Monday, July 30, 2018

The vast majority of American Jews profess allegiance to a party that takes their money but despises them. The Democrats

Many examples of how the Democratic Party, like the British Labour Party, is the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel party, today. The vast majority of American Jews profess allegiance to a party that takes their money but despises them.
How much more evidence do we need that the Democratic party is becoming anti-Semitic?
see kore evidence here

The stars of the Democratic Party, more and more, are openly anti-semites and anti-Israel. Linda Sarsour, Keith Ellison Vice chair DNC, Farakhan ( now to be featured in laudatory Netflix special), alexandria ocasio-Cortez ("Israel occupies Palestinian land"), obama (most anti Semitic act in world in 2016 according to Wiesenthal Nazi hunting org.), blame Israel always Bernie Sanders, blacklivesmatter (joined with Muslim terror groups officially) , Perez DNC chair, convention booing Jerusalem 2012, almost all Dems in Congress supporting the catastrophic Obama Iran deal, etc. Obscenely, most Jews disdain the most pro Jewish and pro Israel potus and VP we have ever had, but take no notice of the quickly morphing full fledged Jew hatred at the top of the party. As Ellison runs for AG in Minnesota, trying desperately to hide his nation of Islam Frakhan past, his probable successor to his Congressional seat, endorsed DFL candidate for Minnesota’s fifth congressional district characterizes Israel as a racist state.
1. 2012 Democratic convention, floor BOOS Jerusalem.…/jerusalem_and_god_get_bo…

2. #1 MOST ANTI Semitic act in WORLD in 2016 according to Simon Wiesenthal Nazi Hunter organization? Obama’s UN Abstention on Israel, delegitimizing Israel.…/obama-refusal-israel-vote…/

3. Congressman Keith Ellison, anti-Semite, Israel hater and Nation of Islam devotee, VP chair of the Democratic party!!!

4. Obama’s Iran deal $150 billion to nation building ICBM’s with Hebrew lettering that says ‘death to Israel” supported by almost all Dems in Congress.
5. Democratic senators on committee abuse Israel ambassador designate David Friedman
6. Top Dems support Blacklivesmatter which is deeply tied to Muslim terrorist groups.…/black-lives-matter-group-working…/

7. “In 2008 despite all the warnings, despite the fact that Barack Obama sat in a church hearing anti-Semitic sermons for two decades, despite the fact that he was close friends with Palestinian Liberation Organization spokesman Rashid Khalidi. Even before the election the Jewish community knew that at a 2003 event honoring Khalidi, Obama had made a toast that was so anti-Israel that the liberal L.A. Times hid the tape. Before the 2008 election Obama had already surrounded himself with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel advisers. At the very beginning of his administration Obama told the supposed Jewish leadership that one of his goals was to drive a wedge between the US and Israel.
Then after eight years of a president of the United States did his best to delegitimize the Jewish State, ignored previous US/Israel deals, publicly berated Israel at every opportunity, leaving Israel’s Premier to sit and stew with the Israeli delegation in a White House conference room for an hour because they wouldn’t capitulate to the President’s demands, and even blaming Israel and American Jews for pushing the U.S. into the Iraq war while he was trying to sell-in the disastrous Iran Deal and sent some of his political advisers to Israel along with State Department money, all in an attempt to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Israel’s most recent election, the Democrats nominated to replace him with Hillary Clinton the woman who was Obama’s partner in screwing Israel during his first administration. Despite the fact that Hillary has made a career of being anti-Israel, and surrounded herself with anti-Semites.
8. Bernie blames israel for defending itself against 40,000 Gazan monsters trying to break through border to kill Jews.
9. Newest hot prospect dem, Alexandris Cortez, says Israel is occupying Palestinian land. When asked to explain, says she's no "expert on geo politcs>'
10. 5 members Congr. Black caucus openly link to Farrakhan and when asked about it, call you a racist for challenging them.
11. Linda Sarsopur, Muslim terrorist supporter, feratured speaker at many liberal events.
12. Obama's IRS harassed pro israel groups seeking 501c3 status.
13. Obama tried to CUT funding for Iron Dome 2x.

Always remember: The "resistance" treated Reagan, Bush, McCain/Palin, Romney with the same hostility and attacks as they do now.

