Thursday, March 28, 2019

And all he did for Israel: THANK YOU, President Trump for:

And all he did for Israel:
THANK YOU, President Trump for: 
-Recognizing Israeli sovereignty on the Golan 
-Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem
-Pulling the US out of the disastrous Iran deal 
-Leaving UNESCO because of its blatant antisemitism 
-Ending funding of the PA because they reward terrorist killers of Jews 
-Ending US funding for UNWRA due to its teaching of Jew hatred 
-Calling out the antisemitism in the Democratic party 
-Defending Israel at the UN 
-Supporting Israel's absolute right of self-defense

Trump has had historically great presidency::

 Trump has had historically great presidency::
1. His deregulation and tax cut policy has led to record and historic employment for nearly every demographic, especially Blacks, Hispanics and Asians. Near records for youth, women, disabled. Middle class wages rising for first time in decades Maimonides taught Jewish law says best form of charity is helping people get jobs

2. Rising middle class and working class wages for first time in decades
3. Millions less in poverty
4. Doubled Obama’s historic worst ever economic growth over 8 years by
massive deregulation and tax cuts spur growth. Trump's Policy Boosts Manufacturing Jobs 399% In First 26 Months Over Obama's Last 26

5. Genocidal Iran deal ended
6. Isis caliphate destroyed

Evil Democrats are trying to DEFEND Omar’s anti-Semitism by claiming Jews are trying to strop debate about Israel by crying anti-Semitism.

Evil Democrats are trying to DEFEND Omar’s anti-Semitism by claiming Jews are trying to strop debate about Israel by crying anti-Semitism. What we KNOW is: 1. Arab Palestinians are a made-up people, who were created out of thin air to try and steal Jewish land. 2. Their brutal tyrannical leaders have turned down more than 5 offers of sovereignty because they do not want a Jewish state to Exist. Period. Instead of negotiating, they just try and kill Jews. 3. There are 65 Muslim nations, 21 Arab nations but they do not want a single Jewish nation to exist, even though it is on the territory promised by the Bible, to which Jews have unshakeable legal claim. 4. Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East and the ONLY state where Arabs, Christians, women, gays etc have equal rights. This NOT a debate about Israeli policies. It is the desire of the anti Semites, to destroy Israel and kill 7 million Jews.

The greatest dirty trick in American history

The Hillary Russian Collusion Hoax: The greatest dirty trick in American history.
We know now Hillary’s campaign MADE UP the Trump/Russian collusion narrative to excuse her loss. They financed and arranged for a FALSE foreign dossier, all made up, as evidence and presented to the FISA Judges. Democrats and Anti Trumpers at the highest levels of the FBI and CIA went along, as did 95% of the media, in perpetuating this FRAUD on us. After 22 months and $25 million spent, the Mueller team came up with nothing on the President and his aides as far as their campaign efforts and any collusion, or conspiracy with the Russians. Trump was set up, and railroaded in an unprecedented attempt to delegitimize the winner of a national election. Lots of people ne

1.Richard Baehr
“The Democratic Party’s partners in the national media so far show no evidence that they understand their role in perpetuating a fraud- fake news that created a very damaging narrative about the President.. CNN and MSNBC had Michael Avenatti on 108 times in one three month period.  OF COURSE THEY WOULD HAVE HIM ON REGULARLY- HE WAS TRASHING DONALD TRUMP.  Former Intelligence officials- Brennan and Clapper accused a sitting President of treason. The FBI and DOJ took sides in a Presidential contest, and then unhappy with the results, used every means at their disposal to try to damage and taint the new President, and drive him from office. James Comey, a truly despicable figure, had a particularly shameful role in all this…. After 22 months and $25 million spent, the Mueller team came up with nothing on the President and his aides as far as their campaign efforts and any collusion, or conspiracy with the Russians. The real investigation remains to be undertaken- an examination of the corruption of the government’s law enforcement operation - Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Ohr, and the always unmentioned former President. Do you really think he was unaware of all that was going on? One does not have to be a fan of the President, and one does not have to admire his character, or his policies to understand that he was set up, and railroaded in an unprecedented attempt to delegitimize the winner of a national election.

