Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Why KKK endorses Hillary

es A Presidential Candidate, It’s Exactly Who I Expected!

The Ku Klux Klan has claimed that Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is their official choice for president and they have donated 1,000s of dollars to her campaign. The Clinton camp denies the endorsement.
Will Quigg, a Grand Dragon in a California branch of the KKK, sat down with Vocativ—which was there for a larger reporting trip about the modern state of the hate group—to talk about the 2016 election.
“For the KKK, Clinton is our choice,” Quigg claimed.
“She is friends with the Klan,” Quigg said. “A lot of people don’t realize that. She’s friends with Senator Byrd. He’s been an Exulted Cyclops in the Klan. He’s been King Kleagle.” (King Kleagle is another KKK title for the leader of an entire “realm,” or state. Quigg is the King Kleagle for California.)
Quigg was referring to the late U.S. senator Robert Byrd from West Virginia, who organized and served as the leader of a West Virginia Klan chapter in the 1940s. In 2005, Byrd publicly disavowed the Klan and called his involvement “wrong.” Upon the senator’s death in 2010, Hillary Clinton called Byrd a “friend and mentor.”
Quigg claims the Klan has raised more $20,000 for the Clinton 

The Jewish World may actually be 5-10 million people bigger

The Jewish World may actually be 5-10 million people bigger

Finding lost Jews has been one of the most tantalizing mysteries of Jewish history. Now the 'crypto-Jews' are beginning to reemerge.
By Raphael Poch
First Publish: 12/7/2015, 4:44 PM