Always remember: The "resistance" treated Reagan, Bush, McCain/Palin, Romney (remember 'dog on roof story" and killing a woman employee etc?). with the same hostility and attacks as they do now. The difference is, they took it and did not fight back. We have a fighter now and the Democratic Propaganda Ministry (MEDIA) can't take it. Time for good guys to fight back against the evil. Ecclesiastes 10:2 "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Homicide rates rising? Why? Because of obama's support for blacklivesmatter.

Homicide rates rising? Why? Because of obama's support for blacklivesmatter.
Homicide Rate Is Rising? Do Tell!
(John Hinderaker)
CNN headlines: “Gun homicides on the rise, CDC says.”

Shooting homicides are on the rise, though other common methods of murder remain flat, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Most murders are committed with firearms, for the same reason we arm our soldiers and police officers with firearms: they are very effective. CNN fails to note, however, that homicides are committed almost exclusively with handguns. Shotguns and rifles account for very few murders; fewer than blunt instruments and bare hands.

CNN’s article is actually relatively fair. It quotes a pro-gun advocate, who has much the best of the argument. For example:

“Consider that between 2007 and 2016, the number of concealed carry permits in the country rose by 256%, and yet the murder rate dropped almost 10% and the violent crime rate dropped almost 20% (as seen in the FBI’s figures here),” [Erich Pratt] wrote.

But what is remarkable about CNN’s article is that it completely ignores the elephant in the room. It never tries to explain what caused the rising homicide rate, beginning after 2014, merely quoting another expert to the effect that “What is most volatile over time and space is gun homicides.” Not really: the homicide rate, which mostly means the gun homicide rate, had been falling steadily since the 1990s, until 2015. While not trying to ascribe a cause, CNN does acknowledge that the uptick beginning in 2015 has been concentrated in a handful of cities.

Steve Sailer draws the obvious conclusion:

Hmmhmmmh … Chicago, Baltimore, and St. Louis … Weren’t those in the news? Something to do with Black Lives Matter?

The obvious cause for the increase in murders during the last years of the Obama administration was the Black Lives Matter movement, which was enthusiastically endorsed by the White House. It led to numerous unfair attacks on law enforcement, which in turn caused officers to police less aggressively. When police officers are afraid to do their jobs for fear of career-ending charges of racism, criminals prosper. Baltimore is the most notorious example, but the same phenomenon has happened in other cities where law enforcement has been besieged by the Left.

Obviously, CNN is not going to blame its pet movement and its favorite administration for rising violent crime. But its suggestion that the solution somehow resides in more gun control is pathetic. It quotes a Johns Hopkins professor:

“We now have 12 states for which you can carry a loaded concealed gun with you or in your vehicle with no license or no vetting, no nothing.” He noted that these laws apply only in cases in which the armed person is not a convicted felon and doesn’t fall into other prohibited categories.

Does that have anything to do with the recent spike in homicides? Were carry laws loosened in Chicago, Baltimore, Kansas City or St. Louis prior to the increase? Are the states where murders spiked after 2014 the ones where the law permitted residents to “carry a loaded concealed gun with you…with no license”?

No. What did change in the last years of the Obama administration? The obvious answer is, the Black Lives Matter movement and the associated attacks on law enforcement.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Jews in France petrified from Muslim immigrants but our idiot Democratic Jews want to import loads here

‘They Spit When I Walked in the Street’: The ‘New Anti-Semitism’ in France

A silent demonstration in Paris honoring Mireille Knoll, an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor who was killed in her Paris apartment in March.CreditThibault Camus/Associated Press
PARIS — The solemn boulevards and quiet side streets of the 17th Arrondissement in Paris suggest Jewish life in France is vibrant: There is a new profusion of kosher groceries and restaurants, and about 15 synagogues, up from only a handful two decades ago.
But for residents like Joanna Galilli, this area in northwestern Paris represents a tactical retreat. It has become a haven for many Jews who say they have faced harassment in areas with growing Muslim populations. Ms. Galilli, 28, moved to the neighborhood this year from a Parisian suburb where “anti-Semitism is pretty high,” she said, “and you feel it enormously.”
“They spit when I walked in the street,” she said, describing reactions when she wore a Star of David.
France has a painful history of anti-Semitism, with its worst hours coming in the 1930s and during the German occupation in World War II. But in recent months, an impassioned debate has erupted over how to address what commentators are calling the “new anti-Semitism,” as Jewish groups and academic researchers trace a wave of anti-Semitic acts to France’s growing Muslim population.
Nearly 40 percent of violent acts classified as racially or religiously motivated were committed against Jews in 2017, though Jews make up less than 1 percent of France’s population. Anti-Semitic acts increased by 20 percent from 2016, a rise the Interior Ministry called “preoccupying.”
In 2011, the French government stopped categorizing those deemed responsible for anti-Semitic acts, making it more difficult to trace the origins. But before then, Muslims had been the largest group identified as perpetrators, according to research by a leading academic. Often the spikes in violence coincided with flare-ups in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, according to researchers.

Trump, the OPPOSITE of Obama MAGA

Trump, the OPPOSITE of Obama
Obama, record business killing regulations. Trump, deregulated faster than anyone
Obama gave away the store to iran. Trump nixed his horrendous deal and wants Arab nato to confront
Obama most "anti-semitic Act" in world in 2016 vs Israel at UN> Israel never had bigger supporter than trump.
Obama, record poverty. Trump, massive food stamp recipients down.
Trump, record LOW black and hispanic unemployment.
Obama worst ever economic growth over 8 years. trump first year better than his or Bush by far.
Obama did nothing to slow or oppose Russian or Chinese aggression. Trump huge new sanctions.

the economic growth rate in the first year of Trump in office is higher than the average annual growth rate for the entire presidencies of both Obama at 2.05 percent and Bush at 1.71 percent.

American prosperity of Trump era marks real turning point in history

Gross domestic product, or GDP, is the measure of choice when assessing the health of any economy, especially in the United States. GDP, which is measured at annual rates, includes the value of production of all goods and services produced in a country. In the one year since President Trumptook office, the first quarter of 2017 through the first quarter of 2018, real GDP grew at a 2.55 percent annual rate. This is higher than the growth for six of the eight years former President Obama was in office, or even five of the eight years when former President George W. Bush was in office.
Moreover, the economic growth rate in the first year of Trump in office is higher than the average annual growth rate for the entire presidencies of both Obama at 2.05 percent and Bush at 1.71 percent. For the full 65 years from the first quarter of 1953 through the first quarter of 2018, annual real GDP growth in the United States averaged 2.95 percent, which is still substantially higher than the first year under Trump.
The growth rate for the second quarter of 2018 is 4.1 percent. This is a nice sign of American prosperity and is the strongest quarter of economic growth since the third quarter of 2014. Net exports contributed about 1 percent, while the change in private inventories subtracted 1 percent. Lots of changes like this happen on a quarter by quarter basis and should not be taken too seriously.
The Commerce Department releases its quarterly estimates, but it has also revised a lot of historical numbers, although usually by only very small amounts. Perhaps its biggest revision was for the first four quarters of the Trump presidency. What had been an estimated annual growth of 2.82 percent was revised down to 2.55 percent, even though the first quarter of 2018 itself was revised up from 2 percent to 2.2 percent. This example is only meant to show the fragility of these numbers.
While the GDP growth of any one quarter can be offset, revised or magnified in subsequent quarters, a pattern appears to be emerging under the stewardship of the Trump administration, which makes a lot of sense, at least to me. I believe that people individually, and the economy collectively, respond strongly to economic incentives.
Other economists do not concur on this point. Jason Furman, the top economist for Obama, disagrees with me on the effects that Trump policies have on real GDP growth. In fact, using the ploy of damning with faint praise, he said of the 2017 tax cuts in a recent debate, “I think policy can make a difference. The tax cuts will make a very, very small positive difference, probably about half of one-tenth of 1 percent.”
History tells us a very different story than the naysayers. Lowering taxes and decreasing regulation has had powerful effects on growth over long periods of time. Taxes have a very important impact on employment, jobs, output and growth. An economy quite simply cannot be taxed into prosperity. The tax cuts signed by Trump stand in stark contrast to the tax increases under Obama. Corporate and personal tax rates were way too high. The Republican bill reduced those tax rates a lot. It included 100 percent expensing of capital expenditures, territorial taxation, and the elimination of state and local tax deductions to promote growth.
Trump has also waged war on debilitating regulations, including eliminating the Affordable Care Act individual mandate, along with reducing other health care and energy regulations as well. Monetary policy is now refocusing on market forces rather than zero interest rates, which means that money will flow to where it is needed, not to where some university professors believe it should go.
When it comes to trade, there are problems and risks in the vision Trump is carrying out. Trade should be free and with minimum barriers placed on American exports to other countries and foreign exports to the United States. We should, as a world, move to zero tariffs everywhere. We should eliminate other barriers and trade subsidies. Obviously, such an ideal world is not plausible, but there is no reason we cannot try.
Foreigners produce some things better than we do, and we produce some things better than they do. Both Americans and foreigners alike would be foolish in the extreme if Americans did not sell foreigners those products Americans make better than foreigners in exchange for those products foreigners make better than Americans do. It is a winning strategy for everyone and makes for great prosperity around the world.
Finally, we have had a serious government spending problem in the United States for years. The economist Milton Friedman was famous for saying “government spending is taxation.” He is completely correct. If a country taxes people who work and pays people when they do not work, then it is unsurprising if a lot more people choose not to work.
The latest GDP figure is a great number that aids our recovery from the awful 16 years under Bush and Obama. It will also reduce deficits in the long term if such robust economic growth continues. But the challenge is far from over. We have a lot of work to do to fan the flames of prosperity and to hold at bay the prosperity killers. But one step forward is still one step forward, and it is a heck of a lot better than one step backward.
Arthur B. Laffer is chairman of Laffer Associates. He was an economic adviser to the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump and served as an economic adviser to the White House during the Reagan administration.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

the Obama administration knowingly gave US aid money to an Al-Qaeda affiliate

A Middle East Forum investigation reveals that the Obama administration knowingly gave US aid money to an Al-Qaeda affiliate in Sudan that was sanctioned by the US for its support for terrorists, including Osama bin Laden and Hamas.

Are Sen Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stupid or lying about everyone having 2 jobs?

Does Everyone Have Two Jobs?

A critical look at the left’s latest economic talking point.

Do Americans have too many jobs? Democratic Socialist congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said last week that “unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs” and “people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren said people are “working minimum wage jobs that won’t support them or they’re working two, three or four jobs.”
But Bureau of Labor Statistics data show only a small minority of Americans work multiple jobs. That percentage has been around 5% of working Americans since 2010, though it was higher before then. Last month 7.6 million, or 4.9%, of the 155.5 million working Americans had multiple jobs.
Are people working “60, 70, 80 hours a week”? Rarely. But for a brief dip during the recession, private-sector employees have worked an average of 34.2 to 34.6 hours a week since BLS began tracking the data in 2006. The average stood at 34.5 hours in June.
BLS considers 35 hours a week “full time,” so working 70 or 80 hours would be equivalent to two full-time jobs. Only 360,000 people worked two full time jobs in June—0.2% of the workforce. There may well be people working 60 hours a week or more on one job—but if that were common, the overall average for hours worked would be well above 34.5.
Ms. Warren also claims people are “working minimum wage jobs that won’t support them.” No doubt some people work minimum-wage jobs, particularly younger employees getting their first work experience. That they have access to such jobs is a positive rather than a negative. But the fixation on minimum-wage jobs is increasingly disconnected from reality. With economic growth accelerating and the demand for workers increasing, anyone driving by fast-food restaurants or other retail establishments will see signs seeking employees for $10 to $12 an hour, well above the $7.25 federal minimum wage and most state minimum wages.
On a year-over-year basis, wages for all employees increased 2.7% in June. That’s a good, not a great, number. But individuals working production and nonsupervisory jobs in the retail and hospitality-and-leisure sectors did much better. These sectors have the lowest average hourly wage of any sector the BLS measures, at $15.87 and $13.82 respectively.
In June, wages increased 3.8% year over year for retail-sector employees. It was their highest percentage increase since 2001 using June as the base year. Wages in the hospitality-and-leisure sector, including restaurants, rose 3.3% year over year—on top of a 4.3% increase in 2017. In a fast-growing economy, the demand for labor increases, and more employers have to pay above the applicable minimum wages to get employees.
As the economy continues to improve, so will jobs and wages for American workers. For progressives like Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and Ms. Warren, the difficulty will lie in attempting to explain away the benefits of economic growth for American workers.
Mr. Puzder is a former CEO of CKE Restaurants and author of “The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left’s Plot to Stop It.”