
Saturday, January 26, 2019

why is the left now attacking Catholics too?

Posted: 23 Jan 2019 04:41 PM PST
(John Hinderaker)
Ilhan Omar’s outrageous lies about the Covington Catholic boys, since deleted, illustrate an important lesson. Omar is a notorious anti-Semite; she goes so far as to advocate for the BDS movement. So, is it surprising that her venom has now been directed against Catholics?
Not at all. The people who hate Jews are, for the most part, the same people who hate Christians. In the last few months, we have seen the Left ramp up its attacks on Catholics: Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee assaulted Amy Barrett’s religious faith; some of those same senators demanded, incredibly, that Brian Buescher resign from the Knights of Columbus; and now, the Left has, in unison, baselessly slandered the Covington Catholic boys who attended the March for Life in Washington.
Some have theorized that the Democrats’ escalating attacks on Catholicism are preparing the ground against the day when Ruth Ginsburg dies or is unable to continue on the Supreme Court. President Trump is almost certain to nominate Amy Barrett to replace her, and Democrats will make Barrett’s religious faith the basis for their inevitable smears. Their theme will be, explicitly or implicitly, that no practicing Catholic should be allowed to serve on the Court.
I don’t disagree that the Democrats have Barrett in mind when they attack Catholics, but the phenomenon goes much deeper. The modern Left is a secular movement that is deeply hostile to religion. Many Leftists hate Judaism, but they hate Christianity even more. (Go into the bakery business if you have any doubt about that!) There is good reason why we refer to the Judeo-Christian tradition. Christianity comes from Judaism; three-quarters of the Christian Bible is Jewish scripture. The twin pillars of Western civilization, it has long been said, are Athens and Jerusalem. Christianity is a principal feature of Western civilization, which Leftists detest and want to destroy. So, if they are hostile to Judaism, they are even more bitterly hostile to Christianity.
So far, the Left’s animus has been directed mostly against Catholics. That may be because the leaders of some Protestant denominations have taken a favorable view of abortion. But don’t be fooled: there is no distinction between Catholic and Protestant that Leftists care about. They may be coming for Catholics today, but they will come for Protestants next.
Which brings us back to Ilhan Omar. Wittingly or not, she opens a window onto the real feelings of American Leftists. Which may seem paradoxical, since she herself is a Muslim. Do Leftists have a higher opinion of Islam than of Christianity or Judaism? Of course not. But for now, Muslims like Omar are useful idiots of the Left. There aren’t enough of them to be a threat, and they can be used as shock troops, attacking Jews and Christians. And, in any event, politicians like Omar are Leftists first and Muslims a distant second. They ignore Islamic teaching whenever it conflicts with Leftist dogma.
Stereotypically, Leftist Muslims are anti-Semitic. No surprise there. But for a few hours, Ilhan Omar let the mask slip. She is a Muslim second and a Leftist first–which means that her defamation of Catholics should surprise no one. The Left is out to destroy Christianity, every bit as much as Judaism. More, actually.

Socialism does not equal social justice. it equals poverty and despair.

Polls out indicate many democrats are favorable to socialism. They do not know what it is. They think it has to do with "social juice" (which often turns out to be social injustice. Socialism is when the government controls the production and distribution of income. Bureaucrats assume they know better how you should make money and spend it then they do. Mayor of New York de blasio said recently "the money is in the wrong hands. " He meant the people who earn it should be allowed to hold on to it. It fails every time. Alexandria ocasio-Cortez was recently asked if she modeled her socialism on China, Venezuela and the USSR. She laughed it off and said no the UK, and scandinavian countries.