1.       John Hinderocker Powerline
the Left’s collusion narrative has fallen apart, many are speculating about whether those who drove it, and roiled our public life for more than two years on the basis of opposition research that they probably knew was fraudulent, will be held to account. There is much to investigate: the fraudulently obtained FISA warrants; the hundreds of incidents of unmasking of innocent American citizens; the attempt by the FBI’s top leadership to swing the election to Hillary Clinton or, failing that, to derail the newly-elected Trump administration; the CIA’s role in leaking the fake “dossier” to the press while purporting to “brief” President Trump on its contents, thereby giving the Democratic Party news media permission, with a wink and a nod, to report on the Clinton campaign’s fake “dossier” in the guise of a news story. And, of course, the over-arching question: what did Barack Obama know, and when did he know it? That is only a partial list.”

2.       Scott Johnson Powerline

This investigation is the product of a Clinton campaign fabrication. That’s why the investigation was a witch hunt. It is also why the finding of no collusion is unsurprising to anyone who has paid attention with a modicum of impartiality and critical intelligence. The finding of no obstruction is made by Attorney General Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein. If there was no collusion, they suggest, there was highly likely no obstruction and in fact they find that Mueller did not identify any actions that in the judgment of Barr and Rosenstein constituted obstructive conduct. 

The moral case for recognizing Jewish sovereignty on the Golan Heights

Noam A. Rotem
The moral case for recognizing Jewish sovereignty on the Golan Heights
Jewish history and the Syrian alternative give Israel the moral highground, literally

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
הִנֵּ֣ה מַה־טּ֭וֹב וּמַה־נָּעִ֑ים שֶׁ֖בֶת אַחִ֣ים גַּם־יָֽחַד׃

The verse was popularized into one of the most famous Jewish folks song of the 20th century. That same psalm ends with a reference to Mt. Hermon (at the tip of the Golan Heights):

…like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.

The name Golan appears for the first time in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy: “And the Golan in Bashan for (the tribe of) Menashe.” “Golan” in this verse refers to a name of a city, in the Bashan region, which was the ancient and biblical name for the Golan Heights region.

The Hasmonean King Alexander Jannaeus conquered the Golan in the first century BCE, and settled the city of Gamla. During that time, many Jewish settlements were established in the Golan. The remains of one of the earliest synagogues is situated inside the city walls of Gamla. The synagogue is thought to date from the late first century BCE, and is considered among the oldest synagogues in the world.

During the Great Jewish Revolt against the Romans, 66–73 CE, a major battle is described in detail by Josephus, between the Romans and the Jews of Gamla, whereupon the city was captured and destroyed by the Romans.

In the days of the Mishna and the Talmud, many Jewish settlements existed in the Golan as evidenced by sources of both Hazal (the Jewish sages of the Mishna and Talmud eras), and backed by archaeological findings.

But from the beginning of Ottoman rule until the middle of the 19th century, the Golan turned into mostly a desolate frontier region, with few permanent residents, and ruled by Bedouin tribes. Druze settlements were established in the northern Golan Heights, and exist there to this day.

At the end of the 19th century, several attempts were made by Jews to resettle in the Golan, including on lands purchased by the Baron Rothschild, as well as in several other locations, along the western slopes of the Golan overlooking the sea of Galilee.

At the height of World War I, a secret pact known as the Sykes-Picot agreement was reached between the British and French governments. The pact carved up the floundering Ottoman Empire into spheres of British and French influence. Borders were drawn on a map, in disregard of any historic, tribal, or ethnic considerations. In its wake, states like Syria and Iraq were created, without any nation-state coherency, setting the ground for the bloody rife and turmoil that has been going on in the region for over a century.

In 1946, Syria gained independence from France and with it control of the Golan Heights. Between 1949 and 1967, the Syrian army used the strategic Heights to shell Israeli civilian settlements along the border. There were many incidents of shooting at fishing boats on the Kinneret. As a result of these shelling, 140 civilians were killed and many more injured. Property was also damaged, and many fields of grain were burned. In the early 1950s, the Syrians did a land grab, and took control of Israel’s territory west of the international border, along the eastern shores of Lake Kinneret.

At the start of the Six Day War, the Syrians shelled the Hula Valley and Rosh Pina settlements, and Syrian tanks tried to advance towards the agricultural settlement of Kibbutz Dan. In the very last days of the war, following pressure from Jewish settlements in northern Israel, the Israeli government decided to conquer the Golan Heights and put an end to the threat of Syrian shelling on the Hula Valley communities.

Following several military coups in Syria, Hafez al-Assad came to power in 1970. In 1973, Assad launched a surprise attack against Israel, on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, in an attempt to capture back the Golan Heights. Some of the bravest battles in the annals of modern Israeli military history took place in defending the Golan, and the IDF turned that perilous and near fatal attack into a gallant victory.