A group of Portuguese Bnei Anousim visit the Kotel on a trip organized by Shavei Israel
A group of Portuguese Bnei Anousim visit the Kotel on a trip organized by Shavei Israel
Courtesy: Shavei Israel
One of the more tantalizing mysteries of Jewish history is the possibility of the discovery of lost Jews.
Since the time of Sennacherib in the 7th century BCE, the question of lost Jews has been one that has received a lot of attention. Today, with the return of Jews from all over the world to the State of Israel, the subject has never been more relevant.
According to various genetic/DNA studies conducted over the past decade, 20% of men in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) have Jewish genetic ancestry. In Brazil, estimates are that 5-10 million people are descendants of so-called Bnei Anousim - descendants of Jews who were forcibly converted to Christianity. This phenomenon spans the world, potentially reaching millions more.
Two organizations have dedicated themselves to the discovery of lost Jews from the Iberian Peninsula, Shavei Israel and Reconectar.
Arutz Sheva spoke to both organizations about the work that they are doing to reconnect Jews of Spanish and Portuguese descent to their Jewish roots.
Shavei Israel, a Jerusalem-based nonprofit, has launched a new initiative to help Spanish and Portuguese descendants of Bnei Anousim reconnect with their Jewish Heritage, while Reconectar, which has an Israeli base but is mainly located in South and Central America, has an ongoing outreach liaison program with whom members of the community can contact in order to learn more about their heritage.  
Michael Freund, Founder and Director of Shavei Israel, told Arutz Shevaabout the challenges of discovering who is a descendant of the Bnei Anousim.
“More than five centuries after Portuguese Jewry was compelled to convert to Catholicism, there are of course many challenges to identifying people with a Bnei Anousim background. There are some who have family trees stretching back over the centuries which prove that their ancestors only married among themselves down through the generations, but in most cases it involves more detective work.”
The castle overlooking the town of Belmonte, Portugal, where more than 100 Bnei Anousim have openly returned to Judaism. Courtesy: Shavei Israel
"Clues to uncover"
Ashley Perry, the Director of Reconectar, likewise described the detective work needed.
“There are a lot of clues that we need to uncover. People may not have a heritage stating that they were Jewish, but their name may signify it, and some of the customs they keep may point to it. We do not have a 100% answer yes or no, which is why if people want to fully return to Judaism, they have to undergo a conversion, but according to a response published by Rabbi Soloveitchik, they do not need to say a blessing on the conversion.”
In an effort to help those who may think that they are descended from Jewish ancestry, Shavei Israel has published an online book that will help people who think they are descendants, identify some of the tell-tale signs. The unprecedented 109-page guide is aimed at assisting the millions of people in Brazil, Portugal and elsewhere who may have a long-lost Jewish lineage reconnect to their roots.
According to press release by Shavei Israel “the book covers all the major questions someone at the beginning of their process of Jewish discovery might have.”
Cover of book published by Shavei Israel to help Portuguese anousim reconnect with their Jewish roots Courtesy: Shavei Israel
One of the primary aims of the book Freund said “is to provide people with the tools they need to begin assessing their roots by looking at family customs and family names.” These as well as DNA advances can help provide clues to one’s Jewish ancestry. “I want to get people to start asking questions and digging into their past in the hopes that this will encourage them to uncover their possible Jewish connection.”
“We are at the beginning of an historic turning point, one that will see millions of people throughout the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world reconnecting with their Jewish roots,” Freund declared.
When asked why it is so important for the about the return of the Bnei Anousim to return to Judaism Freund responded by saying: “The Bnei Anousim are our brothers and sisters. Their ancestors were taken from us, they were essentially kidnapped from the Jewish people. And yet with remarkable courage and determination, many continued to practice Judaism in secret down through the generations, despite the persecution of the Inquisition. We owe it to them and their ancestors – and to ourselves! – to bring back as many of their descendants as possible.”
“The Bnei Anousim are unique because of the breadth and scope of the phenomenon, which can be found in just about every Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking country around the world. In addition, the story of the Bnei Anousim is one of heroism in the face of tragedy, and determination in the face of disaster, which is what makes it so inspiring and compelling.”
Both organizations are dedicated to helping the Bnei Anousim, and neither is interested in coercing anyone to learn more about their heritage. “Our goal is first and foremost to help the Bnei Anousim to reconnect with the Jewish people and Israel,” said Freund.
“I don’t believe in coercion of any sort. If there are Bnei Anousim who want to formally return to the Jewish people and make Aliya, then of course we help them. We leave it up to each individual to decide if and how they want to interact with their Jewish ancestry. The important thing is to ensure that the Jewish spark within them continues to burn brightly,” Freund explained.
Perry said that his organization is kind of a “matchmaking” organization, making the connection between the individual and their Jewish roots. “We don’t want to push someone who isn’t interested. We will simply help those who are. That is what we are about, helping people discover their Jewish roots and heritage if they are interested in doing so.”
Freund pointed out that the return of the Bnei Anousim to the Jewish people was foretold.
“Don Isaac Abarbanel, the great rabbi and financier who was himself expelled from Spain in 1492, writes in his commentary to the Books of Deuteronomy and Isaiah that a time will come when the Anousim will one day return to the Jewish people. We are witnessing the beginning of the fulfillment of his vision, and it behooves us to roll up our sleeves and do everything we can to help the Bnei Anousim to return to the Jewish people. Doing so will strengthen us qualitatively and quantitatively, spiritually and demographically.”
“The numbers of descendants of Bnei Anousim is vast. We believe that the total number exceeds tens of millions of people; their self-discovery as Jews can greatly impact and enrich the international Jewish community,” says Freund. “Our mission is to support anyone who is in search of their Jewish ancestry and we are thrilled with the outpouring of interest, especially at a time when we are witnessing a resurgence in European anti-Semitism.”

Democratic fascists

Israel Fourth Best Place to Raise your Children

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InterNations Report: Israel Fourth Best Place to Raise your Children

Tuesday, 26 April 2016 6:26 PM
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According to the InterNations survey’s Family Life Index, in a roundup of the world’s 41 top countries to raise a family in, the best three countries are Austria, Finland, and Sweden. And right behind those wealthy, industrialized European nests of socialized everything and the baskets of goodies from the nanny state, in fourth place, you’ll find a country that’s been fighting for its life for almost 70 years, with a huge security budget, supposedly enormous gaps between rich and poor, and ceaseless ethnic strife — and there, according to the survey’s criteria, is the fourth best place on the planet to raise your children. Go figure.
For comparison — the UK came in at 22nd place. The US in 25th place. France in eighth. New Zealand came fifth. Saudi Arabia is in 41st place, so, in case you were planning to go raise your kids in the Kingdom, we can advise you, based on these findings — don’t.

