Thursday, October 15, 2015

Democrats purposefully exacerbating racial tension as taught to do so by radical Saul Alinsky

 Democrats purposefully exacerbating racial tension as taught to do so by radical Saul Alinsky
a. Obama WAR ON BLACKS: Record black unemployment/blacks suffer under Obama…/obama-blacks…/2014/01/08/id/545866/
b. History of racism of democrats
c. Obama purposefully increasing racial tension…/why-racial-tensions…-
d. Soros is funding the rioters…/tax-records-show-george-so…/
e. Farrakhan calls for mass murder of whites…/blacks-fail-to-rebuke-anti…/
g. Obama wrongly condemns police on 3 occasions when the black man was guilty but says nothing when “Black lives matter” movement advocates cop killings and cops are then killed in cold blood
h. Murder rates skyrocketing in major cities as Obama fuels racial tension and anti police atmosphere…/baltimore-killings-soar-to-level-…/
i. Phony "gender wage gap" is a democratic lie
j. Blacks lives were steadily IMPROVING in every category until democrats started the giveaways.
welfare dependency, births to teen unwed others, unemployment, drugs, fatherless households, gang ,memberships, black on black crime

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