
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We must fight 3 things at the same time: 1. the virus,2. the Democratic politicians obstructing the war effort and appeasing China, 3. the Chinese government

We must fight 3 things at the same time: 1.  the virus,2.  the Democratic politicians obstructing the war effort and appeasing China, 3. the Chinese government
1. The Chinese Communist, perhaps bio lab-made, Virus and its devastating impact on our health and economy.
2. Our Democratic politicians’ pernicious malfeasance.
a. They Pray for economy crashing to hurt Trump. They got their wish…/2019/aug/25/rooting-rece…/
b. Decried his travel ban with China, Jan. 31st, which saved countless lives, as “xenophobic and an overreaction”. If Biden, Hillary or Pelosi was Prez, millions more would have died.
c. Now say the opposite, that “he has not done enough” despite his heroic efforts to save us.
d. Make up all these lies about his great effort. Even leftist Washington Post knows Biden lying about Trump's effort to fight virus. FOUR pinocchios!    
Refuting their LIES.   Now the few decent ones are apologizing for the lies…
e. Block the aid package so they can load it up with their radical leftist agenda that has nothing to do with fighting the virus.
f. Instead of pulling together to fight this invisible enemy during this wartime battle, they side with Communist China, whose malfeasance is creating this nightmare for the world.
g. Trump's heroic and brilliant leadership is saving the nation…/president-donald-j-trump-take…/
 h. Their presumptive Dem nominee is: demented/perverted/corrupt/plagiarizer/inveterate liar/bottom half law school class/can’t keep hands off little girls in public/ wrong n every foreign policy issue for 40 years/gaffe machine.! Incomoetent response to Trump
3. The Chinese government, which
a. may have made the virus, possibly accidentally released.
b. certainly lied for months about its reality of human-to-human transmission. If they had NOT LIED, 95% less illness and death…
c. let millions of citizens loose to infect the world
d. now, instead of accepting responsibility, blame US army for introducing it
e. refused to let our scientists in to help
f. expelled our journalists
g. “silenced” their whistleblowers
H. The Chinese are very smart. Their behavior destroy the world stock markets, except theirs, and then buy them up at depressed prices. They're buying Italian stocks like crazy now

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