700 Videos on Jewish topics

600 videos on Jewish subjects
Session 1. God/Theology/Philosophy/Mitzvot
Terms for Intro to Judaism class session 1 JewU 219
A. God and belief
What Jews believe JewU 27
Shma first and last paragraphs sung JewU 149
The Shema-Hear O Israel Lord our God Lord is One JewU 89
God and the Holocaust-evil JewU 88
What are the basics of Judaism? JewU 194
What does God really want from us? JewU 121
Choseness and Judaism JewU151
Why God? JewU 173
Devil and Judaism/ What do we believe? JewU 180
God's Names, Bible, Talmud, Prayers JewU 141
Train with us to be a Para Rabbi JewU 388
Happiness from a Jewish view JewU 156
Torah is the coach JewU 387
17 questions answered fast Rabbi Jonath Jewu 451
Borat's Elevator, Understanding Religious Experience
B. Jewish Law and Mitzvot
Change in Jewish Law JewU 128
Women's Rights in Judaism JewU 127
What is a mitzvah? Is it a good deed? JewU 122
Can we add new mitzvote? JewU304

C. Philosophers/Theologians
Philo father of medieval jewish philosophy JewU 350
Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots JewU 164
Saadia Gaon 10th century philosopher rabbi JewU349
Great Jews series Maimonides Rambam JewU 118
Why was Baruch Spinoza excommunicated JewU 359
Hasidim 101 JewU 20
Salanter Mussar Ethics Yeshiva movement JewU 357
Martin Buber Jewish Philosopher I Thou JewU 355
Martin Buber Jewish Philosophy education JewU 353
Great Jews series Abraham Joshua Heschel 100 years JewU 117

Session 2. Christianity/Holy Books/
A. Christianity and Judaism in general
Jews and Jesus
Jews and Evangelical Christians JewU 83
Cardinal George and the Chgo Bd Rabbis JewU295
Christian and Jewish differences JewU 182
How we know Jews did not kill Jesus JewU300
B. Combatting "Messianic Jews"
Messianic Jews?/Jews Not for Jesus 1 JewU 200
Messianic Jews?/Jews Not for Jesus 2 JewU 201
Messianic Jews?/Jews Not for Jesus 3 JewU 202
Do Jews need to be perfected ala Coulter JewU271
A Jewish view of the Messiah and Messianic era JewU 30
False Messiahs in Jewish History JewU 165
Kosher evangelism proseltyzing JewU 275
How do non-Jews achieve salvation? Noahide laws JewU 155
C. Holy Books
Is the Bible myth, legend, literal JewU315
Who wrote the Torah and who cares? I care. JewU 249
Refuting the lies about Judasim and Talmud JewU341
Introduction to the Torah JewU 154
Ten Commandments JewU 22
Mishnah Gemarah Talmud 101 JewU 11
Hebrew Bible introduction JewU 12
Jewish Blessings Brachote -2 JewU 166
Have a problem with a Biblical verse? JewU 161
Building a Jewish library JewU 177
Tour a Rabbi's Library of Holy Books JewU323
Books for your jewish Library 2 JewU 191
Books for your Jewish Library 3 JewU 192

Session 3. Spiritual Models/Denominations/Mysticism
Terms for Intro to Judaism class session 3 JewU 221
Jewish Spirituality-Five models JewU 44
The Jewish Star as a teaching tool JewU 43
Judaism: Learn, Live, Love-the spiritual essence JewU 98
Secular Jewish Humanism JewU 169
Orthodox Judaism strengths and challenges JewU 120
Reform Judaism Strength and Challenges JewU 119
Conservative Judaism JewU 114
Jewish Denominations Movements JewU 24
Reconstructionist Judaism Mordachai Kaplan JewU 354
Is Reform really becoming Conservative? JewU 270
Non and trans denominational Judaism JewU 265
Jewish superstitions 18x, too too, evil eye, aliyote JewU311
Differences ashkenazim and sephardim JewU343
How to become a Rabbi JewU338
What is a good Jew? Jewu 427 Rabbi Jona
What is Civil Judaism? Jewu 426 Rabbi J

