
Monday, August 7, 2017

Trump has made tremendous strides already despite non stop Democratic obstruction and lies, and a Republican congress so far unable to advance Trump’s legislative agenda.

Obama was the worst President ever, biggest liar and scandal after scandal. He did everything he could to “transform America” by weakening and endangering us, endanger our allies and embrace tyrants. Trump is trying to dig us out of that huge hole Obama and the Democrats created, and their propaganda arm, the media, gave whitewashed Obama’s crimes 100% because of racism (Obama being black) and their 98% bias towards Democrats.
Trump has made tremendous strides already despite non stop Democratic obstruction and lies, and a Republican congress so far unable to advance Trump’s legislative agenda.
And now USA fascists on the left are trying to do an end run around our election, but trying to remove Trump in a coup through phony impeachment etc.

Meanwhile: Stock market record after record, poverty down, economic growth up, military rebuilding starting, illegal aliens entry down 70%, Isis on the run, N Korea finally being confronted, and he’s only just begun.

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