
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Who are the racists? Who are the real hitlerians?Who are the anti-Semites?

Who are the racists? From his inaugural yesterday: Trump forcefully rejected identity politics. Racial and ethnic identities, he said, are less important than our status as American citizens. “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.” There are no hyphenated Americans in this worldview, only Americans and outsiders. The entire democratic party is based on the opposite idea: people are their skin color, how they accept or not their genitalia and open borders.

Will the real Hitlerian Nazis stand up?  DEMOCRATS. NAZI LOVER SOROS and HAMAS behind the marches today.

The real dangers we face are the neo Nazi fascistic tactics and goals of the Democrats/ALT LEFT. Examples of the growing fascism of the Democratic Party. Pure evil.
SOROS behind 50 groups organizing the protests.
Evidently the female fetuses in utero have no rights to their bodies.

Marchers: you march alongside shariah lovers who want honor killings, legalized rape, women with no rights.

the true anti-Semites. Obama followers.
Rashid Khalid, Obama's bff and Israel hater is very worried "White House will be infested with pro Israel people". Refreshing change from the pro Iran, pro Islamic jihad infestation in the Obama White House. Rabbi Wier, giving benediction at inauguration, is from Wiesenthal Center that declared Obama's abstention at UN was most anti Semitic act in world 2016. 2 of Trump's kids married to Jews. His daughter converted to Judaism his other daughter dating a Jew. Jewish grandchildren. Obama does everything he can to enable Iranian nuclear weapon ability and moronic left attacks Trump as anti-Semitic."

Thgese leftist jeiwsh women align themselves with Jew KILLERS!!! MEET LINDA SARSOUR - WOMEN'S MARCH ON WASHINGTON 
Don't you think Linda would be better off fighting for "Women's Rights"
in one of the 56 muslim majority countries in the world, rather than protesting for the right to kill babies in America? This Israel HATING antisemite is one of the organizers of the anti-Trump movement. Linda also has a habit of defending Arabs murdering Jews as a natural response to the "occupation".…

Evil, stupid Jewish USA left and smart Israeli Jews. Isis head could get the Jewish vote in USA as long he said he favored abortion and Obamacare.
While 1. Ivanka Trump will be missing her dad's inaugural ball for higher authority: Shabbos. But Democratic Jewish ladies march on Shabbat in DC, alongside radical Muslim Israel hating groups to protest Trump, and 2. 300 Democratic Jewish "leader" write letter to support for Keith Ellison, Hamas' man in Congress to head DNC, and 3. after Nazi hunting Weisenthal Center says Obama's UN action on Israel was most anti-Semitic act of 2016 in the world, and Obama pushed through genocidal Iran deal, 4. only 4% of Israelis want left of center government while in US 72% Jews voted for corrupt Hillary

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