1. China and Russia have moved way from government control over the economy and their economies have improved. Venezuela went the other way and their people are starving. Scandinavian countries realize they cannot support their welfare state and are opening up their economy. UK, which socialized medicine, make people wait many months for simple operations and ration care.
2. Capitalism is the only system that has lifted billions out of poverty. Marx totally go human nature wrong. People working for their own benefit and figuring out how to spend their own money always does way more to help others than removed bureaucrats deciding for us.
3. It is IMMORAL to take someone else's money because you think you now better how to spend it.
We have decided together government can take some of hat we earn as taxes, but socialsm wants t take it all and redistribute it.
4. Socialism leads to tyranny. see article below

Socialism assumes they are a pie that cannot grow and the question is how t divide up the pieces.
Capitalism has proven the pie can grow and grow and everyone gets bigger pieces than they'd otherwise have.

We are told, often bitterly and with a palpable hint of exasperation, that today’s “Democratic Socialists” are gentler than their name might lead you to believe. They are, they insist, cast more in the mold of Europe’s social democrats than the apparatchiks in tunic suits who haunt conservative’s imaginations. Perhaps the leftmost reaches of the Democratic Party wouldn’t have to keep drawing this distinction if it was evident in anything other than rhetoric. When forced to choose between “democratic” and “socialist,” they opt decisively for the latter.
After years of privation, hardship, and popular—often violent—struggle against an illegitimate regime, the situation in Venezuela is coming to a head. A successor has emerged, making the powerful and corrupted military the ultimate arbiter of events, which are still very much in the balance. In a coordinated effort with most of the Western hemisphere, the United States endorsed the legitimately elected National Assembly leader Juan Guaidó’s interim claim to the presidency over the dubious one clung to by socialist despot Nicolas Maduro. To hear the “Democratic Socialists” tell it, the United States has orchestrated a “coup.”

Women's March cheers anti Semite who calls for boycott of Israel

Big cheer for Antisemite Sarsour when she announces support of BDS. Jew Hatred is alive and well.
How much anti-Semitism must pile up in the Democratic Party before something can be done about it? And will the mainstream media hold them accountable?

It's time to open your eyes to the inhumanity that is the PA and Hamas."

 So-called liberals think that it's ok to be anti-Semitic under the guise of supporting Palestinians.  I am disheartened at how the PA and Hamas treat their own people. I am disgusted how the PA and Hamas treat women, kill homosexuals, and practice apartheid again anyone other than their own kind. I am disgusted at how the PA and Hamas do not recognize the right of the earliest recorded and still existing (aka indigenous) people in Israel (yes, the Jews). Want to call yourself a liberal? It's time to open your eyes to the inhumanity that is the PA and Hamas."

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez: One problem. Sweden switched from socialism to capitalism after socialism FAILED there.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez: One problem. Sweden switched from socialism to capitalism after socialism FAILED there.

Even Alexandria ocasio Cortez admits socialism FAILED in Venezuela. Rather, she claims, she wants to replicate Sweden. One problem. Sweden switched from socialism to capitalism after socialism FAILED there.
How Sweden Overcame Socialism
It’s a model for the U.S., but the lesson isn’t what Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks it is.

By Jesús Fernández-Villaverde and Lee E. Ohanian
Jan. 9, 2019 7:06 p.m. ET
Wall Street Journal
Nearly half of millennials say they prefer socialism to capitalism, but what do they mean? “My policies most closely resemble what we see in the U.K., in Norway, in Finland, in Sweden,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told “60 Minutes.” Yet Sweden’s experiment with socialist policies was disastrous, and its economic success in recent decades is a result of market-based reforms.

Until the mid-20th century, Sweden pursued highly competitive market-based policies. By 1970 Sweden achieved the world’s fourth-highest per capita income. Then increasingly radical Social Democratic governments raised taxes, spending and regulation much more than any other Western European country. Economic performance sputtered. By the early 1990s, Sweden’s per capita income ranking had dropped to 14th. Economic growth from 1970 to the early 1990s was roughly 1 percentage point lower than in Europe and 2 points lower than in the U.S.

Before its socialist experiment, Sweden had a smaller government sector than the U.S. By the early 1990s, government spending and transfer payments ballooned to 70% of gross domestic product, and debt had increased to 80% of GDP. Between 1966 and 1974, Sweden lost some 400,000 private jobs—proportionate to 16.7 million in today’s U.S.

