
Sunday, March 22, 2020

This is about the Communist Chinese Government purposefully hurting the entire world, and our Democratic leaders appeasing them, as Trump and his team act heroically to fix this mess.

No one is saying stop eating Chinese food, or American Chinese are to be blamed. This is about the Communist Chinese Government purposefully hurting the entire world, and our Democratic leaders appeasing them, as Trump and his team act heroically to fix this mess.
The Chinese Originated Virus Infectious Disease -19 (19th to come from China  😊) 
     First Dems cry “overreaction” and “racism” when Trump issues travel ban from China Jan. 31, thereby saving countless American lives. Had Hillary or Biden been president, millions more of us would have died. Even today they try and appease the evil Chinese government, which has hobbled our economy and threatened our lives. Foolishly they say it is racist to call it :Chinese” virus, even though every other virus is named after it location PLUS here, China has 100% culpability on inflicting this nightmare on the world, and MUST BE held accountable.
     Monday morning quarterbacks as they are, Now they’ve done a 180, and they cry that he hasn’t acted fast enough. The real story:
A. China lied for months, hiding info, denying our offer to send experts, silencing whistleblowers. They told us through mid January there was “no human-to-human transmission, and allowed hundreds of thousands of Wuhanese to travel abroad, spreading the Chinese virus. Now China blames USA army for it.
B. It is even possible this is bio warfare-after all the only top level bio weapons lab in China is in Wuhan and evidence emerged suggesting that this is exactly what happened, as the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology released a new directive titled: “Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.” The People’s Liberation Army’s top expert in biological warfare, a Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, was dispatched to Wuhan at the end of January to help with the effort to contain the outbreak.
C.Dems make false claims trying to blame Trump. Refuted here
D. We are lucky the economy was so strong going into this, because of Trump,  so it can bounce back quickly when this threat diminishes
But, now, even Democratic governors are PRAISING Trump's wartime reaction to battle the Chinese virus. America realizes his amazing leadership. he keeps rising in the polls.

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