
Friday, November 6, 2015

Obama not criticized because of racism. It is because his POLICIES are ruining America

Democratic Party foments racial divide and wages hidden war on blacks

Why do we have record poverty under a black president? 6 generations of welfare dependency? Record unemployment among blacks under Democratic president? Who were the segregationists? Southern Democrats.

Obama not criticized because of racism. It is because his POLICIES are ruining America

Democratic Party foments racial divide and wages hidden war on blacks

Why do we have record poverty under a black president? 6 generations of welfare dependency? Record unemployment among blacks under Democratic president? Who were the segregationists? Southern Democrats.
Obama war on blacks
1. Record black unemployment/blacks suffer under Obama…/obama-blacks…/2014/01/08/id/545866/
2. Massive increase in dead black men. Not caused by police. Why? Obama.

3. Record poverty and dependency…/more-children-living-po…/30415391/ even though Democrats created HUNDREDS of programs and spent $22 TRILLION over 50 years. Why? These programs incentivize long term dependency

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