
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

How to beat Bernie

Beating Bernie
About 10% of the voters are up in the air come election day. We must persuade THEM. Here’s how.
1.     Only 45% say they would vote for a socialist. Bernie is WORSE. He’s a full fledged Marxist communist, hiding it. He loves the Communist tyrants and nations: Cuba. China, Russia. Socialism has FAILED wherever tried. The Scandanavian nations are NOT socialists. His fantasy free giveaways will cost $80 TRILLION. He needs fantasy money trees to pay for it, even with massive tax hikes. The total GDP of the USA is $20 trillion!!!
2.     He PROMISES to raise taxes on the middle class and forcibly confiscate the private health plans of 180 million Americans. (support for medicare for all drops when people hear that)
3.     Taxing the rich sounds nice, BUT that kills the golden goose. That’s where our growth comes from. Trumpeconomics has led to SHRINKING wealth gap! + we ALREADY have the most progressive tax system in the world.
4.     Dems NEED Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania growth depends on FRACKING. He pledges to stop it.
5.     Social Issues: He pledges to confiscate guns. He is for no limits on abortion, including let babies BORN ALIVE die after botched abortion.
6.     JEWS: a. he calls the Israeli government “racist”. B. Boycotts Aipac, calling it “bigoted.” But attends viciously anti-Israel Muslim conventions. C. Wants to reenter Iran deal. D. Wants to reverse Jerusalem as capital move. E. Jews have always prospered under capitalism, suffered under socialism.

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