Gematria Jewish numerology JewU 142
Kabbalah for Today - Installment 1
Kabbalah for Today 2 of 12 JewU 374
Gail's Kabbalah lecture part 1/4
Gail's mystical kabbalistic lecture 2
Gail's Kabbalah lecture part 3/4
Gail's Kabbalah lecture part 4

Session 4. Synagogue and Ritual Objects
Intro to Judaism #4 Terms Jewish life/synagoue JewU 222
Tour our Holiday themed Stained glass windows JewU324
Tour a Rabbi's Library of Holy Books JewU323
Why did I become a Rabbi? JewU337
Train with us to be a Para Rabbi
Sacrifices and Judaism-parashat vayikra JewU 28
Tabernacle, Temples 1 and 2 JewU 383
Cohenim Priests In Judaism-also parashat tzav JewU 29
Jewish ritual home items JewU 68
Minyon Prayer quorum: rules and history JewU 140
Geography of the Synagogue JewU 186
Tfillin Phylacteries JewU 187
Virtual synagogue JewU 185
Torah Aliyah Honors 101 JewU 2
Jewish prayer shawl Tallit Tallis 101 JewU 1
Jewish Kippot, Yarmulkes, head Coverings JewU 82
Mezuza-what is that box on a Jewish home? JewU 41
Session 5. Prayer /Hebrew
Intro to Judaism #5 Terms Prayer JewU 223
A. Reading Prayers
The Hebrew alphabet JewU322
Prayer Hebrew reading and vocab #1 JewU331
Prayer Hebrew reading and vocab #2 JewU332
Must men and women pray separately? JewU282
Minyon Prayer quorum: rules and history JewU 140
What are those strange movements in Jewish prayer? JewU 174
Jewish prayer service-Maariv/Evening JewU 48
Minha The Jewish Afternoon Prayer service JewU 91
Shaharit-the Jewish morning Prayer service JewU 90
Sacrifices and Judaism-parashat vayikra JewU 28
Cohenim Priests In Judaism-also parashat tzav JewU 29
Amen-what does it mean? JewU 178
B. Learning Daily Prayers
Minha afternon service taught Jewu 422
Ahavat olam, Ahava Rabbah, Micamocha prayers JewU348
Shma first and last paragraphs sung JewU 149
Sing the weekday and Shabbat amidah beginning JewU 251
Ashrei psalm 145 sung JewU 262
Mourner's kaddish how to say it JewU 139
Half and Full Kaddish sung JewU 237
Torah Aliyah Honors 101 JewU 2
Maariv daily evening service taught jewu 423
Final prayers: ein kelohenu, alenu, adon olam sung JewU 232
C. Learn Shabbat prayers
Friday Night
Sabbath Kiddush sanctification and havdalah JewU 96
Holiday version
Chant Holiday kiddish JewU 250
Cyber Friday night service in 2 parts JewU 261
Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat Service part 1 of 2
Shabbat Maariv service part 2 of Kabbalat of 2 videos
Individual prayers
Shalom Rav and Adonai Oz Peace prayers 2 JewU 363
Yigdal Prayer ends Shabbat eve services JewU 236
Torah portion Naso Explained-Priestly benediction JewU 52
Ashrei psalm 145 sung JewU 262
Psalm 150 3 tunes Praise God Halleluya JewU329
Shma first and last paragraphs sung JewU 149
Sing the weekday and Shabbat amidah beginning JewU 251
Torah Service
Sing the Torah Service shabbat morning JewU330
Torah Aliyah Honors 101 JewU 2
Haftorah blessings before and after JewU321
Half Kaddish
Half and Full Kaddish sung JewU 237
First 2 blessings of Shabbat amidah
Sing the weekday and Shabbat amidah beginning JewU 251
Shabbat Musaf Kedusha JewU 263
Peace prayer Oseh Shalom and Sim Shalom JewU 361
Final prayers
Final prayers: ein kelohenu, alenu, adon olam sung JewU 232
Torah portion Naso Explained-Priestly benediction JewU 52
Shabbat AM Kiddush JewU 363
Sing hallel Psalm service 1/2 JewU 385
Sing Psalms Hallel service 2/2 JewU 386
Travelers Prayer JewU 258
Jewish Healing Prayer JewU 217
Do it yourself Jewish unveiling dedication JewU 216
Thank God Blessings in Judaism JewU 129
Jewish Songs and Prayers Series #4 JewU 144
Jewish Songs and Prayers series #6 JewU 146
Jewish Songs and Prayers series #5 JewU 145
Jewish Songs and Prayers series 2 JewU 136
Jewish Songs and prayers series #3 JewU 137
Cliff notes on Jewish prayer and Bible melodies JewU 168
Jewish Blessings Brachote -2 JewU 166
Jewish Memorial prayer chanted-El Moleh rahamim JewU 215
Jewish bathroom prayer JewU 382
Food blessings
Bracha achrona prayers Jews recite after a snack JewU339
Jewish Songs series 1 Birkat hamazone JewU 134
Session 6. Jewish History
Intro to Judaism #6 Terms Jewish History JewU 224
Jewish history Abraham to Hannukah JewU 10
12 tribes of Israel JewU 143
False Messiahs in Jewish History JewU 165
Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots JewU 164
Hasidim 101 JewU 20
History of Religion -What order? JewU 171
Taste of American Jewish History JewU 214
Jewish history is not so bad Jewu 421