Jerusalem could have HAMAS mayor in 10 years

Jerusalem could have HAMAS mayor in 10 years. Jerusalem LOSING 10,000 or more Jewish resident every year because of no affordable housing. Obama/Hillary/EU go nuts if Jews build in East Jerusalem, where 200,000 Jews now live. Arabs build ILLEGALLY whenever they want in East Jerusalem,, and EU/Obama/media go nuts if Israel tries to stop this ILLEGAL building. This is Beverly Sandler at Kever Shmuel/ Neve Shmuel tomb of Prophet Samuel looking at 2nd century ruins lower and above 11th century Crusader fort ruins and then above the tower to amazing view of all Jerusalem. On tour with Chaim Silberstein head of KEEP JERUSALEM. If you get a chance, take the tour. Jerusalem is in danger in 10 years of having a Hamas mayor. See for yourselves how and why. Few Israelis/US Jews/US Congress understands this.

Rape, Murder, Terrorism, Kill gays, enslave blacks, kill converts, child brides, Honor kill daughters, genital mutilation=Muslims

The greatest modern scholar of Islam, Bernard Lewis, is emphatic that the West and Islam are in civilizational battle that cannot be reconciled. Of course not all Muslims are evil, but 99.9% of terrorists are Muslim and we cannot yet tell who which Muslims will be radicalized or are jihadists now. Last year, there were 452 suicide terror attacks across the world. Four hundred and fifty of them were committed by Muslims. Last month, Muslims pledging allegiance to ISIS murdered 14 people in San Bernardino, California.  Until we can absolutely guarantee any immigrant coming to USA is not a Muslim jihadist, they cannot be allowed to enter. It is dangerous enough that 25% of USA Muslims today support jihad. 
    Islam must be reformed. Egyptians President El-sisi told his imams they must! We need the cooperation of non- jihadist Muslims to wage this war.
 Danger from the Syrian rapefugees
a. All our security agencies say we cannot vet them
c. 13% rapefugees admit to supporting isis
d. Rapefugees are regularly being arrested for terrorism activities
e. 25% current US Muslims admit to supporting violent jihad

f. There has been a massive surge of rapes, violent crime, welfare among those rapefugees currently infiltrating Europe

They ok rape as legit  Syrian RAPEFUGEES:   There is massive increase in rape in Europe. 70% Swedish rapes come from the 5% Muslim population
Women warned not to go out at night
g. Isis proudly announces the intention is militant infiltration and conquest by rape
h. bizarrely try and equate Jews fleeing Hitler to these fighting rapists
i. 65 Muslims countries won’t take any. What do they know we don’t
j. Democrats want them solely because 80% vote Democratic when they come here
n. Isis told us a year ago this would happen
Mass migration and rape for conquest are part of islam, the doctrine called Hiraj  
r. Huge % are on welfare
s. Necrophilia Sex with dead women in Wisconsin
 A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.
9- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of: 1) an apostate 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber. Vigilante street justice and honor killing is acceptable.
10- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim, but will get it for killing a Muslim.
11- Sharia never abolished slavery, sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave.
12- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging even for crimes of sin such as adultery.

Monday, April 25, 2016

The horrors of shariah law examples
 A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.
9- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of: 1) an apostate 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber. Vigilante street justice and honor killing is acceptable.
10- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim, but will get it for killing a Muslim.
11- Sharia never abolished slavery, sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave.
12- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging even for crimes of sin such as adultery.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reality about Violent Islam Passover haggadah: “In every generation someone arises who tries to destroy us”

Reality about Violent Islam
Passover haddadah: “In every generation someone arises who tries to destroy us”
1.       Obama has been quietly flooding USA with Muslims, while 25% of USA Muslims support violent jihad by poll, and now want to import 100,000 unvettable (so says FBI) Syrian rapefugees , 13% of whom by poll admit to supporting Isis.  
3.       390 million Muslims support violent jihad
7.       Palestinians are just violent jihadists in a different name. They want all jews dead and to steal Jewish land while the Palestinians LIE about 4000 yrs of jewish presence in the land
8.       BDS is led by Islamic terrorist organizations: Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Student Association, CAIR, and Students for Justice in Palestine are all linked to these terror groups.  while Israel defends itself in the most ethical way of any nation.

