Friday, July 31, 2015

Americans against the Iran deal

The Obama administration has to be worried about the polling data on the Iran deal. It’s not good, not good at all.
According to Pew, which released a survey this week, 38 percent support it and 48 percent oppose.
Given the fact that the American people usually follow the president’s lead when it comes to foreign policy, this is a pretty bleak result for President Obama.
Even more striking, perhaps, is the relative softness of Democratic support — only 59 percent of Obama’s fellow Dems support the pact, fewer than three in five. (Unsurprisingly, nearly 80 percent of Republicans oppose the deal.)

How can any intelligent person be a Democrat? Obama worst president ever. Catastrophic Administration

You have to hate America's poor, Middle class, the truth and the safety of the West and Israel and love Islamic jihadism to support Obama and Democrats

How the Democrats, Obama and Clinton wreck the nation and the world, hurt our poor, middle class, women, blacks, jobs, debt, businesses, college grads etc.

Obama and the Democrats have given us: record poverty. doubling all previous US debt. Middle class wealth losses. Growing inequality rich and poor. 38 year record % not in labor force. Staggering Black unemployment. Increased racial tension. IRS abuse of opponents. VA scandal.  More businesses going out of business than being created.. Record poor “recovery from recession” US economy sees the slowest wage growth ever recorded.  Obamacare cost 3x promise. Over 2.7 trillion. Massive illegal immigration and no security on our borders and unwilling to stop violent crimes by illegals, 1/3 murders in many cities from Obama's illegal immigrants. Over 50% recent college grads no full time jobs. Record low # women in labor force-the real war on women.  Chief Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was sold to us packed with lies they knew about but hid from us. Murder rates skyrocketing in major cities. Record food stamp use. ISIS not slowed at all in one year. AlQuyida at record strength. Iran taking over 4 countries.  Obama flooding nation with Muslims. Obama wants Iran to be the regional power despite it being worst nation on earth. Our military being gutted and weakened. His unrelenting hatred of Israel. Incidents of anti-Semitism around the world at its highest levels since the Holocaust. Decapitation on US streets?  Shootings at unarmed soldiers at Army recruitment centers. Forbidding security agencies to use word Islam in investigations.  Muslim terrorism growing all over the world. Politicizes the Justice Department? Spyoing on journalists. Curb religious freedom. Inflames race relations. He abandons our ¬allies, appeases tyrants, coddles ¬adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast. Now he’s coming for Israel. Obama has always and does, hate Israel. The rest is diplomatic jihad from him. Handing Iran $150 billion to finance terrorism. Worst president by far in US history and supported by the Democrats. See PROOF for all above at

Obama worst president ever. Catastrophic Administration. Hillary will be as bad.
This is what we have after 6 1/2 years of Obamanomics
A.    Domestic Nightmare
2. More businesses going out of business than being created
3. Middle class lost average $5000 wealth
4. Record poor “recovery from recession” US economy sees the slowest wage growth ever recorded.
6. Obamacare cost 3x promise. Over 2.7 trillion
10. Exacerbating racial tension  
11.Obama DOUBLED ALL previous US debt by 43 presidents
12. Demagogues to scare away any changes which are needed to save Social Security and Medicare for our children
13. Massive illegal immigration and no security on our borders  and unwilling to stop violent crimes by illegals
14. Over 50% recent college grads no full time jobs
15. Chief Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was sold to us packed with lies they knew about but hid from us.
16. Murder rates skyrocketing in major cities as Obama'd fuels racial tension and anti police atmosphere
17. Record food stamp use
18. Obama flooding nation with Muslim terrorists
19. record low women in labor force,
20. Massive Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of government at obama's directives

B.    Refuting false claims of Obama’s (phony) accomplishments and how Obama/Democrats are destroying America and the free world.
C.    Foreign Policy traitorous fiascos of Obama
2.     85 examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad
3.     Obama’s catastrophic foreign policy blunders
4.     The strongest military and economic power on earth, is about to sign the worst international agreement in U.S. diplomatic history.
5.     Timeline of Obama’s clear anti-Israel policies
Next after Iran, Israel goes after Israel
The jihadist Obama says can’t defeat Isis with guns!!
7.     Obama says Islamic terror has nothing to do with islam. So why is Islamic nation Tunisia CLOSING 80 mosques after terror?
8.     Obama gutting US military, leaving us unprepared
and now cutting even more

