
Friday, July 17, 2015

What do the Islamic terror inspired murder of 4 Marines yesterday and the catastrophic Iran deal Obama announced the day before, have in common?

What do the Islamic terror inspired murder of 4 Marines yesterday and the catastrophic Iran deal Obama announced the day before, have in common?
You have to be blind, deaf, dumb not to understand Obama is a pro-Islamic jihadist and advancing radical Islam and elevating Iran to strongest regional power is his.
 #1 goal. 85 examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad. He has ordered no one to connect Islam to terror, he has scrubbed all manuals for law enforcement of the word islam, he is importing hundreds of thousands of more Muslims, he is gutting our military, insists every terror attack is a "lone wolf" or unrelated to islam, and on and on Here are 35 major flaws in the Iran deal.
What did he do first after the news broke of the murder of the 4 marines?
Who did he sit at his table for the White house Ramadan dinner? Vicious anti Israel muslim leaders.
#2 is weakening USA.
#3 Destroy Israel Timeline of Obama’s clear anti-Israel policies
Fight everything Obama does. Fight the Iran deal.

BTW Hillary is the same.Takes money from Arab terrorist nations, even as Secr. State. ttp://  Capitulated to Islamic terrorists  Her Long held pro Islamic jihad views/anti Israel views ttp:// has long history anti-Israel views

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