In 1991 a market-oriented government came to power and undertook far-reaching reforms. Policy makers have privatized parts of the health-care system, introduced for-profit schools along with school vouchers, and reduced welfare benefits. Since 1997, government ministries that propose new spending plans have been required to find offsetting cuts in their budgets. As a result, public debt has declined from 80% of GDP in the early 1990s to 41%.

To increase incentives to work, Sweden reduced unemployment benefits and introduced an earned-income tax credit in 2007. The electricity and transportation industries were deregulated in the 1990s, and even the Swedish postal system was opened up to competition in 1993. The corporate tax rate was cut from its 2009 level of 28% to 22% today, and is scheduled to decline to 20.4% in 2021.

This policy mix has earned Sweden a Heritage Foundation ranking as the 15th freest economy in the world. The U.S. is 18th. And it’s paid off. Since 1995, Swedish economic growth has exceeded that of its European Union peers by about 1 point a year. Sweden is now richer than all of the major EU countries and is within 15% of U.S. per capita GDP. While Sweden still has a larger government than the U.S., its tax code is flatter. The progressivity of the U.S. tax code distorts incentives. These distortions would become even larger under the tax-increase proposals of democratic socialists like Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.

There is an example for the U.S. here, but the lesson isn’t what Ms. Ocasio-Cortez thinks. Command-and-control economic policies undermined Sweden’s prosperity, and they would do the same to America’s.

Mr. Fernández-Villaverde is a professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Ohanian is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and professor of economics at UCLA."

She said recently "I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” Ocasio-Cortez told Cooper after he asked about her careless and incorrect analysis of the defense budget. In one sentence, Ocasio-Cortez portrayed herself as a woman who is ready to subordinate facts to her moral convictions, confirming achingly anti-female stereotypes. She may as well have driven erratically down the highway or failed to catch a gently thrown ball. Of course, she later admitted that being factually correct is “absolutely important.” She just doesn’t seem to care much about facts and numbers when she’s tweeting.

Or, for that matter, when she’s speaking. In discussing with Cooper her proposal for a “Green New Deal,” which would use the full force of the government in an attempt to convert the United States to 100 percent renewable energy by 2030, she could not offer an actual answer for how such an enormous transformation would be possible. “It’s going to require a lot of rapid change that we don’t even conceive as possible right now,” was all she could say.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Why Jews should be Republicans

Why Jews should be Republicans
1.       Democrats embrace anti-Semites and Israel haters (Farakhan, linda sarsour, Congreswoman Tlaib) while Republicans disavow them.
2.       Democratic policies HURT poor. Obama led to record poverty and food stamps. Trump has record low Back, Hispanic and Asian unemployment, and massive food stamp drop.
3.       Democrat want more and more government, Republicans less. Judaism is afraid of big government. Mishnah: “ Shemayah said: Love work; hate domination; and seek not undue intimacy with the government.
4.       Democrats encourage dependence on government handouts. Judaism eschews it. Maimonides laws of the poor: “better take any job than be dependent on the public dole.”
5.       Today’s Democrats embrace identity politics: color of skin, gender etc. Judaism values character, as Martin Luther King did, not gender or skin color. Value f “Adam yachid”. King : “s I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
6.       Democratic national Convention booed Jerusalem. Trump names it capital of Israel.
7.       Democrats became largest sponsor of state sponsored terrorism when it gave terrorist nation Iran $150 billion.
8.       Democrats embrace NO limits on abortion. That is contrary to Jewish law.
9.       Democrats always supported racism: slave holders, KKK members, opposed civil rights legislation, now run our  inner cities that destroyed Black families.
10.   Jews hav always thrived, and the nations with them, with limited regulations and free market. Obama had record regulations, trump eliminated faster than any president ever.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Kamala Harris anti religious bigot

Kamala Harris’s Dark Knights

Does the Senator think Al Smith and JFK were extremists?

