27 things we KNOW for sure about Hillary
that make it insane and too dangerous to vote for her.
1. Hillary lies and lies and lies makes her UNFIT for president.: The
Washington Post gave Hillary Clinton 4 Pinocchios for lying about how she was
characterized by FBI Director Comley and for lying about her own
character. Lied about CAUSE of Benghazi raid that killed 4 Americans. Lied
about sniper fire when she wasn’t. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/19/hillary-clintons-long-list-of-lies/ Karl Rove here demolishes her lying team trying to defend her. http://www.wsj.com/articles/team-clintons-pathetic-excuses-1472684880
a. FBI Director did not exonerate Hillary. He detailed her lies and reckless, negligent behavior with our top secrets but declines to suggest charges because his boss had meeting with Bill the day before. .FBI http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437606/hillary-clintons-eight-email-lies-exposed-james-comey. Thousands contained classified material, some so sensitive the FBI agents were not allowed to look at it and members of congress have to go into a special room to view it and leave phones behind. You mean to tell me that after all those years as First lady, and Senator, and then our top diplomat, she was too stupid to understand what emails were classified and should not be on unsecured bathroom server, even if unmarked as classified? More than 2,000 of the 30,490 emails Clinton gave to the State Department in December 2014 contained classified information — most of it classified retroactively. Is Hillary too DUMB to be prez or just can never stop lying as she jeopardizes our security.? Her defenders say on her unprotected server stored in her bathroom, the emails " only a couple of emails had tiny classified markings on them". Now I understand why FBI Director Comley said that Hillary Clinton didn't lie to FBI investigators. For three and half hours Clinton told the FBI investigators that she was brain damaged and couldn't remember. http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/clinton-told-fbi-couldnt-recall-key-details-26-times/
b. Benghazi lies She was not exonerated about Benghazi. She lied and cost lives. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/10/22/hillary-clintons-5-biggest-lies-benghazi-testimony/
2. BRIBES: Took hundreds millions $ bribes from world’s worst nation
for her phony foundation and now she owes them. All documented in book Clinton
Cash. Hillary Clinton PROMISED during her Secr. of State confirmation
hearings in the Senate, that she would keep State Dept. and her phony
Foundation business totally separate. Now it is obvious she basically put up a
FOR SALE sign at the State Dept and sold our our national interest s she and
Bill could get richer. She is the most repugnant person ever to run for office. https://www.commentarymagazine.com/american-society/the-clinton-foundation-scandals/
The “Foundation” is not a charity. It is a money laundering scheme of pay-to-play which has parties who want favors from USA, even if they are enemies, to pay off Clintons thru the phony Foundation, and the Clintons spend less than 10% on charity, the rest on themselves. Read Clinton Cash book, which details it.
a. http://hotair.com/archives/2016/05/19/financial-analyst-clinton-foundation-books-loaded-with-inconsistencies-could-constitute-fraud/
a. http://hotair.com/archives/2016/05/19/financial-analyst-clinton-foundation-books-loaded-with-inconsistencies-could-constitute-fraud/
b. clinton-cash-revelations-that-have-imperiled-hillary-clintons-campaign/
c. see more here http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/08/not-enough-to-shut-foundation-down-it.html
d. http://truthfeed.com/video-jesse-watters-hillary-clinton-is-literally-for-sale-should-have-a-bar-code-on-her-pantsuit/20262/
b. clinton-cash-revelations-that-have-imperiled-hillary-clintons-campaign/
c. see more here http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/08/not-enough-to-shut-foundation-down-it.html
d. http://truthfeed.com/video-jesse-watters-hillary-clinton-is-literally-for-sale-should-have-a-bar-code-on-her-pantsuit/20262/
3. She Led campaign to abuse the women Bill abused and raped http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/19/exclusive-clinton-sexual-assault-accusers-paula-jones-kathleen-willey-unite-nbcs-andrea-mitchell/
4. Cozy with tyrants and despots but decries it. Biggest booster of tyrants, dictators http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/08/dictator-loving-hillary-hypocritically.html