9.       Why there is no such thing as islamophobia. Phobias are IRRATIONAL. Fearing Islam is rational. Not fearing islam is lunacy.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Bernie's deep seated ignorance and anti israel views

Bernie’s Israel-Bashing: How Symptomatic Is It?

It’s a strange spectacle from the vantage here in Israel: of the five remaining U.S. presidential candidates, one, lately, has been bashing Israel—and it’s the only one of the five who’s Jewish.
Bernie Sanders’s “recollection” that “over 10,000 innocent people were killed in Gaza” during the summer 2014 war was, as many have noted, five times beyondHamas’s claims. Sanders then changed it to “the number was I think 2100”—which is actually the figure that the UN, not known as a pro-Israel body, came up with, and even the UN said about one-third of that total were terrorists.
For the record, Israel’s Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center carried out a name-by-name analysis of the 75% of the Gaza fatalities who could be identified, and found that, of those, 55% were combatants. (Here former U.S. Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey says that Israel went to “extraordinary lengths” to limit civilian casualties in Gaza.)
Sanders’s astonishing ignorance—he’s been a U.S. senator since 2007—was further revealed when, asked what he thought of Michael Oren’s criticism of his inflated Gaza figures, he answered, “Who is Mr. Oren?” Oren is, of course, the former high-profile Israeli ambassador to the U.S. (2009-2013) and author of the bestselling book Ally on the Obama administration’s hostility toward Israel.
But Sanders’s ignorance is not just a personal foible. When it comes to Israeli issues, Sanders is an ideologue. He parrots the standard ideological line of people who do not know what they’re talking about and don’t feel they need to know what they’re talking about, since the ideology comes prepackaged. Trying to add nuance, Sanders said Israel “has a 100%...right to live in freedom,” then added: “we will not succeed to ever bring peace into that region unless we also treat the Palestinians with dignity and respec

Not a religion of peace. Hundreds of millions of Muslims pro violent jihad.

The greatest modern scholar of Islam, Bernard Lewis, is emphatic that the West and Islam are in civilizational battle that cannot be reconciled. Of course not all Muslims are evil, but 99.9% of terrorists are Muslim and we cannot yet tell who which Muslims will be radicalized or are jihadists now. Last year, there were 452 suicide terror attacks across the world. Four hundred and fifty of them were committed by Muslims. Last month, Muslims pledging allegiance to ISIS murdered 14 people in San Bernardino, California.  Until we can absolutely guarantee any immigrant coming to USA is not a Muslim jihadist, they cannot be allowed to enter. It is dangerous enough that 25% of USA Muslims today support jihad. 
    Islam must be reformed. Egyptians President El-sisi told his imams they must! We need the cooperation of non- jihadist Muslims to wage this war.
 Danger from the Syrian rapefugees
b. Carter embargoes Iranian muyslim immigration in hostage crisis because of security concerns
d. 13% rapefugees admit to supporting isis
e. Rapefugees are regularly being arrested for terrorism activities
f. 25% current US Muslims admit to supporting violent jihad

g. There has been a massive surge of rapes, violent crime, welfare among those rapefugees currently infiltrating Europe

They ok rape as legit  Syrian RAPEFUGEES:   There is massive increase in rape in Europe. 70% Swedish rapes come from the 5% Muslim population
Women warned not to go out at night
g. Isis proudly announces the intention is militant infiltration and conquest by rape
i. bizarrely try and equate Jews fleeing Hitler to these fighting rapists
j. 65 Muslims countries won’t take any. What do they know we don’t ?
k. Democrats want them solely because 80% vote Democratic when they come here
n. Rapefugees Masturbate, harass and poop in communal pools?  
o. Isis told us a year ago this would happen
Mass migration and rape for conquest are part of islam, the doctrine called Hiraj  
s. Huge % are on welfare
t. Necrophilia Sex with dead women in Wisconsin

Shedding Blood For Allah: Pew Study Says More Than 350 Million Muslims Support Violent Jihad4

