Thursday, March 26, 2015

Why is it so hard for everyone to admit Obama is radical, pro jihad: top 170+ examples

why do about 1/3rd of USA believe Obama is a Muslim? I believe more than that, the evidence is clear that Obama aids and abets islamic jihad.

President is playing for the other team
The only explanation that makes sense for our disastrous approach to foreign and domestic policy (making nice to enemies and abandoning allies, trusting Iran, refusing to condemn or even name Islamic radicalism as a problem, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, record debt, record poverty, record job destroying regulations, record poor recovery from recession, negative growth,) is that the President is playing for the other team
To anyone who does NOT think Obama is trying to weaken America and aid Islamic jihad, answer please these 150+ examples of Obama's aiding and abetting Islamic jihadism.:

Is he a Muslim? 
More to the point, his ACTIONS aid islamic jihad

1. Why did Obama call ISIS JV when all the top intelligence people were saying we have never seen anything like them and has refused to choose among many options to destroy isis provided by the pentagon?
2. Why does Obama refuse to give Jordan and the Kurds they asked for to fight isis?
3. Why does Obama refuse to share intelligence about Isis with Egypt, which asked for help.
4. Why did Obama try and get Muslim brotherhood leader in stalled in Egypt nd them gave them 1.5 billion and our F16s?
5. Why does Obama say Iran can be successful regional power in compliance with our norms of behavior
6. Why does Obama lie and say 99.9% Muslims want what we want
7. Why does Obama lie and say Iran can be counted on to abide by agreements
8. Why does Obama lie and say Inspectors can verify compliance
9. Why does Obama lie and say This deal will guarantee Iran won't get bomb
10. Why does Obama lie and say My sanctions hampered their efforts
11. Why does Obama lie and say Iran has fawta vs use nuclear bomb
12. Why does Obama lie and say Their faith precludes use of nuclear bomb
13. Why does Obama lie and say I will protect Israel
14. Why does Obama lie and say We and Iran agree on the terms of the deal when Iran says it is a lie
15. Why does Obama lie and by omission and neglects to state
His top aids :Kerry, Valarie Jarett, Susan Rice have deep ties to Iran
16. Why does Obama not acknowledge Iran's ongoing spread of terrorism on 5 continents
17. Why does Obama not acknowledge Iran's ongoing talk of destroying Israel and USA
18. Why does Obama not acknowledge Iran's ICBM and submarine programs
19. Why does Obama not acknowledge his extensive, long enduring Islamic support and fraternizing with terrorists
20. Why does Obama not acknowledge sending secret envoy before 2008 election promising mullahs they'd like his presidency
21. Why does Obama reject Israel's demand that Israel's right to exist be prerequisite
22. Why does Obama not acknowledge Iran has consistently lied to UN, ignored their sanctions and decrees, hid their programs. Verification is impossible with them
23. Why does Obama not acknowledge The Iran and US can’t agree on what was agreed.…/when-their-supreme-leader-di…
24. Why does Obama not acknowledge the basic tradeoff achieved by Secretary of State John Kerry in the talks with Iran boils down to this: Iran has to watch its step for ten years. Then all bets are off. A year later, bombs away! "
25. Why does Obama not acknowledge the truth as expressed here: Wall Street Journal “The truth, contrary to the President, is that the critics of his Iran framework do not want war. But they also don’t want a phony peace to lead to a nuclear Middle East that leads to a far more horrific war a decade from now.
26. Why does Obama not acknowledge The rest of the Middle East (non Iranian stooges) are OPPOSED to this deal
27. Why did the IRS head visit the white House 200 times right before it was exposed that IRS was harassing conservative and pro Israel groups?
28. Why has Obama appointed so many radical Islamic jihadists to high positions in the US government?
29. Why did Obama lie for so many weeks about Benghazi, claiming it was because of a youtube video no one watched?
30. Why did Obama have dinner with radical Palestinians Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi 30 years ago?
31. Why was Obama a member of a church for 26 years in Chicago whose pastor, Jeremiah Wright was an admitted communist and central theme was “goddamn America”?
32.Why did : President Obama withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq in 2011 and is preparing to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2016, even while keeping a few more troops there this year and next than originally planned. helping create isis
33. The Obama administration keeps largely silent about Iran’s power grab in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, even going so far now as to assist Iranian forces in Tikrit, while attempting to negotiate a nuclear deal with Tehran that would allow it to maintain thousands of centrifuges.
34. Mr. Obama berates Benjamin Netanyahu for allegedly “racist” campaign rhetoric, refuses to accept his apologies, and says the U.S. may now “re-assess options,” code words for allowing the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state over Israeli objections.
35. Taken together, these facts suggest that Mr. Obama is attempting to pull off the most fundamental realignment of U.S. foreign policy in a generation. 
36. The president is pulling America back from the leading military role it has played in the Middle East since 1979, the year the Iranian hostage crisis began and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. He is trying to transform Iran from an enemy to a friend. He is diminishing the alliance with Israel, to lows not seen since the 1960s.Call it the Obama Doctrine: The U.S. puts down the burden, and Iran picks up the slack.