Session 7. Shabbat
shabbat zmirote table songs sung jewu 420
Terms for Intro to Judaism class #7 Shabbat JewU 225
History of Shabbat Candle Lighting JewU 176
Sabbath Kiddush sanctification and havdalah JewU 96
Beatrice 1 Shabbat Dog Blessing JewU 204

Session 8. Jewish Time/ High Holidays
Learn the Jewish months of the year JewU325
Intro to Judaism #8 Terms Time/ JewU 226
Jewish understanding of TIME JewU 37
Origins of Jewish holidays JewU 38
Selihote-penitential service prior to Rosh Hashanah JewU 123
Prepare for Rosh Hashanah-Elul JewU 189
Rosh Hashanah Jewish New year JewU 65
High Holiday Bible readings JewU 153
Rabbi stories: shofar, messages, reward JewU 210
Shofar-Ram's horn JewU 94
An Amazing Shofar Ram's Horn Service JewU 233
Repentance-Teshuva in Judaism-Yom Kippur JewU39
How world's smartest person helps with Yom Kippur JewU 163
Yom Kippur Jewish Atonement Day JewU 66
Yom Kippur thoughts 5769 Jewu 433 Rabbi
Biblical Book of Jonah-its meaning JewU 152
Origin of Yizkor memorial service JewU 70
Books referred to in High Holiday sermon JewU 234
Destination High Holidays JewU 188

Session 9. Sukkot/Hanukah/Purim
Intro to Judaism terms #9 Terms Sukk/hannu/ JewU 227
Sukkot and Simhat Torah JewU 49
Sukkah 123 easy to assemble canvass JewU 238
Guests to the Sukkhah-ushpizim JewU 242
13 reasons to build a Sukkah JewU 241
Sukkot Lulav and etrog shown and discussed JewU 240
Koheleth koheleth Ecclesiastes on Sukk jewu 439
It's no bull-why sacrifice 70 in ancient tim jewu 438
Sukkot-Hannukah connection JewU 244
Thanksgiving Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg Jewu 447
Chanukah miracle needed today JewU305
Hannukah The real story JewU 31
Menorah Hanukah lighting rabbi Jonath jewu 452
Jews, Hanukah, and the Christmas dilemma JewU290
Hanukah message don't let the lights go out JewU 312
Our annual Chanukah party part 2 JewU307
Our annual Chanukah party part 1 JewU306
Hannukah songs and blessings sung JewU 69
How to play Chanukah dredyl JewU281
Tu bshvat Jewish New Year trees & mystical seder JewU286
Should Jews observe st. Valentine's day? JewU 369
5 Shabbatot hekalim,Zachor,Parah,Hachodesh, Hagadol JewU372
Purim songs,traditions,history coming March 20 JewU 367
Purim Homintaschen vs. Hannukah Latke debate JewU 3
Purim the true story JewU 33
Purim for today JewU 377
Purim celebration 1 JewU 390
Purim celebration 2 Rabbi and Megillah kidnapped JewU 391
Purim celebration 3 Little children celebrating JewU 392
Purim celebration 4 Megillah reading JewU 393

