing premiums and deductibles, major insurers dropping out, costing USA trillions,) just now CNN invites Obamacare architect MIT Jonathan Gruber to defend it. This is the same guy who was caught admitting they sold the Obamacare to us, knowing it was all ridiculous, because they thought us stupid.

39. Claims 90% of Clinton Global Foundation goes to charity. It is actually 5.6%.

40. Democratic voter fraud Democrats cheating already. 1.

41. She has not had a job in the real world in 40 years, driven a car in decades, has never hired anyone in a non-government capacity, not traveled without secret service for decades. She is just not in touch.

42. Jobs: most new jobs part time and low wages. 94 MILION out of labor market. Unemployment rate does not measure any of this. This is a disaster.

Nazification of Democratic election tactics
1. to understand the primary intellectual influence on both Obama and Hillary is Saul Alinsky AND
2. the influence of Nazi lover George Soros, main financier of tyrannical Democratic activities.
1.. Alinsky mentored them both. His primary goal was accumulation of mass power through any means necessary.
2. Soros collaborated with the Nazis and such a self-hating Jew he said he had no regrets stealing Jewish property and sending Jews to their deaths. ( Wikileaks proves Soros mentioned 50 times in leaked Hillary campaign emails. ( He is Hillary #3 top donor.

Evidence is clear now the Democrats are using same power acquiring techniques as early 1930s nazi tactics. I'm not saying they are Nazis, or God forbid want to mass murder, (though Hillary did call for “droning Assange “ and 85+ of Clinton associates dead under mysterious circumstances.

But the Democrats have been PROVEN, by Wikileaks and Project veritas (year long undercover infilatration of top democratic operatives) in the last few days, coordinated at the top by Obama and Hillary, to use some the same techniques the Nazis used in the early 1930s.
1. Nazis started out in the early 30s hired thugs to create violence at opponent’s rallys.
2. Nazis had dead people vote.
3. Nazis firebombed opponent’s offices.
4. Nazis set up propaganda unit under Joseph Goebbels, with direct reporting to Hitler, tried to shut down opposing media. Nazis made sure they had virtually all media being their propaganda machine.
5. They corrupted all the vital organs of the government
6. Nazi anti black racism besides anti jewish
7. Nazi ideology based on Jew hatred, Catholics, homosexuals, religious Christians, anti black

Project Veritas and Wikileaks PROVES Democrats are using these same 1930's Nazi storm trooper tactics to try and rig this election, endangering our republic

Caught red handed, the Dems scapegoat the soldiers by firing them or having them resign.

Democrats are:
1. registering dead people.
2. hiring thugs to incite violence
3. firebombing GOP headquarters
4. 1/8 registrations improper=18 million people (Pew Poll),
5. ripping up GOP ballot and throwing them away
6. using George Soros voting machines in 16 states
7. corrupted FBI, Justice dept., State dept., IRS.
8. Censoring wikileaks revelations by cutting off his internet. CENSORSHIP, just like they keep trying to shut down talk radio.
9. All the while the Democrats propaganda unit: (96% donations went to Hillary from them) AP, CBS, Yahoo, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Google (hides searches anti Hillary) Youtube ( censors Dennis Prager conservative videos), facebook (censures exposing radical Islam),  NYTimes, Univision, Washington Post, ABC, Politico, Twitter, (  most of the liberal arts college professors, cover up the truth about monster Hillary and lie about Trump, protect Islam, lie about Israel.
10. Soros spent $33 million financing professional rioters to loot and burn in ferguson and baltimore
12. Hillary's deep seated anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel.
13. It is Democrats who CONTEST ELECTIONS, while they try and steal them. Gore contested election to Supreme Court. Obama hired countless lawyers in case of close election.
14.. Wikileaks shows Democrat leaders behind closed doors despise Catholicism, evangelicals, southerners, are racist, anti semitic

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