
Friday, July 17, 2015

Where oh where are the Conservative and Reform Jews on fighting the evil Iran deal?

Where oh where are the Conservative and Reform Jews and Jewish Federations? Afraid to lose donors so they won't take a stand against this catastrophic Iran deal? 

This deal makes Obama the leading financier of Islamic terrorism in the world, and will lead to war, not prevent it.
EVERY Israeli leader aside from the Arabs in the Knesset OPPOSE the Obama Iran deal.
The Orthodox, ZOA and Aipac and others have weighed in strongly opposed and Aipac will lead the battle in Congress to veto it.
If the non Orthodox don’t speak up, could it be because they have been infiltrated by many anti-Israel or just plain ignorant Rabbis affiliated with the Iran financed JStreet? Some members of their Executive Committees are JStreet members. The Rabbinic and lay arms of those Movements Complained bitterly when JStreet was denied admission to the Conference of [residents of major Jewish organizations. For many, their primary allegiance is to LEFTISM, not Judaism, and Jstreet was organized by Obama to hurt the pro Israel community.

So these “Rabbis” and “layleaders” know better for Israel than EVERY single Israeli leader from ALL political spectrums?

These Jews are showing their true colors unless they make this the most important political battle of their lives.

The most consequential vote these Senators and Congressman ever have will be on the Iran deal

This is NOT a case of 2 Jews, 3 opinions. The Torah says “I put before you life and death, good and evil, blessing and curse. There is Hitlerian evil here and MUST be fought with every ounce of our strength. Be strong and resolute.This a extremely dangerous deal that increases the chance for war, even WW3, worldwide terrorism, real threats of nuclear bombs in the USA, destruction of Israel, massive new arms race in the region and much more. Congress MUST understand this. This deal pours gasoline of wildfire spreading ruin throughout world.

35 fatal, catastrophic flaws of the deal

Call your Rabbi and synagogue president today and demand they organize a campaign.

Call United Synagogue (Conservative)  telephone: 212-533-7800
Fax: 212-353-9439 email
and the Union for Reform Judaism Union for Reform Judaism 
633 Third Avenue 
New York, NY 10017-6778 
and demand they get on board.

What is YOUR synagogue doing to fight this evil iran deal? 
JEWS: Where oh where are the Conservative and Reform Jews on the catastrophic Iran deal? Where are the Federations? Afraid to lose donors so they can't take stand vs evil? This deal makes Obama the leading financier of Islamic terrorism in the world, and will lead to war, not prevent it. EVERY Israeli leader aside from the Arabs in the Knesset OPPOSE the Obama Iran deal. The Orthodox, ZOA and Aipac and others have weighed in strongly opposed and Aipac will lead the battle in Congress to veto it. Evil, Iran financed Jstreet is the only Jewish group supporting this genocidal deal and many of their rabbis belong to these organizations.
Here are 35 major flaws in the Iran deal.
Call your Rabbi and synagogue president today and demand they organize a campaign to fight the Iran deal

Outside USA Conservative is called Masorti and reform Progressive. In USA and Canada. Call United Synagogue
 (Conservative)  telephone: 212-533-7800
Fax: 212-353-9439 email
and the Union for Reform Judaism Union for Reform Judaism 
633 Third Avenue 
New York, NY 10017-6778 


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