D.    Lie after lie, scandal after scandal WORST PRESIDENT EVER

E.     No respect for other 2 branches of government. “I have a pen and a phone. If they won’t do it, I’ll do it by executive action”  and Supreme Court?  Last week, President Obama made several comments about the Supreme Court’s pending decision in King v. Burwell, the Obamacare tax subsidies case, chiding the court for taking up the issue and calling it “an easy case.” But should the president be telling the justices how to rule? Historically, many presidents have criticized decisions with which they have disagreed, but very few have done so before the court issued its decision.

Refuting false claims of Obama’s (phony) accomplishments
The left/ Obama claims
1.       He got Bin laden
a.       He campaigned AGAINST every tool used to find and kill Bin laden
b.      It was the military who did it. He had no choice but ok the decision
c.       Much of the Seal team Six who got Bin laden were killed in mysterious helicopter crash later
With 8 Afghanistan soldiers aboard who were not supposed to be there. The support helicopters were given the order to not shoot back at the Taliban shooting at them, WHY?
2.       He got price of gas reduced
a.       He has fought vigorously against gas and oil exploration in USA
b.      The price is doubled since he took office
3.       He cut the deficit in half
a.       The deficit is still much HIGHER than the highest under Bush
b.      It only dropped from the astronomical highs he had the first 4 years
c.       He will DOUBLE all previous US debt from the first 43 Presidents
4.       He cut the unemployment rate. The rate is down because we have record # of people who dropped out of labor force and they are not counted. The unemployment rate didn't fall because more people were hired. The rate fell solely because the number of people who had become dispirited and stopped looking for work far exceeded the number who found jobs. The percentage of Americans in the workforce - defined as those who either have a job or are actively seeking one - dropped to 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, from 62.9 percent. (The figure was 66 percent when the recession began in 2007
5.       He ended 2 wars
Pulling out precipitously has led to explosion of worldwide terrorism, rise of ISIS. This iis part of Obama’s radical Islamic jihadism.
6.       Pulled us out of last recession
a.       Liberals caused last recession Obama, Barney Frank and Dems caused 2008 recession, not Bush


Iran deal gets worse daily/ Threatens USA and Israel and we don’t even know what’s in it fully

The world is mourning the death of Cecil the Lion. Sad. But we are facing another Holocaust of this Lion, and hundreds of suitcase sized dirty bombs blowing up hundreds of american cities by iranian proxies, thanks to Obama's deal. What about Death to American, Death to Israel" is not comprehensible? Obama's deal makes it much more likely. 
Iran deal gets worse daily/ Threatens USA and Israel and we don’t even know what’s in it fully…/iran-deal-gets-wors… .…/gen-dempsey-obama-ignored-my-mi…/

Iran deal gets worse daily/ Threatens USA and Israel and we don’t even know what’s in it fully
Iran’s president “America surrendered” they are laughing at us.
     Nancy Peslosi, who enthusiastically endorsed the Iran deal, told us that we wouldn’t find out what is in Obamacare until we passed it. What we know about the Iran deal is catastrophic. This plan is based on countless lies by Obama/Kerry. Catastrophic, genocidal Iran deal based on Obama/Kerry’s mountain of LIES, deception, obfuscation, threats, anti-Semitism. (1)
     HOWEVER, In addition to these disasters we know about, it turns out there are loads of details, and hidden side deals Obama won’t let us know, (2) so we may never know what is in it, even after their nuks blow up Israel, God forbid, and dirty bombs blow up parts of 100 US cities.  PLUS, Iran says Obama is LYING about what is in it to appease us. (3) There are parts even Kerry has not seen yet!! (3a)
     The KAPO groups like Jstreet and National Democratic Jewish Council, and KAPO Jewish Congressman like Sander Levin D-MI and Jan Schakowsky D-Il. like the Nazis also claimed “just following orders”, are lock in step with their leaders: Obama/Kerry/Valeria Jarrett, no matter how evil. Delusional, Suicidal, Fratricidal and ignorant Jews. (4) and also the idiot LEFT that believes whatever lies this monstrous regime say.

