
Monday, March 23, 2020

Our Democratic politicians’ pernicious malfeasance.

3. Our Democratic politicians’ pernicious malfeasance.
a. Never forget Democrats PRAYED for a crashing economy. Never mind it will hurt everyone. As long as it hurts. They got their wish
b. Decried his travel ban with China, Jan. 31st, which saved countless lives, as “xenophobic and an overreaction”. If Biden, Hillary or Pelosi was Prez, millions more would have died.
c. Now say the opposite, that “he has not done enough” despite his heroic efforts to save us.
d. Make up all these lies about his great effort.
Now the few decent ones are apologizing for the lies…
e. Block the aid package so they can load it up with their radical leftist agenda that has nothing to do with fighting the virus: abortion, Green Deal. They are AFRAID the bill will HELP the economy.
f. Instead of pulling together to fight this invisible enemy during this wartime battle, they side with Communist China, whose malfeasance is creating this nightmare for the world.
g. Trump's heroic and brilliant leadership is saving the nation…/president-donald-j-trump-take…/
h. Dem governors of our 2 largest states praise Trump's response
I. Full time line of Trump's fantastic efforts…/what-magnificent-j…
We are so lucky. Thank God Trump is commander-in-chief in all these battles.

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