
Monday, August 14, 2017

What is really morally reprehensible in the aftermath of the Charlottesville horror is the utter failure of the media and Democrats to condemn the terrorist violence from the hundreds of terrorist leftists

What is really morally reprehensible in the aftermath of the Charlottesville horror is the utter failure of the media and Democrats to condemn the terrorist violence from the hundreds of terrorist leftists there to do harm and the media and democrats pathological insistent to blame Trump.. Everyone condemns the few white supremacists people.

The Democratic terrorists are responsible for the nightmare of Charlottsville!
1. The group that received the permit to march was NOT White Supremacists.
2. A FEW White Supremacists decided to take advantage of the march and join in.
3. A large coalition of radical, violent terrorists Democrats, including Blacklivesmatter, Antifa, Movepon, occupy, Muslim Brotherhood, etc came with weapons prepared to do violence against the few White Supremacists, as odious as they are, who were marching peacefully. Most came from out of town. It has been a pattern of George Soros to hire thugs for many of these type of leftist violent riots in the past. White Supremacy like the KKK have always been DEMOCRATS. Democrats owned 100% of all slaves in the USA.
4. The leftist Mayor ordered the police to funnel the marchers in a tight space, within arms reach of the violent. Democratic terrorists whioch led to the violence beginning.
5. Certainly, the ONE apparent Nazi supporter, who drove his car into the crowd, needs to be prosecuted. That does not diminish the CULPABILITY OF DEMOCRATIC terrorists once again using violence to stop lawful assembly.
6. The goal of the Democrats, and their PROPAGANDA arm, the media, is to make Trump the fall guy.
7. White Supremacists, at this time in history., are an impotent, tiny force. The radical terrorist Democrats are a huge and very dangerous force to all of us.

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