37. Perhaps the least disputed of these points is the notion that Mr. Obama is stepping back from the Middle East. He has repeatedly said as much, promising to “rebalance” our commitments by shifting forces to the Pacific. The U.S. still maintains substantial forces in the Persian Gulf, as it has done since the early 1980s. But the number of troops in Iraq has fallen from 142,000 when Mr. Obama took power to fewer than 3,000 today, after an interregnum of zero between 2011 and 2014. The number of troops in Afghanistan tripled to 100,000 in 2010 but has since fallen to 10,000 and is supposed to hit zero before the president leaves office. This will be disastrous and destabilizing, but it will allow Mr. Obama to claim that he “ended” the war. In reality, pulling out U.S. troops will only fuel the conflict.
38. A corollary to Mr. Obama’s vow to make the “tide of war” recede is his determination, if forced to fight, to employ air power alone. The U.S. took part in the NATO air campaign to depose Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, but afterward Mr. Obama refused to send a peacekeeping force, a decision that has consigned the country to anarchy. Now Mr. Obama is launching airstrikes against Islamic State while refusing to commit to any ground troops—even though they are essential to ensuring the success of airstrikes.
39. This brings us to the second part of the Obama Doctrine. The U.S. has regarded Iran as its enemy since our embassy in Tehran was stormed and our diplomats taken captive. The Iranians have sponsored numerous terrorist attacks on American targets, in Lebanon in the 1980s and Iraq in the 2000s. In response, successive U.S. presidents have backed Israel and Sunni allies, notably Saudi Arabia. Mr. Obama is bucking this foreign-policy consensus. He is offering Iran extraordinarily generous terms in the current negotiations, suggesting that he will lift sanctions if Iran merely slows down its nuclear-weapons program for a decade. Mr. Obama is also doing little to contest Iran’s growing imperium in the Middle East, symbolized by the ubiquitous presence of Gen. Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force, which is charged with exporting Iran’s revolution. Tehran backs proxy militias such as Hezbollah, which has moved from its Lebanese base to support Iranian clientBashar Assad in Syria; the Badr Organization, which is leading the charge against Islamic State in Tikrit; and the Houthi militia that has taken over San’a, the capital of Yemen, and is now at the gates of Aden, a strategically vital port near the entrance to the Red Sea.
All U.S. officials will say in response is that Iran’s actions are “helpful” as long as they are not too “sectarian”—akin to praising Al Capone for providing liquor to the thirsty masses while piously expressing the hope that his conduct isn’t too criminal. Now the U.S. is even supporting the Iranian-directed offensive against Tikrit by providing surveillance flights and airstrikes for attacking forces.
40. The flip side of this shift toward Iran is a move away from longtime allies, most notably Israel, which views the Iranian nuclear program as an existential threat. 
41. The president vowed to put some “daylight” between Washington and Jerusalem, and boy has he delivered. His aides deride the Israeli prime minister as a “chickens—” and a “coward,” and Mr. Obama has exhibited more visceral anger at Mr. Netanyahu than he has atVladimir Putin or Ayatollah Khamenei.
42.  According to reports, President Obama finally called Prime Minister Benjamin after Bibi won landslide election Netanyahu to congratulate him – but the “congratulations” was actually a lecture directed at forcing Netanyahu to surrender to the terrorist Palestinian regime.For some odd reason, many in the media and Congress reacted with surprise to Obama’s supposedly sudden turn on Israel. The media, in an attempt to defend Obama’s radicalism, pretend that Netanyahu’s comments in the late stages of his campaign prompted Obama’s anti-Israel action.But, in truth, this is the culmination of a longtime Obama policy of destroying the US-Israel relationship; 
43. Flourishing of Jihad 2009 until now under Obama, much with his direct aid.You decide whether its purposeful on his part, or incompetence, or horrible consequences of wrongheaded world view Libya Iraq Syria Hamas
44.Libya: he helped push out Quaddafi, and now Libya in hands of various jihad groups. Egypt is very worried about them.
45, Iraq: pulled out after war was won opening way for ISIS
Syria: drew red lines and then ignored them when breached and now Isis controls half
46. Hamas: secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas. Secret talks with them. 
Why did Obama hold with Hamas secret talks with this terrorist group while they toss missiles daily at Israel for 6 months and continued to fund PA even after the have unity government with Hamas.
48. Obama 17 LIES about ran deal]
 Lies (just as Gruber admitted Obamacare was) to advance jihad. Islam allows lies to advance jihad. (tiqqiyah).