In 1982, Assad conducted an infamous massacre in Hama Syria, which left 20,000 Syrian civilians dead, in response to a local uprising against his regime. At the time, it was considered one of the deadliest acts by any Arab government against its own people in the modern Middle East.

His son Bashar al-Assad would outdo him. Following an uprising against his regime in 2011, Bashar ruthlessly bombarded civilian populations en masse. His war crimes included the use of chemical weapons against his own civilian population, and his army conducted widespread ethnic cleansing. Syria spiraled into one of the bloodiest civil wars in modern history, with the overall death toll estimated at 500,000, and with an estimated 7 million internally displaced and 5 million refugees.

Given the long history that Jews have in the Golan Heights, going back 2 and 3 millennia, coupled with the belligerent, brutal and immoral Syrian regimes, Presidents Trump’s decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty on the Golan Heights is a just one, both historically and morally.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Don’t Be Fooled by the Democrats’ Resolution on Hate

“Americans Stand Apart in Support for Israel,” said Gallup in 2005, the same year that the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel got started. In 2019, this week, the Democratic party found itself at odds internally over a resolution that only implicitly condemned Ilhan Omar for repeatedly invoking anti-Semitic stereotypes. In the end, they succeeded in passing a generalized resolution on hate by pretending that anti-Semitism hardly ever comes from the left.
They couldn’t pass anything that acknowledged the most recent source of the “dual loyalty” charge the resolution admittedly addresses because the left wing of the party, old and new, agree that the main issue raised by Omar’s remarks was the reaction to them. According to this brand of analysis, the response to Omar was a “dishonest smear” designed to keep Congress slavishly subservient to Israel. This is an endorsement of Representative Omar’s anti-Semitic assertions that Congressional support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins” and that those who question her comments are really demanding loyalty to a foreign country.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Jews who care about Israel do not have a home in the Democratic party anymore.

Jews who care about Israel do not have a home in the Democratic party anymore.

Richard Baehr

"It should be obvious after the craven collapse by the Democratic leadership in the House to their angry intersectional members, that Jews do not rate among the hierarchy of concerns for the party anymore. Three Presidential candidates- Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris, all seemed more concerned about the safety of Congresswoman Omar, and her victimhood, than the fact that she is repeating at an increased pace pretty much every anti-Semitic trope that has circulated for several centuries. All three candidates seemed to think that by calling out blatantly vicious anti-Semitic comments, one was chilling the debate over Israel and the Palestinians. Has anyone noticed an absence of criticism of Israel lately? Half the Democrats in the House are members of the Progressive Caucus, the Congressional Black Caucus or both. These members are the ones who raised hell and pushed back against either naming Omar in a resolution condemning anti-semitism, , or not naming her, but criticizing anti-Semitism alone, without also adding a whole list of other things to condemn- white supremacy, islamophobia, racism. Of course, the only bigoted statements by a Congressperson that had gone unpunished have been Omar’s about Jews.. The Republicans rebuked Steve King and removed him from three committees. And of course, when the Black Lives Matter movement gained national attention, the proponents argued against anyone saying all lives matter, since it cheapened the pain of blacks. I guess cheapening the pain of Jews with mush is OK though. Nancy Pelosi appointed Omar to the Foreign Affairs Committee, presumably on the strength of her 2012 comments the Israel had hypnotized America, and only Allah could solve the problem. What exactly was Pelosi thinking? This is not the first statement Omar has made since joining the House that qualifies her as an anti-Semite in the neighborhood of David Duke (a big fan of course). After prior such Jew hating remarks, she supposedly had some counseling and education with sympathetic Jewish members in the House and her district, and would now be able to offer her views on israel but without the stench of anti-Semitism. That clearly was impossible, for in her case, the provocation was deliberate. She knew exactly what she was doing, and now that the growing and pretty much dominant left wing of her Party sets the rules, she knew that if there would be a confrontation over her comments, ,that she would be protected. From now on it is open season, evidenced by her retweet of a nasty comment about Meghan McCain who attacked Omar’s comments and criticized the weak response by the Democrats in the House.
There are many fine articles on the topic. No, this is not a problem of a few rogue new members of Congress. The Israel hating left (there is no non-Israel hating left at this point), wants a fight about Israel and will work to insure that their agenda is debated. In particular, Bernie Sanders wants to differentiate himself from the wannabe socialists in training- Harris, Booker, Warren, and others to come by making it difficult for opponents to pass the litmus test of complete abandonment of America’s historically strong relationship with Israel.
David Harsanyi:

John Sexton:

Bret Stephens:

Jonathan Tobin:

Omar back on the attack: