Biden unqualified for 29 reasons. Worst candidate ever. Will do grave harm.
No Democrat can produce a single positive thing that Biden has done, policy wise, in over 40 years in politics. In addition, when you look at his views on issues, he's been wrong on every single foreign policy issue for 40 years.
More than a 3rd of the country believes he has advancing senility. He's increasingly moved to the hard left to try and win Bernie supporters, and picked as his running mate, the most radically left senator in the senate.
Can you refute, with evidence:
1. Biden has dementia? Obviously that's why he is hiding in his basement and refuses to take questions. He knows he'd be exposed. 46 minute compilation of his gibberish and muddled brain
2. That he is corrupt? How did a man who has drawn a govt. salary his entire life amass a fortune and enrich so many members of his family?
3. That he is perverted?
4. That he begged Obama not to go after bin Laden?
5. That he called trump ending travel from infected China "racist and xenophobic" and he also oppose stopping travel from infected Europe? Biden did not accept his bad judgement until April.
6. Very finished in the bottom half of his class in every educational endeavor and LIED about it.
7. lied about being a professor when he left the White House ?
And many more consequential lies here
8. That he continually makes racist comments and history of racist policies
9. That he has a very bad temper and often says vulgar and offensive things to people with whom he disagrees?
10. threatened the Prime Minister of Israel to cut off US aid. Bad for Israel
11. That he has pledged to go back to the very dangerous Obama iran deal
12. That he was vice president when Obama committed the most anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016?
13. That he was vice president when Obama Biden had the worst economic growth ever over 8 years of any administration?
14. That he was vice president when Obama Biden had the worst recovery ever from any recession in us history?
15. That he was vice president when Obama Biden achieved record poverty in the country?
16. That he was vice president when black lives matter organization and Antifa 1st appeared here? That he has never said one bad thing about their terrorism, about their efforts to burn down police stations and court houses with people in them.
17. That he has pledged to appoint AOC to head environmental policy and implement the Green New Deal, at a cost of $97 trillion@!@!@
18. That he has pledged to appoint Beto (I want to confiscate guns) Orourke to head gun policy
19. He will appoint leftists to the Supreme Court when given the chance. tThe right o bear arms was upheld only 5-4. One more leftist judges means NO right to gun ownership
20. He has pledged to REVERSE Trump tax cuts, thereby ipso-facto raising taxes on the middle class
21. Had to drop out before when running for president for plagiarizing. in September 1987, newspaper stories stated he had plagiarized a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock. Other allegations of past law school plagiarism and exaggerating his academic record soon followed. Biden withdrew from the race later that month.
22. Been wrong on “every foreign policy issue for 40 years” (Robert Gates quote) including Voting FOR every war vote he had. Trump has gotten us into 0 wars and avoided several.
23. he plans to make us DEPENDENT on foreign oil once again as he forbids shale. Destroying countless US jobs.
24. Gaffa after gaffe,29569,1895156,00.html
25. Biden is in China's pocket.
26. That he supported terrible trade deals Iike TTP and Nafta, that cost Americans huge in jobs and manufacturing, while Trump corrected.
27. Supported China entrance to free trade which helped them cheat way to economic behemoth.
28. We really have NO IDEA what he will do since he flip flops constantly. Is Biden running against himself? He voted for NAFTA. Now he opposes it. He voted for the Iraq war. Now he opposes it. He sponsored the 1994 crime bill. Now he opposes it. He opposed illegal immigration. Now he supports amnesty and free health care for illegal aliens. He’s flipping and flipping so often he makes flip-flipping John Kerry look like a principled politician.
If you want lower taxes, vote Trump.
If you want law & order, vote Trump.
If you want national security, vote Trump.
If you want stronger police, vote Trump.
If you want to fight China, vote Trump.
If you want lower unemployment, vote Trump.
If you want a booming economy, vote Trump.
If you want border security, vote Trump.
If you want a stronger Israel, vote Trump.
If you want to end Iran's regime, vote Trump.
If you want higher consumer confidence, vote Trump.
If you want American business to thrive, vote Trump.
If you want to end human trafficking, vote Trump.
If you want the pride of "Made in America," vote Trump.
If you want to fight fake news media, vote Trump.
If you want to end illegal immigration, vote Trump.
If you want a conservative Supreme Court, vote Trump.
If you want to end the Radical Left, vote Trump.
If you want higher taxes, more homelessness, more looting and riots, more unemployment, and dependence on the government, a weaker America manipulated by China and other enemies, a weak economy, the return of ISIS, world terrorist activity, illegal immigration... If you want the country to be directed by the likes of Omar, AOC, Pelosi, Tlaib- then vote Biden/ Harris.