5. Worst Secrt. Of State ever. Every decision she made HURT USA.
Incompetent. Iran deal, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, China, Russia, N. Korea, all
our allies http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2012/08/hillary_clinton_americas_worst_secretary_of_state.html
6. Long history of pro-Islamc jihad support.
Why does Orlando shooter's Dad support
Hillary? .She is Pro radical islam: http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/01/why-islamic-terrorists-want-hillary-to.html
7. Lifelong anti-semite and anti-Israel except during election
Says she'll
fight isis with love and kindness.
http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/07/will-true-anti-semite-in-race-stand-up.html and Hillary is vicious anti-Semite and Israel hater. Evidence piles up daily but Jews are ignorant of the facts
8. Her closest Secret Service agent wrote book to warn us she is
INSANE She is INSANE: Secret Service close aid wrote new book detailing her
insanity and mental instability http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/06/28/ex-secret_service_agent_people_need_to_know_the_real_hillary_clinton_and_how_dangerous_she_is.html
++close associate says she is losing mental ability. http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/09/bill-clintons-longtime-pal-hillary-losing-her-mental-capabilities/
++close associate says she is losing mental ability. http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/09/bill-clintons-longtime-pal-hillary-losing-her-mental-capabilities/
9. Embraces Obama’s worst ever economic performance as president.
Never before such poor economic growth over 8 years. See note below #9
WAGES dropping like a a stone! http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/09/wages-shock-drop-americans/
estroying the coal industry, higher corporate taxes, Obama’s catastrophic iran deal, Obama’s worst ever anemic economy, appeasing Blacklivesmatter who endorse Islamic terror, riots, and police killing, record poverty under Obama, record low home ownership, record low labor participation rate, (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2016/08/18/4-5-what-a-joke-the-real-u-s-unemployment-rate-will-blow-your-mind/)
Obama doubled all our previous debt and she will increase that. Listen to this great trump speech on police, society, blacks etc. She endorses Obama’s catastrophic failing Obamacare so she can bring us VA type medicine for everyone. Supports world’s highest corporate tax rates and she wants to increase it, driving businesses away. https://www.facebook.com/FoxNews/videos/10154532357461336/
ALL her policies will HURT growth: increased taxes, Dodd frank law, increased regulations, shutting down coal and steel,
10. She will appoint radical leftists to Supreme Court, talking away
our rights, including GUN confiscation. Most likely appoint Obama. http://www.redflagnews.com/headlines-2016/hillary-vows-to-crush-first-amendment-and-shut-down-conservative-website
11. She embraces racist, cop killing advocates, allied with Muslim
terrorists blacklivesmatter
12. Wants NO border control over illegal immigration .
Will not deport violent illegal felons. http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/17/illegal-alien-with-violent-felony-record-carjacks-91-year-old-kansas-city-woman/
13. Will import Isis/Trojan horse jihad killers with 1 million Syrian
refugees she will admit She is Pro radical islam: http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/03/hillary-is-as-pro-jihad-as-is-obama.htm
SOLD WEAPONS TO ISIS http://www.daily-sun.com/post/157634/Wikileaks-confirms-Hillary-sold-weapons-to-ISIS
14. Hillary’s CRUELTY:
a. tells Benghazi parents lies to their face and then calls them liars
b. laughs about getting child rapist off
c. leads campaign to abuse the women who Bill raped and abused
d. so foul mouthed and mean that secret service agent wrote book saying she is insane e. did not care if she sold out nation’s interest while at State as long as she could make money.
f. Wants to bring in unvettable Syrian refugees who will include isis mass murderers.
g. Wants open borders and sanctuary for murderous violent ILLEGAL felons http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/08/08/illegal-alien-crime-accounts-for-over-30-of-murders-in-some-states/
h. FBI Director told nation Hillary RECKLESS with our nations secrets, jeapordizing all of us.