Obama’s many lies underpinning this deal 1. Obama told us he sent secret emissary to Iran 2008 telling them not to negotiate with Bush but wait for him 2. Never told us he sent secret emissary to Iran in 2011 promising they could always enrich uranium 3. Lied about non-existent Iranian fatwa supposedly prohibiting use of nuks 4. Lied in 2012 debate with one saying Iran could never enrich uranium 5. Lied about Iran theology prohibiting nuks 6. Lied that Iran would be unwilling to lose population in order to use nuks 7. Lied about this not leading to nuclear arms race in region 8. Lied about secret side deals allowing Iran self-inspection on weaponized military sites 8. Lied that only Israel opposes deal when 216 of our generals and majority of Congress oppose and only 21% of USA support 9. Lies that he will defend Israel when the deal says USA will defend Iran, not Israel 10. Lie saying there exists no good alternative to this deal. 11. LIE that the deal Binds Iran to obligations. Iran constantly says it does not. Iran admits much of what Obama says about the deal is a 12. The deal blocks Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and does not aid their terrorism. Truth: It guarantees them, even if they don’t cheat, which they will.…/iran-accuses-obama-admin-of-lyin… 13. Obama lied by not mentioning his top aids deep ties to Iran 14. Obama lied by not acknowledging huge Iran payoffs to many Democrats in administration and Congress Obama lied about pretending he supported tough sanctions when he constantly fought them 16. Obama lied about having Israel’s back when he has constantly stabbed Israel in the back…/obamas-diabolical-d…17. Obama lies saying 99.9% of Muslims want what we want. By poll, most Muslims support violent jihad
49. Why did Obama call Turkey Erdogan Obama’s favorite foreign leader calls Israelis Nazis It is also no surprise that Obama would name this vicious Jew-hater as his closest friend among world leaders. “Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler,” Times of Israel
50. Why did Obama of Iron Dome funding, Obama has tried to cut substantially. Congress overruled him.…/house-restores-funding-for-israeli…/
51. Why did Obama Open southern borders, allowing terrorists cross into US easily
52. Why did Obama Lose whereabouts of 6000 “students” of foreign nationality who never showed up for class
53. Why did Obama do the unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us.
54. Why did Obama Severly limit FBI ability to monitor Islamic extremists in USA18. They've lifted all restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood visits to the United States and now restricting entry of Israelis to US”
55. Fort Hood shooter business card says “soldier of Allah” and he shouts alla akbar before he kills 13 fellow soldiers, . Why did Obama Obama calls it ‘workplace violence”.
56. Why did Obama demand scrubbing word jihad from documents on terror and demands CIA Director scrub word Islamist before the word “terrorists” from Benghazi talking points He forbade the CIA and FBI from using the words Muslim or Islam when they investigate, 
Severely limits FBI ability to monitor Islamic extremists in USA
57. Why did Obama Refuse to acknowledge obvious Islamic link to terror
59. Why does Obama allow Massively increasing Islamic immigration to USA…/us-canada-will-have-largest-in…/
60. Why did Obama administration continually leaks classified documents that endanger our soldiers and especially our ally Israel
61. . Why did Obamas Say he wants to bring daylight between Israel and USA
62 . Why did Obama brag about killing Bin Laden, when he hypocritically campaigned against the means they used to find him. That got the actual Seals who killed him so mad they are campaigning against him
63. Why did Obama try to bully, threaten, intimidated and repeatedly turned his back on Israel ( 49 borders, no building in Jerusalem) and had the word Jerusalem removed from the DNC platform as well as Hamas as terror, and Palestinians no right of return,. He realized that Jerusalem's omission was an error and lied and said he did not know, and when he instructed them to put it back, they did, but over a majority loud chorus of boos from the delegates. DNC convention has featured a large Muslim extremist sub convention.
64. Why did Obama foolishly encouraged and embraced Arab Spring, which is turning into Arab nightmare. .  
65. Why did Obama refuse to push for Israel to be included in an international terrorist conference.
66. Why did Obama administration calls Bibi Chickenshit and a coward and obama uninterested in finding out whom, because it was him.
67. In Gaza conflict: His FAA blocked flights to Israel
68. Why did Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers misappropriated over 300 million dollars in donations meant for the education of Chicago’s minority students. They routed the money to Obamas community activist buddies who then tried to turn the students in radicals. The program was a total failure.
69. Hypocrite Obama does not believe you should take someone's word about their own religious beliefs. For example, Obama refuses to says Isis is Islamic even though Isis says they are.
70. Hypocrite Hillary herself in interview said "as far as she KNOWS, he is not a Muslim…/flashback-hillary-slammed-for-say…/
71. Muslim Obama said he has "Muslim faith" in tv interview and then was corrected to say "christian" when prompted by sympathetic interviewer
72. His father is Muslim. In Islamic law that makes Barak a Muslim
73. He non-stop defends islam and attacks Christianity like at national prayer breakfast
74 He was educated in Islamic schools in Indonesia
75 His family in Kenya are Muslims and brother a leader in an Islamic terrorist group
76. His Reverend is a  former Muslim who was frequently anti-Semitic.. His church posted a Hamas manifesto in the Trinity Church program last year. Wright is very close to nation of islam leader Louis Farrakhan. It also explains more why Rev. Wright got his Masters degree in “Islam in West Africa”
78. Isis undiminished after one year of fighting from official reports