Session 10. Passover/Shavuot/Tisha Bav
Intro to Judaism #10 Terms Pesah/Shavuot JewU 229
Seder Plate Basics for Passover JewU 23
Pesah Passover seder songs and prayers 1JewU 379
Pesah Passover songs 2 JewU 380
Passover joke: Why is this night JewU 5
Quick bad Pesah humor jewu 407
Passover song Chad gadya the little goat explained JewU 4
Passover Haggadah explained briefly JewU 6
The 4 Passover questions in Yiddish -Yiddish 1
Shabbat Hagadol-why the title Great Sabbath? Jewu 403
Pesah haftarah 1-are you with us or against us Jewu 405
King Josiah, renewing bris, extirpating idolatry , Jewu 406 -Haftarah second day of pesah
ezekiel's dry bones and isaiah's messianic prophecy jewu 409- last pesah haftorote
love poetry in the Bible Shir hashirm pesah Jewu 408 -chanted on Pesah
Earth Day and Judaism Environmental concerns JewU 74
Omer-the 49 day period between Passover and Shavuot JewU 36
The Festival of Shavuot First fruits Hag Habikorim JewU 64
Lag Baomer 33rd day Holiday in the midst of sadness JewU 85
Cicadas, Shavuot, Memorial day and Ruth's conversion JewU 93
Tisha bAV Ninth of Av saddest day in Jewish JewU 67
Session 11. Kashrut
Intro to Judaism terms #11 Kashrut/ JewU 230
Kosher 101 JewU 8
Meat and Milk JewU 172
Vegetarianism and Judaism JewU130
More on Kosher-lists of yes and no JewU 253
Mitzvote series 3 Geed Hanashe no eating thigh JewU334

Session 12. Jewish Peoplehood/Conversion/Jews
(Also see section 2 a and b above)
IntrotoJudaismterms#12Peoplehood/Convert/ JewU 231
Who Is a Jew? JewU273
Converting to Judaism JewU 42
Long distance conversion JewU 183
Kosher evangelism proseltyzing JewU 275
How do non-Jews achieve salvation? Noahide laws JewU 155
Is universal salvation a Jewish belief? Jewu 425
Islam and Judaism Jew U 198
Baha'i and Judaism JewU 147
Mormonism and Judaism JewU 364
Understanding Jewish talk, terms usage JewU 76
Jewish organizations by initials JewU284
Jewish last names JewU 181
Dena dimalchuta dena civil law is the law JewU352
Intermarriage and Judaism JewU 360
Helping Interfaith Intermarried couples JewU 376
Patralineal vs. matralineal Rabbi Jonatha jewu 448
AmYisrael Chai-does the father still live jewu 434
Hebrew and Yiddish
Is there a Jewish language? JewU 124
Hebrew Yiddish origins differences JewU344
Some Yiddish expressions JewU 167
Yiddish 2 Greetings in Yiddish
Yiddish 3 Being Polite in Yiddish
Yiddish 4 Body Parts in Yiddish
Yiddish 5 Days of the week in Yiddish
Basic Hebrew vocabulary JewU 254
Proper Jewish greetings JewU 256