Senator Kamala Harris in May 2018.
We’re still a year from the 2020 presidential primaries, but Senator Kamala Harris is already showing America how far the Democratic Party has strayed from its roots.
Democrats rightly take pride in the 1928 nomination of Gov. Al Smith, which signaled the party’s affirmation that Catholics had a place in American public life. Ditto for Jack Kennedy, who told a gathering of skeptical Protestant ministers in 1960 that “if this election is decided on the basis that 40 million Americans lost their chance of being president on the day they were baptized, then it is the whole nation that will be the loser.”

Potomac Watch Podcast

Elizabeth Warren's Presidential Prospects
00:00 / 23:28
Judging from the questions Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.) and Mazie Hirono (Hawaii) put to Donald Trump’s nominee for a federal district court in Nebraska, today’s Democrats would call Smith and Kennedy extremists. Nominee Brian Buescher is a member of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization Sen. Hirono says holds “a number of extreme positions,” particularly on same-sex marriage and abortion.
Sen. Harris also criticized the “all-male society” and anti-abortion statements made by the leader of the Knights, Carl Anderson. Mr. Buescher said in response he would as a judge uphold precedent by both the Supreme Court and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, including Roe v. Wade. But the grilling makes clear these Democrats regard membership in the Catholic organization as disqualifying.
For the record, the Knights take the same position as the Catholic Church. JFK was himself a Knight. If Mr. Buescher is unfit to serve as a federal judge because of his Knights membership, then so is every other Catholic American who doesn’t publicly repudiate the church’s moral teaching.
The argument against Mr. Buescher fits a distressing pattern. No longer is it necessary to engage the political merits of a position, or—in the case of a judicial nominee—demonstrate he’d use personal views to override the law. Today it is enough to label a nominee’s religion or associations “extreme” and use that to try to banish him from public life. Recall last year when President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein told the Notre Dame law professor that “the dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.”
By the way, the Knights do extraordinary charitable work. The local D.C. chapter puckishly responded by assuring the Senators they are not extremists—and inviting both to join them for the annual Polar Plunge in February, when folks jump in cold water to raise money for the Special Olympics.
Ms. Harris’s embrace of religious intolerance is especially significant because in two years she could be the next U.S. President. What does it say about today’s Democrats that no one in the party of Al Smith and JFK sees fit to rebuke her?
Appeared in the January 3, 2019, print edition.

By any conservative standard, Mr. Trump’s presidency should be regarded as successful

By any conservative standard, Mr. Trump’s first year should be regarded as successful: a significant reduction in business taxation, radical deregulation of the U.S. economy, the Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court nomination and withdrawal from the quixotic Paris climate accord.

Pop quiz: How many of Mr. Trump’s primary opponents—or a President Romney, for that matter—would have done all of that? We’ve written previously that Mr. Trump could have walked away after the first year and entered the Republican pantheon....Year two. Mr. Trump pulled out of Barack Obama’s flawed nuclear deal with Iran. Deregulation in 2017 resurrected U.S. energy production. The economy produced by the policies of the first year—an accomplishment shared with the McConnell-Ryan Republican Congress—has been strong, with more Americans finding work and getting paid higher real wages. Mr. Trump’s most admirable act of 2018 was staying the course with Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination. Liberals’ willingness to ratify a radically lower standard of due process will affect politics for years. Under enormous pressure, Mr. Trump didn’t flinch."

There is still much more to do.

Another soul crushing plan of the Democrats

Another soul crushing plan of the Democrats. As the WSJournal wrote "Paying people to make it easy not to work—and thus languish for a lifetime in poverty—is not compassionate. It’s destructive of human dignity and leads to more inequality.”

As well, this Democratic plan runs contrary to Jewish law and values. Maimonides writes in the Laws of the Poor that the highest form of tzeddakah (charity) is to help someone get a job. he also writes there that one should take any job rather than be dependent. The Democrats' GOAL is to make as many people as possible dependent. It was not an accident that under Obama we had record poverty and record food stamp dependency. Trump/Republicans through tax cuts and deregulation have reduced food stamp dependency and we have record low black, hispanic and asian unemployment.