79. Obama now world;s greatest funder of Islamic terror with the 4150 billion to iran
80. Islamic terror groups growing rapidly under obama’s do nothing strategy
82. -Star Admiral Slams Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated All Of Our Na... via @YouTube
83 Former Muslim Brotherhood member: "Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim
85. Obama Regime’s latest Orwellian word games,refusing to identify the 21 beheaded Christians as “Christians,” but instead, referring to them as “citizens” and “innocents.”
86. Michelle Obama Slip Up: Kenya is Obamas Home Country
87. Why did Obama Return the bust of Churchill to the Brits.
88. why would anyone but a jihadist sit and eat at his table for end of ramadam state dinner vicious anti israel enemies at White house
89. why would anyone but a jihadist  REFUSE to state the obvious truth : that isis is islamic
90. why would anyone but a jihadist  call isis JV when his own intelligence was telling him daily of the threat
91. why would anyone but a jihadist  skip 50% of his daily intelligence briefings
92. why would anyone but a jihadist  go play golf and joke around 5 minutes after announcing Isis beheaded an American
93. why would anyone but a jihadist  allow isi to remain undiminished after supposedly fighting them for a year?
94. why would anyone but a jihadist  allow Russia back into the Middle East to support iran's Syrian surrogate after US presidents kept the Russians out of ME for 70 years?
95. Why would anyone but a jihadis. Have Bagdadai, Isis leader in custody in 2009 but released him
96. Why has Obama massively cut our military defenses?
97. Why did Obama direct NASA to make outreach to Muslims its primary goal?
98. Why would Obama so quickly rely on classic antisemitism to try and win iran deal? Obama hates Israel and is an anti-Semite
99. Why would anyone but a jihadist  do deal with Iran when it presents 5 serious national security threats to USA and is therefore opposed by 200 generals? 
a.       They have 40,000 agents in Latin America waiting to strike us
c.       How many dirty bombs can they smuggle in and blow up in USA cities? How many ICBMs reaching us will they launch?  “some senior Israeli defense officials have asserted that the gravest threat from Iran could come in the form of a dirty bomb delivered by a cargo ship. why not here?
d.      While Iranian submarines cannot CURRENTLY fire cruise or ballistic missiles, U.S. intelligence agencies believe North Korea is building a submarine capable of launching ballistic missiles, potentially increasing the threat posed by the nuclear-armed rogue state. How many can Iran buy with the $150 billion Obama is giving them and the hundreds of billions new money relaxed sanctions give them?
e. The ICBMS they plan to weaponize are not meant for Israel. they have other missiles for them.
100.  Why would anyone but a jihadist make Secret side deals with Iran Obama won't let Congress see? Iran deal has secret side agreement where Iran can inspect themselves
101. Why would anyone but a jihadist LIE Iran has fatwa vs Nuclear weapons. TRUTH: No such fatwa exists 
1102  Why would anyone but a jihadist  LIE Iran will not use nuclear bombs vs Israel or USA TRUTH: For sure they will
103  Why would anyone but a jihadist  LIE American Jews support the deal
TRUTH: They do not and the leftist polls that say otherwise are lies 
Jews who support deal are suicidal, genocidal, fratricidal and ignorant
104  Why would anyone but a jihadist   LIE The deal blocks Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and does not aid their terrorism. Truth: It guarantees them, even if they don’t cheat, which they will. The Obama deal gives $150 BILLION to the world's worst terrorist regime to buy any arms 
105.  Why would anyone but a jihadist    LIE Obama will protect Israel. TRUTH: he deal calls for USA to defend IRAN vs Israel! Truth Obama always has hated Israel and wants them destroyed. He can’t do it directly for political reasons. 
106.    Why would anyone but a jihadist   LIE Obama is trying to protect the West. TRUTH: Obama is a supporter of radicalized Islamic jihad. Obama is gutting US military
107.  Why would anyone but a jihadist      LIE Verification is possible. Truth. Iran has aways cheated. Will cheat. Deal lets them have 3 months notice and to turn in their OWN samples. And they will not allow military site inspections.
108 .     Obama’s aids deep ties to Iran. Valarie Jarett born there and speaks Farsi, Kerry’s son-in-law Is iranian Iranian terrorists attended the wedding, Susan Rice huge investments. .never disclosed the deep ties his top aids have to iran
      Obama's top aids Iranian deep ties…/sec-of-state-john-k…/        .…/08/iran-valerie-jarrett/
109.     Why would anyone but a jihadist  The deal IGNORES Iran’s continuous demonization of Israel and USA, fostering terrorism on 5 continents, their pledge to buy ICBMs with the hundreds of billions they now get etc
110.   Why would anyone but a jihadist   Lie There exists no good alternative to this deal. TRUTH Many much better options exist. A third grader could have done better 
111. Why would anyone but a jihadist  LIE US Military approved the deal Truth: the have strong reservations. 216 generals wrote letter opposing
112.  Why would anyone but a jihadist LIE Deal Binds Iran to obligations. TRUTH> Their “obligations” are voluntary
113.  Why would anyone but a jihadist LIE Everything agreed to has been revealed. Truth: They admit to hiding much
114. Why would anyone but a jihadist LIE 99% world agrees with Obama. Truth the neighbors are very worried and want their own nuks
115.  Why would anyone but a jihadist permit Kerry makes anti-Semitic threat of consequences if deal loses