Session 13. Anti Semitism/Holocaust
Intro to Judaism terms #13 Anti semitism/Holocaust JewU 232
Anti-Semitism-a brief history JewU 40
Righteous Gentiles and anti-semitism JewU279
Holocaust 2007 Shoah JewU 71
How we know Jews did not kill Jesus JewU300
Refuting the lies about Judasim and Talmud JewU341
What happened to 1.4 million Jews in the Ukraine?JewU 246
The story of the Tattooed Torah Holocaust story for children
About the Tattooed Torah-how it got to be written
Key issue of the time:Iran Iran Iran JewU 212
Natan Sharansky new book on identity, freedom jewu 416
mumbai massacre and Judaism Rabbi Jon jewu 449
Holocaust theology from Prof. Halivini Jewu 442

Session 14. Israel
My report from the AIPAC proIsrael conference Jewu 418
Israel songs Jewish songs #7 Jewu 417
Intro to Judaism terms #14 Israel JewU 233
New York Times year of ideas Biofuels meteors danger jew319
Israel's 59th birthday Happy birthday JewU 75
Palestinian refugees "return" wrong JewU 86
Mearsheimer/Walt -shoddy and anti-semitic? JewU 239
Israel: the greatest country JewU 32
What can we personally do to help Israel JewU 78
Refuting Kristof's March 17 NYT piece on Israel JewU 25
Zionism-The Jewish people's right to Israel JewU 243
It's Not Israel's Fault JewU 19
What's Wrong with Jimmy Carter's Book? JewU 97
AIPAC Crucial for America and the World JewU 81
Shameful British Boycott JewU 99
Bond to Israel with Israel Bonds JewU 266
Travel with us to Israel JewU 138
Boston Legal Finale and Israel Rabbi Jonath jewu 450

Session 15. Life Cycle through Marriage
Intro to Judaism terms #15 life cycle 1 JewU 234
Mitzvote series 1 Procreate JewU296
Bris Milah and Jewish Baby namings JewU 47
Abortion from a Jewish perspective JewU 53
Mitzvote series 2 Circumcision JewU297
On-Line Hebrew Religious school for children 389
Status of Jewish children JewU 203
Raising Children to be Jewish JewU 92
Raising Children to be Jewish -2 JewU 115
Bar Bat Mitzvah Jewu 445 Rabbi Jonatha
adult bar bat mitzvah online tutoring jewu 428
Tattooing and Piercing in Jewish Tradition JewU 80
Jewish Marriage Ceremony JewU 46
Talmudic wisdom for husbands and wives JewU 366
Sheva Brachote seven Jewish wedding benedictions JewU309
Proverbs 31 Eshet Chayil Rabbi Jonatha jewu 444

Session 16. Life Cycle Divorce through Death and Beyond
Intro to Judaism terms #16 life cycle 2 JewU 235
Jewish Divorce JewU 45
Aging well -a Jewish view also parshat Chayai Sarah JewU 158
Jewish Funeral Practices 101 JewU 9
Do it yourself Jewish unveiling dedication JewU 216
Origin of Yizkor memorial service JewU 70
Euthanasia Mercy Killing from a Jewish view JewU 55
A Jewish view of the Messiah and Messianic era JewU 30
Resurrection from a Jewish perspective JewU 57
Life After Death-a Jewish View of Olam Habah JewU 175
Reincarnation and Judaism JEWU 179
Learn Psalm 23 Lord shepherd in hebrew jewu 431