Obama’s Iran deal is leading directly to catastrophic nuclear and conventional war vs USA and Israel.  Many better options exist. Must defeat this deal.
a. Iran preparing for war: They are using the $150 billion windfall Obama gave them to buy huge amounts of offensive bombers etc On the heels of announcing the building of two new nuclear reactors, Iran is about to conclude a transaction with China for the purchase of multi-role jet fighter planes. This transaction comes only days after purchasing a fleet of in-flight refueling warplanes from Moscow.
b. The deal legitimized Iran’s nuclear weapons program for 10 years out, but Iran has always cheated and is openly saying Obama is lying about treaty to appease us. (3)
c. “verification” is a JOKE.: Iran says they won’t let inspectors into military sites, (5) allows Iran to send in their own sample and provides for 3 months notice before any inspections.
d. Iran is already planning to build many more nuclear sites,
e. The deal leaves intact many centrifuges unneeded for peaceful energy,
f. Daily Iran shout “death to America” and “destruction of Israel is non-negotiable”.   And libtards argue it is just rhetoric. Was it just nazi rhetoric? Was Rowands just rhetoric? The Cambodian killing fields? War after war started by Arabs against Jews?  Iran is determined to eliminate Israel for 2 reasons: 1. Reestablish Persian dynasty and 2. Theological Shiite reason to find hidden 12th Imam Mahdi which require cataclysmic catastrophe.    Iran is absolutely willing to lose 4o million of its 70 million people for the honor of destroying Israel and attacking USA. Their leaders have said so. (6) They have hundreds of Hezbollah agents in USDA NOW, that can set off suitcase dirty nuks any time Iran tells them too.
g. Obama, Kerry, top aid Valarie Jarett have deep vested interests in Iran’s supremacy. (7)
h. Many much better alternatives have been offered. Obama is not interested. (8)
i. Obama, Kerry, top aid Valarie Jarett have deep vested interests in Iran’s supremacy.
j. Why is Obama doing this? He is a radical Islamic jihadist (9)
k. Our own top Brass says this deal does not stop war. (10) and deal goes vs their advice (11)

                    This Deal must be defeated and a better way found. LOBBY now (12)
Iranian Commander saying erasing Israel non-negotiable and Obama pledges to defend Iran
9. 85 examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad
10. US Gen. Martin Dempsey warns that notwithstanding the nuclear deal, Iran continues to threaten the US and Israel on many levels, and that the military option must remain on the table.

Refuting top 15 LIES Obama/Kerry tells about the catastrophic Iran deal.
This catastrophic, war inducing genocidal Iran deal, promoted by many Obama LIES, must be defeated. Lobbying Congress info at the bottom.
Obama IS leading BOTH Israel and USA to doors of the ovens. Huckabee is right!
Iran says obama is lying about deal

1.     LIE Iran has fatwa vs Nuclear weapons. TRUTH: No such fatwa exists 
2.     LIE Iran will not use nuclear bombs vs Israel or USA TRUTH: For sure they will
3.     LIE American Jews support the deal
TRUTH: They do not and the leftist polls that say otherwise are lies 
Jews who support deal are suicidal, genocidal, fratricidal and ignorant
4.     LIE The deal blocks Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and does not aid their terrorism. Truth: It guarantees them, even if they don’t cheat, which they will. The Obama deal gives $150 BILLION to the world's worst terrorist regime to buy any arms 
5.     LIE Obama will protect Israel. TRUTH: he deal calls for USA to defend IRAN vs Israel! Truth Obama always has hated Israel and wants them destroyed. He can’t do it directly for political reasons. 
6.     LIE Obama is trying to protect the West. TRUTH: Obama is a supporter of radicalized Islamic jihad. Obama is gutting US military
7.     LIE Verification is possible. Truth. Iran has aways cheated. Will cheat. Deal lets them have 3 months notice and to turn in their OWN samples. And they will not allow military site inspections.
8.     Obama’s aids deep ties to Iran. Valarie Jarett born there and speaks Farsi, Kerry’s son-in-law Is iranian Iranian terrorists attended the wedding, Susan Rice huge investments.
9.     The deal IGNORES Iran’s continuous demonization of Israel and USA, fostering terrorism on 5 continents, their pledge to buy ICBMs with the hundreds of billions they now get etc
10.   Lie There exists no good alternative to this deal. TRUTH Many much better options exist. A third grader could have done better 
11. LIE US Military approved the deal Truth: the have strong reservations
12. LIE Deal Binds Iran to obligations. TRUTH> Their “obligations” are voluntary
13. LIE Everything agreed to has been revealed. Truth: They admit to hiding much
14. LIE 99% world agrees with Obama. Truth the neighbors are very worried and want their own nuks
15. Kerry makes anti-Semitic threat of consequences if deal loses

16.  Lobby Congress info

The evidence is laid out in these blog posts
1.     LIE Iran has fatwa vs Nuclear weapons. TRUTH: No such fatwa exists TRUTH
2.     LIE Iran will not use nuclear bombs vs Israel or USA TRUTH: For sure they will
Iranian Commander saying erasing Israel non-negotiable and Obama pledges to defend Iran 

3.     LIE American Jews support the deal
TRUTH: They do not and the leftist polls that say otherwise are lies  After hearing both sides Jews OPPOSE 58%-30%
Jews who support deal are suicidal, genocidal, fratricidal and ignorant

4.     LIE The deal blocks Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Truth: It guarantees them, even if they don’t cheat, which they will. The Obama deal gives $150 BILLION to the world's worst terrorist regime to buy any arms it wants and finance terror, including ICBMs, allows Iran to inspect itself mostly. The 24 days for inspections turns out to be 3 months or more!, does not stop their nuclear development, gives them guaranteed path to nuclear bombs and guarantees their safety against attack. Obama deal helps Iran get nuclear bombs. Virtually no verification. They are allowed to send in their own samples, have 3 months to prepare for inspections, legitimization of nuclear weapons after 10 years, have always cheated before. They can send 1000 nuclear tipped ICBMs here or give their Hezbollah agents here 1000 dirty bombs in suitcases for American cities easily. And now Nazi Obama has pledged to PROTECT Iran.

He is now world's #1 financier of terrorism

5.     LIE Obama will protect Israel. TRUTH: he deal calls for USA to defend IRAN vs Israel! Watch this video is disbelief
 He always has hated Israel and wants them destroyed. He can’t do it directly for political reasons. Timeline of Obama’s clear anti-Israel policies
Next after Iran, Israel goes after Israel
6.     LIE Obama is trying to protect the West. TRUTH: Obama is a supporter of radicalized Islamic jihad. 85 examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad  and
Obama is gutting US military Obama gutting US military, leaving us unprepared
and now cutting even more
7.     LIE Verification is possible. Truth. Iran has always cheated. Will cheat. Deal lets them have 3 months notice and to turn in their OWN samples.
And they will not allow military site inspections.
Can't verify
8.     Obama’s aids deep ties to Iran. Valarie Jarett born there and speaks Farsi, Kerry’s son-in-law iran Iranian terrorists attended the wedding, Susan Rice huge Iranian investments.
Small world: chief negotiator for #1 sponsor of Islamic terrorism, Javad Zarif's son was best man at John Kerry's daughter's wedding in 2009. Daughter married an Iranian."
9.     The deal IGNORES Iran’s continuous demonization of Israel and USA, fostering terrorism on 5 continents, their pledge to buy ICBMs with the hundreds of billions they now get etc
10.   Lie There exists no good alternative to this deal. TRUTH Many much better options exist. A third grader could have done better negotiating

11. US military opposes a.  and 


LIE Deal Binds Iran to obligations. TRUTH> Their “obligations” are voluntary

13.   LIE Everything agreed to has been revealed. Truth: They admit to hiding much

APPEASEMENT to EVIL Churchill ”you had choice between dishonor and war. You chose dishonor and will get war.”
Deuteronomy; “I put before you good and evil, life and death, blessing and curse. Choose…

SEE THE EVIDENCE HERE for all 13 points
      A. Refuting the main 3 lies Obama used to make deal
C. Obama promotes radical Islamic jihad / 85 examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad   and

Top French Official says we could have gotten much better deal

Secretary of State John Kerry has been painting an apocalyptic picture of what would happen if Congress killed the Iran nuclear deal. Among other things, he has warned that “our friends in this effort will desert us." But the top national security official from one of those nations involved in the negotiations, France, has a totally different view: He told two senior U.S. lawmakers that he thinks a Congressional no vote might actually be helpful.
His analysis is already having an effect on how members of Congress, especially House Democrats, are thinking about the deal.
The French official, Jacques Audibert, is now the senior diplomatic adviser to President Francois Hollande. Before that, as the director general for political affairs in the Foreign Ministry from 2009 to 2014, he led the French diplomatic team in the discussions with Iran and the P5+1 group. Earlier this month, he met with Democrat Loretta Sanchez and Republican Mike Turner, both top members of the House Armed Services Committee, to discuss the Iran deal. The U.S. ambassador to France, Jane Hartley, was also in the room.
According to both lawmakers, Audibert expressed support for the deal overall, but also directly disputed Kerry’s claim that a Congressional rejection of the Iran deal would result in the worst of all worlds, the collapse of sanctions and Iran racing to the bomb without restrictions.
“He basically said, if Congress votes this down, there will be some saber-rattling and some chaos for a year or two, but in the end nothing will change and Iran will come back to the table to negotiate again and that would be to our advantage,” Sanchez told me in an interview. “He thought if the Congress voted it down, that we could get a better deal.”
(The Elysee Palace office and the French Embassy in Washington did not respond to my requests for comment on Thursday morning. After publication on Thursday afternoon, a spokesman for the embassy, Arnaud Guillois, issued a statement saying it "formally denies the content of the remarks." The embassy would not elaborate, except to say that it spoke for Audibert. He did not respond to a request for an interview.)
Audibert's comments as recounted by the lawmakers are a direct rebuttal to Kerry, who in remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations on July 24 said that if Congress voted down the deal, there would no chance to restart negotiations in search of a tougher pact. Kerry also said that Congressional rejection of the Iran deal would erode the U.S. credibility to strike any type of international agreement in the future. “Do you think the Ayatollah is going to come back to the table if Congress refuses this and negotiate again? Do you think that they're going to sit there and other people in the world are going to say, hey, let's go negotiate with the United States, they have 535 secretaries of State?” Kerry said. “I mean, please.”
This argument is being echoed by a throng of U.S. commentators and former Obama administration officials who support the deal. They all say that if the Congress doesn’t lift U.S. sanctions, the rest of the international regime will collapse and allied countries will rush to do business in Iran. That would make the U.S. sanctions moot and put U.S. businesses at a disadvantage, the argument goes. (Kerry pointed out in his council speech that the French foreign minister, the French commerce minister and German officials were all visiting Iran with delegations this month.)
Audibert disagrees with that analysis, too, according to the two lawmakers. He told them that if U.S. sanctions were kept in place, it would effectively prevent the West from doing extensive business in Iran. “I asked him specifically what the Europeans would do, and his comment was that the way the U.S. sanctions are set in, he didn’t see an entity or a country going against them, that the risk was too high,” Sanchez said.
Audibert also wasn’t happy with some of the terms of the deal itself, according to Sanchez and Turner. He said he though it should have been negotiated to last forever, not start to expire in as few as 10 years. He also said he didn’t understand why Iran needed more than 5,000 centrifuges for a peaceful nuclear program. He also expressed concerns about the robustness of the inspections and verification regime under the deal, according to the lawmakers.
To be sure, Audibert wasn’t speaking on behalf of the entire French government, and there may be a variety of views about the deal in Paris. The French ambassador to Washington, Gerard Araud, has been on Capitol Hill pushing for the deal along with his British and German counterparts. “It’s just one person’s opinion, but he has good credentials to be talking about it,” Sanchez said of Audibert. “We have Kerry saying the French are just going to bust in there and do this and this, and here we have somebody who seems to disagree with that.”
When the lawmakers returned to Washington, news of their conversation with Audibert spread among their colleagues. Turner confronted Kerry with Audibert’s statements during a July 22 closed-door briefing with Kerry and more than 300 House lawmakers. The briefing was classified, but Turner’s questions to Kerry were not.
“Are you surprised Jacques Audibert believes we could have gotten a better deal?” Turner asked Kerry, according to Turner.
“The secretary appeared surprised and had no good answer as to why the national security adviser of France had a completely different position than what the secretary told us the same day,” Turner told me.