
Sunday, March 22, 2020


The central question to me is, WHY ARE DEMOCRATIC POLS and Mainstream media APPEASING THE EVIL COMMUNIST CHINESE GOVERNMENT, which has inflicted this horrible plague on almost every country. That is why the name “Chinese virus” is morally necessary. Letting the Chinese off by calling it Covid 19, is immoral!!! This has nothing to do with Chinese Americans or eating Chinese food.
Not only are virtually every other virus named for their point of origin, but.
Evil must be called out. If not, this could happen over and over. Evil must be called out.
 Psalm 97:10  Let those who love the LORD hate evil”

Why do I call the Chinese government evil?
"China silenced [the China virus] whistleblowers, expelled journalists, destroyed samples, refused CDC help, and concealed counts of deaths and infections. It's fact there was a massive coverup. China is responsible. The world must act to hold them accountable." John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. and Donald Trump's National Security Adviser tweeted.

1. Either they created this as a bioweapon (they silenced their scientists who were saying this
OR it was an accident.
2. Either way, they KNEW it was transmissible human-to-human, and kept lying about it all the way through mid January, 2 months after their first case. They ALLOWED many of their citizens to travel throughout the world, infecting countless. People are DYING! People getting very sick. Huge numbers being hurt badly financially. This is all over the world!!! Because of their inexcusable behavior. They turned down our US offer to bring in scientists to help.
3. They now try and blame our military and threaten to not send us pharmaceuticals we need that that they manufacture.
4. Trump closed the Chinese border and Biden, Pelosi and Hillary called it xenophobic and an overreaction. If any of them was president, millions more would have died.
5. Democrats parrot the Chinese line that it is racist to call it Chinese virus. It is IMMORAL to appease this evil, and let them off the hook.
What follows is comprehensive timeline of how brilliantly the Trump administration has done in face of all this Chinese deception.
The left wing media and Dems also play Monday morning quarterback, attack Trump for not moving quickly enough etc .
1. No one in the world was prepared for this.
2. China was LYING for many weeks about it, releasing its citizens to infect the world, silencing the whistleblowers, hiding the evidence.
3. As soon as Trump realized they were lying, he CLOSED the border with them, Jan 31.
4. Now, even some Democratic governors are PRAISING Trump's wartime reaction to battle the Chinese virus. America realizes his amazing leadership. He keeps rising in polls.
5 reasons.
1. Trump was right to implement the China travel ban in January and then later expand it to other countries. That early action saved American lives.
2. Trump was right about weaning America off China-oriented “free trade.”
3. Trump was right to focus on border control and rooting out illegal alien criminals, with a side benefit to stopping the spread of infectious diseases.
4. Trump was right about public-private partnerships in responding to the virus, as those actions are leading to unprecedentedly early testing of vaccines and drug treatments, with the free market unchained to do what it does best – produce solutions and fix
5. Trump has been right to focus on regulatory cuts during his presidency, just when we need them most in this crisis!
For anyone who claims that President Trump “screwed up” re the Coronavirus, here is the factual timeline for the Trump administration's handling it.
Dec. 31: China announces they are investigating a “pneumonia outbreak” in Wuhan
Jan. 7: CDC established an Incident Management System (just 7 days later)
Jan. 17: CDC sent 100+ staffers to specific US airports to screen travelers who'd been in Wuhan
Jan. 21: CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center (just 3 weeks later)
Jan. 29: President established Presidential Task Force--BEFORE THE THING EVEN HAD A NAME
Jan. 30: State Dept issued a Do Not Travel warning to China (still less than one month after initial announcement from China).
Jan. 30: WHO announced the Coronavirus is a public health emergency of international global concern.
In short, before WHO even announced its “global concern,” the administration was working on his response for almost a month, and had already established a presidential task force.
Jan. 31: To the left's cries of “RACISM!”, the president proactively suspended entry of foreign nationals who’d been to China in the last 14 days.
Jan. 31: The president issued quarantines, and through Secretary Azar, declared a public health emergency for the entire
Feb. 24: The president unveiled the initial plan.
Yet, according to the leadership of the other party, our president has failed us. Following OVER A MONTH of response—they’re accusing our president of failing us.
Feb. 26: President Trump appointed VP Mike Pence to head the whole of government response.
Feb. 29: Sixty days after the Chinese announcement, the US sadly lost its first victim to COVID-19.
March 11: WHO declares COVID-19 to be a global "pandemic."
So, 53 days before the US lost a single life to this disease, the administration was already working diligently to protect our country.
March 13: President Trump declares a national emergency to deal with this pandemic,
Yes, there were and are problems with test kits. Nobody is perfect.
Compared to Obama’s response to Swine Flu in 2009, President Trump’s performance has been stellar..Swine Flu infected over 60 million Americans, hospitalizing a quarter million and killing around 13,000. Obama did not declare a national emergency until about a thousand Americans had already died. How many people- especially in the media - were bitching about Obama’s handling of Swine Flu eleven years ago?

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