 Why would anyone but a jihadis secretly promise mullahs in 2008 he's help them
Candidate Obama 2008 sent secret envoy to mullahs to tell them they'd be very pleased with his policies when elected.…/obama-sent-ambassador-tehran-n…
 Why would anyone but a jihadis   grossly Minimize Iran's terrorist evil  .Obama has Iran removed from US terror lists yesterday.…/402070/Iran-removed-from-terrorist-…. Obama continues to whitewash Iranian terrorism…/obama-whitewashes-iranian-te…/All this as Mullahs stress desire to take over USA and says they can be a very sucessful rehgional power
118. Why would Obama at 36 Have dinner with leaders of Palestinian pro terror movements in USA, Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said

119. Why would Obama make legitimate terrorist regimes Iran and Cuba and USA get nothing out of the deal?
120. why would he remove Iran and Hezbollah as terrorists
121. why would he release the 5 taliban when, as predicted, 3 of released detainees are now Isis leaders
122. Mark Levine reported that over one million Muslims have moved to the U.S. since 9/11. 90% of them receive welfare benefits and special status. Arabic is now the main language spoken by immigrants to the USA..  and 280,000  a year are now coming in annually

Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question: 1. a Palestinian state and 2. the advancement of Islam in America. The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency. And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means “change”) in America. Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939: “The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population. They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution.” Substitute the word “Islam” for the words “the proletarian revolution,” and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that communist Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born “Anthony”). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons.
Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king’s ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses.
Lastly, it’s very important to note that the main source for the article is Khalid Mansour, “the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.” (Valerie Jarrett, by the way, was born in Iran. The one country protected by Obama from the sweep of the Arab Spring.) Now all of this may seem sensational, but let’s face facts. What makes it most disturbing is that not only is it all logical, but it suddenly makes a lot of previously confusing things make perfect sense. – Pat Dollard"

124 Malik Obama, the president's Kenyan half brother, was photographed in 2010 at a public event in Yemen wearing a 'keffiyeh' – a special scarf – bearing two anti-Israel slogans of the terror group Hamas, it emerged today.
'Jerusalem is ours – WE ARE COMING,' reads one saying. 'From the river to the sea,' says the other statement. 
That rallying cry refers to Palestinian militants' belief that the territory representing Israel, with the Jordan River to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, rightfully belongs to them – and Israel should not exist. Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, is one of the main architects of investment for the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood. Malik is currently under investigation in Egypt for his connections to Islamic Da’wa Organization, a group that is trying to spread Wahhabist Islam across Africa

PICTURE Barack's brother Muslim brotherhood top organizer

125. Barack hung around radicals, including islamic,  throughout his life, including above Khalidi and Said.Obama has spent his entire life surrounded by haters of Israel, from former Palestine Liberation Organization spokesman Rashid Khalidi to former Jimmy Carter National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, pro-Hamas negotiator Robert Malley to UN Ambassador Samantha Power (who once suggested using American troops to guard Palestinians from Israelis), Jeremiah Wright (who said “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me”) to Professor Derrick Bell (“Jewish neoconservative racists…are undermining blacks in every way they can”). 
126. Barack was tutored as youth and his main mentor was Frank Anthony Davis, a self proclaimed communist
127. Barack chose church for 26 years whose pastor was a self proclaimed communist who said 9-11 was Americas chickens coming home to roost and g-d DAMN America.
Barack's middle name Hussein.any surprise then he's a sympathizer proponent of radicalized islamic jihad

128.On Thursday, the press announced that the Obama administration would fully consider abandoning Israel in international bodies like the United Nations.

