
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The left is creating race war: white is bad, black and brown good. Republicans do not care about skin color: only values.

     The despicable racists are Democrats and always have been.
The goal of the left is to “turn the mayhem in Charlottesville into a template for their war against a mythical enemy — "white supremacy" — which is really a war on white people generally. The ideology that drives the left and divides our country is "identity politics" — the idea that the world consists of two groups — "people of color" who are guiltless and oppressed, and white people who are guilty and oppressors. This is the real race war.” David Horowitz

So our first black president plants a stooge pretending to be a White Supremacist to create mayhem. This could have been  ALL orchestrated by Obama. The “White Supremacist leader” could well be an Obama plant.  Jason Kessler, who organized the Unite the Right rally held in Charlottesville, Va., last weekend that turned violent and led to the death of three people.
Kessler was a former Obama supporter who participated in the George Soros-supported Occupy movement. Kessler wrote articles sympathetic to the Occupy movement for CNN in 2011.

     Republicans DO NOT CARE about skin color. It is only about content of character and values. Which used to be the position of Democrats, as articulated by Martin Luther King. Today that position is called racist.
     Therefore Harvard can get away with a Black only allowed graduation ceremony and it is applauded by the left.

     Democrats have always been racists. All slaves were owned by Democrats. KKK has always been Democrats. Every Civil Rights Amendment to the Constitution was opposed by Democrats and fought for by Republicans. It was Republican Lincoln who spent 500,000 Union lives to free the slaves.

The White Supremacists are a tiny, fringe minority today whose roots lie in the Democratic South. The enemy of all of us are the hordes of dangerous, violent leftists: Blacklivesmatter terrorists, now aligned with Muslim terror groups, Antifa, Moveon, Nation of Islam “whites are the devil and Jews a “gutter religion”, New Black panther party, George Soros funded terror groups etc.
What is really morally reprehensible is the utter failure of the media and Democrats to condemn the to hundreds of terrorist LEFTISTS there just to incite violence and the obvious set up of Trump. 

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