15. 80+ close associates of her dead under mysterious circumstances Is she a mob boss who has people killed? http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/08/careful-or-hillary-will-bleach-bit-you.htmlhttp://www.freewebs.com/jeffhead/liberty/liberty/bdycount.txt
16. She brags about killing coal and steel industry, will limit oil
drilling, keeping us dependent on Arab oil .
That oil finances TERROR. http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/08/reducing-demand-for-middle-east-oil.html
17. Obama gutted our military. Hillary will keep it this way
18. Obviously very serious medical issue that seems brain related that
she is not disclosing. Her top aid admits she is mentally unstable.
Dr. R. Bardack (of Mt. Kisco) Medical Records allegedly released
tonight by Anonymous, purporting that Hitlary has Sub Vascular Dementia from
Binswanger's Dementia/Disease
http://www.naturalnews.com/054918_Hillary_Clinton_declining_health_neurological_seizures.html http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/07/huma-abedin-reveals-hillary-clinton-is.html
she keeps having brain seizures of some
kind http://www.presidentialvoting2016.com/hillary-freezes-another-mid-sentence-blackout-stage-florida-video/
19. A Lifetime of SCANDALS http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/here-they-are-hillarys-22-biggest-scandals-ever/
20. She is a Racist http://www.wnd.com/2016/06/bill-clintons-childhood-friend-hillarys-racist/ http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/08/hillarys-racist-sexist-anti-semitic.html
21. Complete
corruption from the top. The FBI wants to investigate the Clinton
family crime foundation but is denied to go forward from the department of
justice which is run by Loretta Lynch which was appointed by B Hussain O. It
stinks. A fish rots from the head.
Obamacare total failure and hillary will continue it. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/03/npr-says-obamacare-is-a-complete-failure.php It was designed to fail. hillary goal always has been "single payer" ie: socialized medicine. they will take failed VA system and force us all into it.
She supports obama's catastrophic Iran deal
http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/08/23-disasters-of-obamahillary-iran-deal.html Obama sends Iran $400 million in cash as ransom, in violation of US policy, he and Hillary lie about it and his media and Democratic fools go along. One moron wrote that it had to be cash because we have no relationship with Bank of Iran. Idiot. So how did we send $150 billion? What is the cash for? To kill Israelis and others through their terrorist proxies, mainly Hezbollah in Lebanon. American Jews will vote for the antiSemite Hillary (f..in jew bastar.. her favorite cuss line) anyway as Jews die
24. Took millions $ in speaking fees from Wall street Big banks. Refuses to release
transcripts. What did she promise them? http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2016/04/22/surprise-hillary-gave-speeches-to-firms-lobbying-federal-government-n2152497
25. DEBT Obama said 9 TRILLION debt unpatriotic in 2008. Now it is 19.5 TRILLION. Hillary will add $10 trillion to it, bankrupting us. http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/09/obama-said-9-trillion-debt-unpatriotic.html
26. She now says she wants to tax the dead's estates at 65%!!! That money was already taxed in life, now she wants to steal most of it for the government.
27. She said this week everyone who wants to come to the USA has a right to. Oh really? 7 billion people and we have no right to control our border? Idiocy.
24. Took millions $ in speaking fees from Wall street Big banks. Refuses to release
transcripts. What did she promise them? http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2016/04/22/surprise-hillary-gave-speeches-to-firms-lobbying-federal-government-n2152497
25. DEBT Obama said 9 TRILLION debt unpatriotic in 2008. Now it is 19.5 TRILLION. Hillary will add $10 trillion to it, bankrupting us. http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/2016/09/obama-said-9-trillion-debt-unpatriotic.html
26. She now says she wants to tax the dead's estates at 65%!!! That money was already taxed in life, now she wants to steal most of it for the government.
27. She said this week everyone who wants to come to the USA has a right to. Oh really? 7 billion people and we have no right to control our border? Idiocy.
There are profound political disagreements but this election is also about keeping evil out of the White House .