Jewish Values 1-3 JewU 13
Jewish Values 4-6 JewU 14
Jewish Values 7-9 JewU 15
Jewish values 10-14 JewU16
Jewish Values 15-21 JewU 17
Jewish Values 22-27 JewU 18
Jewish values 28 on JewU 26Life not death-see the positive Jewish future JewU276
Is it ever ok to fib? JewU 267
Maimonides 8 laws of giving JewU 255
When 3 rings,supermodel & $60M not enough JewU328
Bikur Cholim Visit the sick JewU 252
Tzniute Tzineus Jewish modesty traditions and laws JewU318
Modesty Tsniyute follow up JewU342
Capital Punishment Death Penalty from a Jewish View JewU 54
Humor and Jokes
Favorite Jewish Jokes oneJewU 73
Favorite Jewish jokes number two JewU 132
My favorite Jewish jokes three JewU 77
Favorite Jewish Jokes 4 JewU 133
Favorite Jewish Jokes 5 JewU 135

Thoughts and Sermons
Finding your calling /schlichoot jewu 437
Jewish wisdom for tough times 1 Jewu 436
Obama, Election 2008 and Israel JewU 362
New York Times year of ideas Biofuels meteors danger jew319
New York Times year of ideas maid and mindfulnes JewU320
Baseball steroid abuse and Judaism JewU317
Ask the Erabbi 7 JewU316
Ask the Erabbi #8 JewU326
Ask the Erabbi 9 JewU335
Ask THE RABBI 10 Tallit,Torah ornaments,idolatry,JewU347
Ask Rabbi 11 Shabbat,Mamzer,conversion,slaves,fish JewU 351
Ask rabbi edition 12
A Rabbi's Daily Thought-TV, Bible and Whales JewU 100
Rabbi Reflects on the news ed.1 JewU 206
Rabbi Reflects on the news ed.2 JewU 207
Rabbi Reflects on the news ed.3 JewU 208
Rabbi Reflects on the news 4 JewU 209
Rabbi Reflects on News 5 JewU 235
Rabbi Reflects on News 6 fanatics,Hiroshima,chimps JewU274
Evil vs good inclination & Freud JewU278
Idea behind all these webs and blogs JewU 211
Asceticism, Puritanism, Enjoying Life Jew U 199
Da Vinci, genius, the senses and Judaism JewU 170
Interpreting Dreams,a Jewish view JewU 162
Asking Good Jewish questions, JewU 159
Happiness from a Jewish view JewU 156
Hidur mitzvah-doing something for God's honor JewU 131
The book "Secrets" and Judaism JewU 126
Dumpster diving, sunken treasures and Judaism JewU125
Soprano's end and a Rabbi responds- no ending JewU 116
My one year video anniversary JewU 368

Jewish Views of Human Nature
Evil vs good inclination & Freud JewU278
Asceticism, Puritanism, Enjoying Life JewU 199
Da Vinci, genius, the senses and Judaism JewU 170
Interpreting Dreams, a Jewish view JewU 162
Asking Good Jewish questions, JewU 159
Happiness from a Jewish view JewU 156
The book "Secrets" and Judaism JewU 126
Dumpster diving, sunken treasures and Judaism JewU125
Soprano's end and a Rabbi responds- no ending JewU 116

Weekly Torah Portion youtube videos
Introduction to the Torah JewU 154
is the Bible myth, legend, literal JewU315
Read the weekly Torah Portion JewU 257
Have a problem with a Biblical verse? JewU 161

Genesis (Breisheet)
Voyager, Earth,100 million species & Genesis JewU 248
Creationism Evolution A Jewish View JewU 84
Torah Portion Breisheit Genesis JewU 58
Let us make man in our Image according jewu 441
Tower of Babel vs Abraham's Call Lech le jewu 440
Torah portion Noah and the flood JewU 60
Sputnik, Bears half-time speech and rainbows JewU 245
Noah, water-too much and too little JewU 247
Lech Lecha
Torah Portion Lech Lecha- Abraham's call JewU 61
Torah Portion Vayera-the binding of Isaac JewU 62
Genesis 22 a close reading of the binding of IsaacJewU 193
Halloween, 3 visiting angels and their missions JewU 264
Chaye Sarah
Parashat Chaye Sareh JewU 272
Aging well -a Jewish view also parshat Chayai Sarah JewU 158
Improving marriages with Abraham Sarah example JewU 268
Tunnels, Balfour, Kristallnacht, Nazis, Hamas JewU280
Parsha Toldot Isaac Genesis 25 JewU277
Parashat Veyetze Jacob's dream, ladder,angels JewU283
vayishla Jacob wrestles and gets renamed Israel JewU285
God was on Jacob's side as Jacob wrestlesd himself JewU292
In a pit or jail? How was Joseph sustained JewU299
Parashat Miketz Genesis 41 10/54 portions JewU302
Forgiveness and the Joseph stories JewU298
Parashat Vayigash Joseph meets his JewU303
Parshat Veyehi Jacob meets his grandsons 12/54 JewU 313