Tuesday saw the release of a major international Pew Research study into the opinions of Muslims on a variety of topics. The full report (PDF) is here, but let’s just take a quick peek:
The study is a four-year effort by Pew, which conducted 38,000 face-to-face interviews in 80-plus languages for the survey. In total, 39 countries and territories were included, all of which had over 10 million Muslims living there. …
A majority of Muslims in Asia, Africa and the Middle East favored sharia law being adopted as the law of their countries, with the highest support recorded in Afghanistan at 99 percent. …
The study says that 72 percent of Indonesian Muslims favor making Islamic law the official legal code in the country, compared to 86 percent in Malaysia and 77 percent in Thailand having the same opinion.
A strong majority surveyed said so-called honor killings could never be justified. The only exceptions came in Afghanistan and Iraq, where majorities condoned executions of women deemed to have shamed their families by engaging in premarital sex or adultery.
Finally, to Pew’s credit, it didn’t ignore the elephant in the room:
The survey found the global median for Muslims opposed to violence in the name of Islam was 72 percent.
Even though that group includes individuals like the 2009-era Tsarnaev brothers — then still moderate and not yet radicalized — let’s take it at face value and rejoice that a solid majority of Muslims does not openly engage in (or openly support) murder for Allah. 72 percent! Terrific!
Except … well, what about the other 28 percent? There are 1.3 billion Muslims on this planet. If 28 percent of them support violent jihad, that’s 364 million Muslims who condone the murder of apostates, blasphemers, gay people, cartoonists, loose women, and possibly everyone godless enough to attend the Boston marathon.
In the United States, the picture is only marginally better. Eight out of ten U.S. Muslims say it’s not cool to strap a bomb to your chest and kill a bunch of kuffar. But two out of ten say that’s dandy. There are 2.6 million Muslims living in the U.S. … x 19 percent  … Yep, almost half a million of them give suicide bombers a big thumbs-up.
Relieved? Reassured? Me neither.
Now let’s take a closer look at the report itself (pages 68-71), rather than the summary:
The survey finds widespread concern about religious extremism in Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Middle EastNorth Africa region. In nearly every country surveyed in these regions, at least half of Muslims say they are very concerned or somewhat concerned about extremist groups.
So roughly half a billion Muslims have no such concerns. Got it.
In Indonesia, nearly eight-in-ten Muslims say they are worried about religious extremism (78%), including more than half (53%) who are worried about Islamic extremists.
That’s adorable. That means that 25 percent of Indonesian Muslims are worried about non-Muslim extremists (of which there are very few in that country) to the exclusion of the violent agitators, murderers, and terrorists in their own midst. And in their way, they’d be right. They themselves will likely not be the targets of fellow Muslims. That fate will have to be borne by Indonesian Christians, Buddhists, or agnostics — or by tourists brave enough to visit a Bali nightclub.
My main takeaway from the Pew study is that the Muslim world seems to be radicalizing at breakneck speed.
Consider: After Gallup opinion-polled tens of thousands of Muslims across 35 nations in the mid-aughts and released its report in 2007, we were told that Muslims were almost totally non-violent. They only desire that the West show a little “respect” for their religion.
At the time, Dalia Mogahed, the executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, could hardly stop talking about how widespread the Muslim aversion to Islamic violence was. She said she found that 93 percent of her fellow believers don’t want to see a drop of blood spilled in the name of Mohammed. What she left out was that the seven percent who do amounted to 91 million Muslims.
No doubt there is a difference between Gallup’s questions and methodology on the one hand, and Pew’s on the other. But if their respective numbers are even in the ballpark, and in seven or eight years’ time we’ve gone from roughly 90 million devout self-confessed supporters of Islamic violence to more than 350 million, we may well wonder if the message that Islam is “the religion of peace” is getting through to the followers — much less anyone else.

Science has taken a back seat at the United Nations. phony climate change
On this Earth Day 2016, there is a great deal of frenzy about how our Earth is going to become uninhabitable, as the civilized activities of man allegedly trigger unstoppable global warming and climate change.
With the Obama administration set to commit the U.S. to the Paris climate agreement by signing our nation onto the document Friday, it is obvious that science has taken a back seat at the United Nations.
The environmentalists, bureaucrats and politicians who make up the U.N.’s climate panel recruit scientists to research the climate issue. And they place only those who will produce the desired results. Money, politics and ideology have replaced science.
U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres has called for a “centralized transformation” that is “going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different” to combat the alleged global warming threat. How many Americans are looking forward to the U.N. transforming their lives?
Another U.N. official has admitted that the U.N. seeks to “redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” The former head of the U.N. climate panel also recently declared that global warming “is my religion.”

Friday, April 22, 2016

U of Chicago related? Sign petition vs the BDS anti israel student resolution just passed

U of Chicago related? Sign petition vs the BDS anti israel student resolution just passed/ petition going around opposing the College Council's decision to approve a pro-BDS resolution, and asking for your signature (

On April 12, 2016, the UChicago College Council (Student Government) voted to approve a pro-BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) Resolution, urging the University to boycott Israel. Two amendments were proposed to said Resolution - (1) to remove the language pertaining to the global BDS movement, and (2) to include a clause that recognizes the right to Jewish self-determination and, in turn, the historical ties of the Jews to the land of Israel - both of which were rejected by the Council.

A group of undergraduate and graduate students past and present came together to write the petition I'm sending you today. We all have different views regarding Israeli policy, but we are united in believing that true peace will never be achieved with the divisive BDS movement, which merely serves to incite hatred. We are also particularly appalled that the College Council, when given the opportunity to clarify that they support Jewish self-determination in addition to other forms of self-determination, took the opportunity to reject this proposal as well.

With all that being said, please read and sign the petition attached so that OUR voices can be heard. If possible, please share the petition on Facebook or e-mail anyone you think would want to join us in protest.

Please note that I only write to you in this most pressing time, and know that you're not on a mailing list and won't be receiving additional emails from me in the future!

Petition Link:

Thanks for your support.


Do Democrats really understand they’d be voting for the most corrupt, lying, radical, dangerous person ever to run for president by voting for Hillary:

Do Democrats really understand they’d be voting for the most corrupt, lying, radical, dangerous person ever to run for president by voting for Hillary:
1.       Has over 80 DEAD associates dying under suspicious circumstances
2.       Scandal after scandal. 140 FBI agents investigating her now
3.       Pays male employees way more than females
4.       Has taken huge fees from the world’s worst terrorist nations.
5.       Pathological liar about benghazzi, namesake, being under sniper fire, Pathological liar: lied about her emails, Benghazzi Lie after lie., lied about beingnamed for Sir Hillary, lied about no gun fire dodging
6.       Supports Obama’s nightmare 8 years
7.      Worst Secr. Of State ever. Russian “reset” appeasement, supports catastrophic iran deal, Benghazi lie and incompetence let our ambassador die, treasonous treatment of highly classified material on personal server hacked by enemies, On her watch: Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen all collapsed into terrorist enclaves, helped birth Isis by misjudgment on Iraq pullout, worldwide terrorism grows, Israel thrown under the bus. Says fight Isis with love and kindness. Pro jihad She is opposed to standard community policing of Muslim neighborhoods which was standard under Bush and opposed to waterboarding, which is the only way we got bin ladem , which she takes credit for. Hypocrite
8.      Led abuse of women her husband raped and abused.
9.      Emails show deep hatred of Israel
10.  Leave borders wide open and not deport murderers and rapists who come across unimpeded. Supports importing 100,000 unvettable Syrian Rapefugees, raping their way through Europe now.
11.  RADICAL Radical Domestic anti-growth political views. Her thesis was on Saul Alinsky, same influence as Obama had. Her plans will bankrupt USA. Plans $1 trillion in new spending.

How Clinton CORRUPTION works. Bill gets $750,000 speaker fees from countries asking Secr. of State Hillary for favors. They include the world's worst nations. Favors are granted. Bill says he will continue this when she is president because "he needs to pay the bills". see details n this book with 30 pages of footnotes: The phony Clinton foundation through which the cash was laundered spent 10% on charity. the rest on financing their lavish lifestyle.
This is besides the treason she committed by allowing private server emails to be hacked by our enemies. 150 FBI agents working on those crimes, though doubtful Obama will ok FBI recommendation to prosecute.
If you aren’t for Trump now, then you are for corrupt, lying, dangerous, murderous, women abusive, fascistic, incompetent, pro Islamic terrorism-anti Israel Hillary
Obama worst POTUS ever. Jihadist.
Hillary wants to continue Obama legacy.