
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The dangerous, suicidal delusions of the Jewish left

The dangerous, suicidal delusions of the Jewish left

Most Jews today are ignorant of issues of Jewish survival and Jewish in name only. Others, whose religion is really leftism, deeply believe in things that are delusional, without any evidence, and are VERY dangerous to Jewish survival. Appeasing Hitler taught them nothing. 

Four  main examples

1. The leftist Jews  blame Israel for the lack of progress with Palestinians, when the evidence is clear that the Palestinians have zero intention of ever making a real peace with Israel. The want the Jews gone. Period. They cannot provide and empirical evidence that Palestinian leadership will ever accept Israel under any conditions and that they do not want Jews dead and Israel gone.  note 1

2. Leftist Jews actually believe Obama's diplomatic jihad that he has Israel's back, and that his Iran deal is anything but the genocidal, catastrophic deal we know it to be, and that he is not telling lie after lie about it. They believe Iran can be trusted and they are not serious about wanting to destroy Israel and the USA. note 2

3. The left supports Hillary, despite her decades of real anti Israel work, and her top aid being a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist note 3

4. The left thinks that you can reason and trust  Muslims. Explain then why 81% in a recent poll said they support Isis. the other 19%? Shiites who support Iran's mullahs most likely.


Note 1. Palestinian leadership are barbaric tyrants, war criminals and want Jews dead and Israel gone.

note 2 

Obama worst, most dangerous president in US History: scandals, lies, impeachable offenses, stupidity, undermines allies, anti-Semitic, aids and abets Iranian nuclear terror and Islamic terrorist groups worldwide
Obama PRETENDS to fight Isis with 10 sorties a day. Half of which never unload bombs. Bush ordered 800 a day vs Iraq when he fought. Why? Obama is a jihadist. worst president ever 

As Iran chanted death to America and Israel, Obama keeps giving them more and more concessions.
Obama’s many lies about Iran deal
Why Iran DEAL must be defeated

note 3 

President Hillary Clinton? 30 reasons why not: scandal after scandal, Ben Ghazi, obviously took bribes as Secr. of State from Arabs and Iranian traffickers, is a serial liar, phony and hypocrite, supports Obama’s catastrophic Iran deal, has radical leftist economic views, has long history anti-Israel views, her top aid has deep Muslim terrorism ties, accomplished pitifully little as Senator and as Secr. of State was architect of Obama’s catastrophic foreign policy, where is the $6 billion missing from State Dept? Perhaps mass murderer, and so much more.

We don’t even begin to understand the depths of Hillary’s depravity, corruption, lying, pro jihadism, anti Israel policies,and incompetency,?

4. Polls on Isalmic beliefs

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