Exodus (Shmot)
Intro to the book of Shmote Exodus JewU336
Parasha Shmote Exodus ch.1 13/54 JewU327
Parshat Vaera in Exodus 14/54 JewU333
Parashat Bo 15/54 Exodus 10 JewU340
Is the Exodus from slavery true Shmot 13/54 JewU314
The Real Mount Sinai by Rabbi Jonathan jewu 443
Ten Commandments JewU 22
Parashat Mishpatim 18/54 Ex. 21 JewU 356
Capital Punishment Death Penalty from a Jewish View JewU 54
Abortion from a Jewish perspective JewU 53
Parashat Trumah 19/54 Building the Sanctuary JewU 358
Parasha Tetzaveh Exodus 27 Ner Tamid Priests JewU 365
Oh God light my fire-the ner tamid in Judaism JewU 371
Clothes make the man-what the High Priest wore JewU 370
Kee Teesa
Parashat kee Teesa shekel golden calf forgiveness JewU373
Parashat Vayakhel 22/54 Shabbat rest/giving/ JewU 378
Torah is the coach JewU 387
Parashat Pikudei ends Exodus JewU 385

Leviticus (Vayikra)
Sacrifices and Judaism-parashat vayikra JewU 28
Cohenim Priests In Judaism-also parashat tzav JewU 29
Kosher 101 JewU 8
More on Kosher-lists of yes and no JewU 253
Tazria mezora
Torah portion Tazria Mezora Dvar Torah speech ethics JewU 56
Torah portion Kedoshim-Love thy neighbor as thyself JewU 79
Origins of Jewish holidays JewU 38
Behar Behukotai
Behar Behukotai Torah portion Sabbatical, Jubilee JewU 87 32-33/54

Numbers (Bamidbar)
Bamidbar Torah Portion first in Numbers
Torah portion Naso Explained-Priestly benediction JewU 52
Torah Portion Behaalotcha Numbers 8-12:16 JewU 95
Torah Portion Sh'lah l'kha-the spies JewU 63
chesed hesed lovingkindness in parasha shlach jewu 424
Torah Portion Korach -Debate ok? JewU 111
Torah portion Parah /Hukkat JewU 7
Torah portion Balak-May tovu How goodly thy tents JewU 51
What we learn from the daughters of Zelophad JewU 157
Torah Portion Pinhas dvar Torah JewU 50
Torah Portion Matot Masei ends Numbers JewU 148

Deuteronomy (Dvarim)
Intro to Devarim-Deuteronomy JewU 160
Get off the mountain and possess the la jewu 430
Veetchanan see the ten commandments video and the shma videos
Ekev Eikev Parashat Ekev Jewu 430 Rab
Olympic lessons learned and the Toraj jew
Reah R'eih Torah portion Deut 11:26 Jew 432
Parashat Shoftim Judges JewU 184
Ki Teze
Don't make a mess in God's Camp JewU 197
Deuteronomy 21-25 Kiteze 1 JewU 195
Deuteronomy 21-25 Kiteze 2 JewU 196
Parashat Ki Tovo-Optimistic future depends on "If"JewU 205
The Bible says "Be strong and of good courage" JewU 218
Parashat Netzavim- Free will, JewU 213
Haazinu Heezinu 2nd to last torah portion jewu 435

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