129. Here is a concise timeline, Timeline of Obama's anti Israel Hatred 

Feb 2008: Obama says while campaigning, ‘There is a strain within the pro-Israel community that says unless you adopt an unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel that you’re anti-Israel.” At the time, as Dan Senor pointed out in The Wall Street Journal, Israel was run by the Kadima government run by Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni, and Shimon Peres, and was attempting desperately to bring the Palestinians to the table. Instead, the Palestinians launch war, as always.
June 2008: Obama tells the American Israel Public Affairs Conference that Jerusalem ought to remain undivided, attempting to woo Jewish votes. He then walks that back the next day, saying only that the capital shouldn’t be divided by barbed wire.
March 2009: The Obama administration reverses the Bush era policy of not joining the United Nations Human Rights Council. Secretary of State Clinton said, “Human rights are an essential element of American global foreign policy,” completely neglecting the UNHRC’s abysmally anti-Semitic record. The Washington Post reported that the administration joined the Human Rights Council even though they conceded that it “has devoted excessive attention to alleged abuses by Israel and too little to abuses in places such as Darfur, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe.”
May 2009: Obama tells Netanyahu that “settlements have to be stopped in order for us to move forward.” Netanyahu announces a settlement freeze to comply. The Palestinians refuse to negotiate. Obama then slams Israel: “they still found it very hard to move with any bold gestures.”
June 2009: Obama tells the world in his infamous Cairo speech that Israel was only created based on Jewish suffering in the Holocaust. He then says that Palestinians have been similarly victimized by the Jews: “They endure the daily humiliations – large and small – that come with occupation. So let there be no doubt: the situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own.”
July 2009: Obama threatens to put “daylight” between the United States and Israel. He tells Jewish leaders, “Look at the past eight years. During those eight years, there was no space between us and Israel, and what did we get from that?” Except for Israel forcibly removing thousands of Jews from the Gaza Strip, the election of Hamas, and the launch of war by the Palestinians and Hezbollah, nothing happened. Obama then lectures the Jews about the need for Israeli “self-reflection.” The same month, Obama tells CNN that the United States would “absolutely not” give Israel permission to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.
September 2009: Obama tells the United Nations that “America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.” Obama’s definition of Israeli settlements, as the world soon learned, included building bathrooms in a home already owned by Jews in East Jerusalem. Obama offers no serious criticism of the Palestinians.
March 2010: Obama follows up on his threatening language about settlements by deploying Vice President Joe Biden to Israel, where Biden rips into the Israelis for building bathrooms in Jerusalem, the eternal Jewish capital. Hillary Clinton then yells at Netanyahu for nearly an hour on the phone, telling him he had “harmed the bilateral relationship.” David Axelrod calls the building plans an “insult” to the United States. When Netanyahu visits the White House a week and a half later, Obama makes him leave via a side door.
April 2010: Obama refuses to prevent the Washington summit on nuclear proliferation from becoming an Arab referendum on the evils of Israel’s nukes.
June 2010: An anonymous “US defense source” leaks to the Times of London that Israel had cut a deal with the Saudis to use their airspace to strike Iran. The deal is scuttled.
May 2011: The State Department labeled Jerusalem not a part of Israel. The same month, Obama demanded that Israel make concessions to the Palestinians based on the pre-1967 borders, which Israelis call the “Auschwitz borders” thanks to their indefensibility.
November 2011: Obama and French president Nicolas Sarkozy are caught on open micripping Netanyahu, with Sarkozy stating, “I can’t stand him, he’s a liar,” and Obama replying, “You’re tired of him? What about me? I have to deal with him every day.”
December 2011: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rips into the State of Israel, stating that it is moving in the “opposite direction” of democracy. She said that Israel reminded her of Rosa Parks, and that religious people not listening to women sing – a millennia-long policy among some segments of the Orthodox – reminds her of extremist regimes, adding that it seemed “more suited to Iran than Israel.
February 2012: Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta tells David Ignatius at theWashington Post that the possibility he worried about most was that Israel would strike Iran. The Post then adds, “Panetta believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June – before Iran enters what Israelis described as a ‘zone of immunity’ to commence building a nuclear bomb.” The goal: to delay any potential Israeli strike.
March 2012: NBC News somehow gains information from “senior Obama administration officials” that Israel had financed and trained the Iranian opposition group Mujahideen-e-Khalq, and adds that the Obama administration had nothing to do with hits on Iranian nuclear scientists. More daylight. More leaks. The same month, Foreign Policyreceives information from “four senior diplomats and military intelligence officers” that the “United States has recently been granted access to Iran’s northern border.” Foreign Policy also reports that a “senior administration official” has told them, “The Israelis have bought an airfield, and the airfield is Azerbaijan.” Again, a potential Israeli strike is scuttled. The same day as the Foreign Policy report, Bloomberg reports a Congressional Research Service report stating that Israel can’t stop Iran’s nuclear program in any case. Columnist Ron Ben-Yishai of Yidioth Ahronoth writes that the Obama administration wants to “erode the IDF’s capacity to launch such strike with minimal casualties.”
June 2012: In an attempt to shore up the Jewish vote, top members of the Obama administration, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and then-CIA director Leon Panetta were quoted by David Sanger of The New York Times talking about the President’s supposedly deep involvement in the Stuxnet plan to take out Iran’s nuclear reactors via computer virus. Until that point, it had been suspected but not confirmed that Stuxnet was an Israeli project. The Obama administration denied leaking the information. A year later, the State Department released emails showing that Sanger had corresponded regularly with all the top Obama officials, including correspondence on Stuxnet.
December 2012: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at the Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, where she says that Israelis have a “lack of empathy” for Palestinians, and that the Israelis need to “demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people in their minds.”
March 2013: Obama forces Netanyahu to call Islamist Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to apologize for Israel’s actions to stop a terrorist-arming flotilla from entering the Gaza Strip to aid Hamas. Erdogan had recently labeled Zionism racism.
May 2013: Members of the Obama Pentagon leak information that Israel attacked the Damascus airport to stop a shipment of weapons to terrorist groups. Obama officials actually had to apologize for this leak, since it endangered American lives. They blamed “low-level” employees.
June 2013: The Obama administration leaks specific information regarding Israeli Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile sites. Weeks later, US sources tell CNN that Israel attacked a Syrian installation full of Russian-provided missiles. The same month, “American intelligence analysts” tell the New York Times that Israeli strikes had not been effective. All that information was classified.
June 2014: Three Jewish teenagers are kidnapped, including an American, and murdered by Hamas. The Obama administration immediately calls on Israel for restraint, and says it will continue to work with a Palestinian unity government including Hamas. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki says that the Obama administration wants “the Israelis and the Palestinians continue to work with one another on that, and we certainly would continue to urge that… in spite of, obviously, the tragedy and the enormous pain on the ground.” Throughout the ensuing Gaza War, in which Hamas fired rockets at Israeli civilians and tunnels were uncovered demonstrating Hamas’ intent to kidnap Israeli children, the Obama administration criticized Israel’s prosecution of the war.
August 2014: In the middle of a shooting war, Obama stopped weapons shipment to Israel. According to the Wall Street Journal, Obama found out that Israel asked the Defense Department for shipments of Hellfire missiles. Obama personally stepped in and blocked the shipments.
October 2014: Jeffrey Goldberg, court Jew for the Obama administration, releases an article in The Atlantic quoting Obama officials calling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “chickenshit.” Goldberg, naturally, blames Netanyahu (of course, he also wrote in 2008 that any Jew who feared Obama on Israel was an “obvious racist”).
January 2015: Obama deploys his campaign team to defeat Netanyahu in Israel. A group titled “One Voice,” funded by American donors, pays for the Obama campaign team, led by Obama 2012 field director Jeremy Bird. The announcement comes days after Speaker of the House John Boehner’s invite to Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. Obama quickly announced he would not meet with Netanyahu, making the excuse that the meeting would come too close to the election.
March 2015: Netanyahu wins. Obama refuses to call him to congratulate him for two days. When he does, he threatens to remove American support in the international community, even as he moves to loosen sanctions and weapons embargoes on Iran.
Nothing has changed. Obama is who he always was. The mask has simply been removed.
Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the new book,The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). He is also Editor-in-Chief of TruthRevolt.orgFollow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.
130 Early March, Obama forces Dems to boycott Netanyahu’s speech to congress, where he warned of catastrophic nuclear deal pending
131 Why would anyone but a jihadis  illegally spent millions trying to oust Netanyahu in Israel
132 3/21 Obama officials claim Netanyahu racist comments
1333/22 Obama says Netanyahu main obstacle to peace
 134  Why would anyone but a jihadis Obama officials demand Israel withdraw to 67 lines And end “50 year occupation”
135  Why would anyone but a jihadist  claim Israel spied despite Obama refusing to share nuclear talk info with Israel
136  Why would anyone but a jihadis3/24 Obama threatens to cut off US aid for what Israel spends on settlements
137  3/25 US Declassifies Document Revealing Israel's Nuclear Program
  1.   Cached
    It is worth noting that while the Obama Administration released Israel's nuclear ... released srael's nuclear information it redacted ...
138 Obama support for  Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization

a. know that  is a terrorist organization  "[T]he organization of the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization, and anyone who asks either to reconcile with them, to join them or to ally with them is himself a terrorist." — Refaat Saïd, leader of Egypt's Socialist party, al-Tagammu', and previously close friend of former Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide, Mahdi Akef.

b. -Obama excuses them
c.  -Muslim brotherhood strategic goal in taking over america includes infiltration of high positions in government covertly
d.  Why would anyone but a jihadis-His very first foreign speech, in Cairo, he insisted the speech be at the Islamic center and not parliament. He insisted Muslim Brotherhood be there, even though Nassar, Sadat and then Mubarack had tried to quash them for decades. 
e. -Obama helped get Mubarack overthrown and then backed Morsi, M.B.'s head for power and gave him our F 16s and 1.5 billion.
He was very upset when Morsi was deposed by  pro western group. 
f.  Why would anyone but a jihadis-Obama has hired many highly placed Moslem Brotherhood people in the administration. 

g. -He regularly invites them to the White House. It has happened over and over including last week.
h.  Why would anyone but a jihadis lifted all restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood visits to the United States and now restricting entry of Israelis to US”   

The mask is coming off after 6 years for anyone who doubted. Full fledged jihadist, pro islamic terrorism
"The mask is coming off faster than ever from Obama pretending to support America. You know the country responsible for killing hundreds of marines, which provided sanctuary to Al Qaeda and whose terrorist proxies helped give Al Qaeda the skills to carry out 9/11? They’re no longer terrorists, according to the USA. Sure their terrorist groups currently control parts of Lebanon and Yemen, but they’re not terrorists. Because if Iran was a state sponsor of terror, then Obama letting them have the bomb might look bad. This way it’s fine. " Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century
140.John Bolton "the deal President Obama is negotiating with Iran is an unprecedented surrender by the Untied States."
141  Why would anyone but a jihadis do iran deal that all these people oppose? 200 retired generals OPPOSE the deal + ALL majority of USA, majority of Congress, US Jews 2-1, only 6% Rabbis signed letter for deal, 7-1 Israelis, + foreign policy experts, all Gulf states,  oppose deal
142 Iron Dome vs Terrorist funding Follow the money: each round of Iron Dome funding, Obama has tried to cut substantially. Congress overruled him.
143. Opens southern borders, allowing terrorists cross into USeasily
144.  Why would anyone but a jihadis.
145.  Why would anyone but a jihadis meet with an "interesting" cleric -- on the anniversary of 9-11 no less.
146.. His administration hired senior terrorists to work for US government. One example
147.  He and Hillary lied and lied about 9-11 Alquida attack in benghazzi being caused by Youtube video, to continue their lying narrative that alquida was vanquished to try and assist his 2012 election,
148. Fort Hood shooter business card says “soldier of Allah” and he shouts alla akbar before he kills 13 fellow soldiers, Obama calls it ‘workplace violence”.47. How many have gotten across
149. Obama demands scrubbing word jihad from documents on terror and demands CIA Director scrub word Islamist before the word “terrorists” from Benghazi talking points
150. Fight vs Isis:
151. Steve Emerson: “our allies that the administration praises – Turkey and Qatar – are sabotaging our campaign against ISIS while the President has basically angered good allies lie Egypt, which really could be participating in a very meaningful way because it is significantly and ideologically against the Muslim Brotherhood which [ISIS] has in its origins.."
152.. Refuses to acknowledge obvious Islamic link to terror
158. Think this an accident?
Iranian Commander saying erasing Israel non-negotiable and Obama pledges to defend Iran
163 US Gen. Martin Dempsey warns that notwithstanding the nuclear deal, Iran continues to threaten the US and Israel on many levels, and that the military option must remain on the table.
166. Islamic terror groups growing rapidly under obama’s do nothing strategy
168. -Star Admiral Slams Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated All Of Our Na... via @YouTube
169 Former Muslim Brotherhood member: "Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim

171. Obama Regime’s latest Orwellian word games,refusing to identify the 21 beheaded Christians as “Christians,” but instead, referring to them as “citizens” and “innocents.”
172. Michelle Obama Slip Up: Kenya is Obamas Home Country

173. Boy makes bomb looking clock. arrested. liberals shout "islamaphobia". guess what?
174. Obama fails to destroy US top drone that "fell?" into iranian teeritory allowing Iran to capture and copy it. Iran 'has successfully flown copy of US stealth drone it captured ...
Nov 10, 2014 ... Iran has successfully tested its own version of a top-secret US drone it ... Iran says it has captured several American drones in recent years, 
178.  by Garth Kant, WND EXCLUSIVEThe White House isn’t commenting on the exposure of a secret presidential directive, but critics tell WND it confirms what they feared: The Obama administration has an official policy of backing so-called “moderate Islamists,” including the jihadist group the Muslim Brotherhood.A source familiar with the document told the Washington Times the “policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11.”The governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates officially consider the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, but the presidential directive reportedly shows the White House considers the group a “moderate” alternative to ISIS and al-Qaida. Critics blasted that notion.Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who has written extensively on the subject, told WND the Muslim Brotherhood “is not moderate” and “there is no such thing as a moderate Islamist.”The identical response was given to WND by Iran specialist Clare Lopez of the Center for Security Policy.“The Muslim Brotherhood is a jihadist organization, from the day of its founding and remains so to this day,” she said.



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