The catastrophe that comes if it is President Hillary Clinton (god forbid)
1. Political disagreements:
Hillary is for: no borders, no deportation of violent illegal felons, importing 65,000 Syrian refugees who are unvettable and will include isis, fighting isis with love and kindness, severe gun confiscation, destroying the coal industry, higher corporate taxes, Obama’s catastrophic iran deal, Obama’s worst ever anemic economy, appeasing Blacklivesmatter who endorse Islamic terror, riots, and police killing, record poverty under Obama, record low home ownership, record low labor participation rate, (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2016/08/18/4-5-what-a-joke-the-real-u-s-unemployment-rate-will-blow-your-mind/)
Obama doubled all our previous debt and she will increase that. Listen to this great trump speech on police, society, blacks etc. She endorses Obama’s catastrophic failing Obamacare so she can bring us VA type medicine for everyone. Supports world’s highest corporate tax rates and she wants to increase it, driving businesses away. https://www.facebook.com/FoxNews/videos/10154532357461336/
2. Hillary is a monster: she is EVIL:, pathological liar, completely corrupt, lifetime of scandal after scandal, took bribes while secretary of state from world’s worst actors and will be obligated to them when she is elected (all detailed in book Clinton Cash), FBI director says she was reckless with our nation’s top secrets she kept on unsecured server stored in her bathroom, Secret service book says she is insane, deleted 33,000 emails without showing anyone clearly an obstruction of justice, anti-semite, lifelong Israel hater, lifelong racist. Her top aids are anti Israel Huma and Sid Bluemthal and she takes 4th largest donor money and instructions from Nazi George Soros who is spending a fortune funding riots here, Isis refugees in Europe and policies to hurt Israel. STOLE hundreds millions Haitian relief funds for personal use. Her VP has extensive Islamic terrorism ties, they ALTER intelligence to minimize truth about Islamic terror,
3. Big LIE of left is Trump has no specifics. Crazy nonsense. We have seen how Obama/Hillary/democrats have weakened and devastated USA and world.
Trump great speeches . ANOTHER GREAT SPEECH by TRUMP in N. Carolina right now. Ripping Hillary and Obama a new one. Painting a great picture for what we can do.http://rsbn.tv/watch-donald-trump-rally-in-charlotte-nc-li…/
Economy http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/08/08/donald-trump-economy-policy-entire-speech-august-8-sot.cnn
Wisconsin speech on Law and order, blacks, society
National Security http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/08/16/donald-trumps-national-security-speech-presidential-address/
Trump on Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQgDgMGuDI0
Youngstown speech on Isis etc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP2eS_ZRi5g
A few more Plans:
NOTE 9 on
response to Trump's economic plan that it's "trickle down economics"
shows the total economic illiteracy of Democrats. They have no clue how to grow
the economy. Wall Street Journal "With chutzpah one has to admire, the
party that in two terms weakened, if not wrecked, the economy, now presents
itself as its savior."
Obama has worst
ever record of anemic growth over 8 years. Last quarter was 1.2% annualized.
China at 7%. All Dems want to do us redistribute ever shrinking pie instead of
growing it. Her plan of high taxes, more regulations, more government
confiscation of privately earned growth keeps growth abysmal. Result of
Obamanomics is record poverty, doubling all previous federal debt, middle class
shrinking. It will be a disaster if we elect lying, corrupt Hillary. As Trump
said "all Hillary has to offer is more regulations, more taxes, more
bureaucrats, more restrictions on energy production and American
Why would any
intelligent person believe Hillary can do anything positive for the economy
when Hillary will double down on Obamanomics disaster? Democrats: have no clue
how to GROW economy. They do the OPPOSITE. They kill growth
Mark Levin
compares US economy under Democrats to a great racehorse being held back from
running. They hobble the thoroughbred with regulations, high taxes, sucking too
many nutrients (money) out of the horse for the horse to use properly to
energize it.
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
Reposting on facebook but the blind supporters of this evil witch will never see her for what she actually is.