Moses said to the people in his final charge "I put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life...Be strong and resolute..for the Lord will not forsake you" Deut. 30 and 31. Former US National Debate Champion and Ordained Rabbi tackles issues of Public Policy, Israel, Islamic Terrorism, Antisemitism, Jewish Wisdom and the Chicago Bears
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Most important case once there is a solid Supreme Court majority? Decide it is constitutional to have foolproof, incorruptible,verifiable citizenship ID to vote
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
Esynagogue/Rodfei kodesh
Why the anti-Trump protesters are wrong
Radical Saul Alinsky called your types "useful idiots."
2. The same charges were made about Reagan and he was the best president in 100 years. More freedom, booming economy, ended Cold War. You make the same lying phony charges against every Republican candidate because you have nothing else.
3. Democrats have always been racists. KKK, slave trade, opposition to civil rights were all democrats. President LBJ bragged he went ahead with civil rights to con blacks. Republicans fought always to end slavery and end bigotry.…/democratic-party-racist-his…
4. Wikileaks PROVES the leadership of the Democratic National Committee are racists, bigots, anti-Semites, made fun of Catholics, Evangelicals, Republicans, Hispanics.…/boggles-mind-decent…
WHY don’t you care?
5. Hillary often made anti-Semitic, anti-disabled, racist comments in private and took money of hundreds of millions from nations that throw gays off of roofs and mistreat women and hate Jews. She thinks a huge part of America are irredeemable deplorables.
6. Hillary's campaign was "ok I'm incompetent, corrupt, a liar, bribe taker, reckless and negligent with our secrets, murderer, psychotic, and I wholeheartedly endorse Obama's worst ever presidency, but vote for me because I'm a woman and Trump is terrible." Did not work. How can you support this Hillary monster?
7. Many of these protesters are hired thugs to create mayhem and anarchy, paid for by Hillary’s top donor, George Soros. Project Veritas proves White House and Hillary directed the hiring of thugs to INCITE violence at trump rallies to make Trump look bad.…/caught-tape-clinton-funded-democ…
8. Hillary embraces Obama’s legacy of RECORD POVERTY, GROWING INEQUALITY, increased tension, doubling of debt. Why don’t you care?
9. It is the Democrats who threaten rights. Right to free speech, right to assemble, right to gun ownership. They use Nazi-like tactics to suppress conservatives.
10. So many Democratic leaders are abusers of women. Rapist Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy killed Mary Joe, catch me coming adultery Gary Hart, JFK sharing Marilyn with mafia don, John Edwards, etc.
11. Trump came very close with women voters, college educated and did better than Romney with minorities, Hispanics, women,
12. Obama has left the nation and world much worse off. Worst president ever by every measure. Hillary would have continued these horrible policies.
Why does burning the flag bother people so much? Someone burning a Torah would really bother me.
The Supreme Court 5-4 ruled it was a form of free speech. Maybe. Maybe the next Court will reverse it.
Obama will spend time trying to convince voters to vote dem. Really? after this disaster?
To assess Trump presidency, we need to know starting point. At the end of Obama's worst ever presidency, we have 1. Record poverty 2. Increase in income inequality 3. Gutted military 4. IRS abusing conservative citizens 5. VA unfixed 6. More businesses closing than opening 7. Historic low labor participation rate 8. Doubling all previous debt to $20 Trillion 9. Social security and Medicare not made more solvent 10. Deterioration of infrastructure 11. Massive spread Islamic terror 12. Russia, China, n Korea more aggressive. Trump inherits most dangerous world since Reagan took over.13.Middle East under Iran hegemony 14. Obamacare disaster 15. Iran deal catastrophe 16. Historic poor economic growth over 8 years etc. 17. Democrats DNC exposed as anti semites, racists, bigots through wickileaks. 18. World's highest corporate tax rate. 19. Record flood of business killing regulations. 20. Flood illegal aliens. 21. Killing of cops. 22. Race riots. 23. Appointed radical leftists to Supreme and Federal Judgeships. 24. Job killing restrictions on production of American energy. 25. rising murder rates across American cities. Let's see after 8 how Trump improves all this. He will DRAIN THE SWAMP.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
media ignores evidence illegals voted
TAMARA KEITH: I am hoping that you could point to the evidence of millions of people who Mr. Trump claims voted illegally and also any evidence you have of election fraud that he claimed on Twitter happened in New Hampshire, Virginia and California.MILLER: Yes, thanks for bringing that up.You know, one of the things I’d say just, kind of, on the front end that I really do think that it’s been ridiculous that so much oxygen’s been given to the recount effort where there’s absolutely no chance of any election results changing. This election’s been decided, it’s a conceded election, and I think even to the fact that, you know, Clinton’s general counsel has mocked the McCrory recount effort in North Carolina, it’s even a — a much smaller margin.You know, with regard to, you know, additional — you know, but I think it’s also important to point out that if so much time and attention is gonna be given to recount issues and some of the other things that Jill Stein has been bringing up, it’s important to talk about some of the other concerns that are out there with regard to voting.And in particular, I’d point to the 2014 Washington Post study that indicated more than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 elections indicated they were registered to vote, and that Washington Post story is important.I’d also point out some of the other examples that we had raised during the campaign. Some numbers include the Pew Research study that said approximately 24 million, or one out of every eight, voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or significantly inaccurate. And in that same Pew Research study, the fact that 2.5 million people have registrations in more than one state.So all these are studies and examples of where there have been issues of both voter fraud and illegal immigrants voting. So if this much attention and oxygen’s gonna be given to a completely frivolous, throwaway fund-raising scheme by someone like Jill Stein, then there should be actual substantive looks at the — the overall examples of voter fraud and illegal immigrants voting in recent years.And so that’s — that’s the — the broader message that I think should be taken away here[. . .]TODD GILLMAN:At risk of being accused of taking a second bite of the apple, I wanna ask about the allegations of all the millions of people who voted illegally.Jason, you — you mentioned people who might have but not people who actually did vote illegally. Will there be a Justice Department investigation once Trump is president? And has he asked state or federal officials, election officials, law enforcement, to investigate these allegations that billions of people voted illegally this year?MILLER: Well, thank you very much for the question.So I think it’d be inappropriate for me to speculate as far as Justice Department activity following — after inauguration or after swearing in and the transfer of power has been completed. So I’ll go ahead and — I’ll go ahead and leave that one.But obviously, I — I do think that’s an issue of concern, the fact that there’s a concern that so many voted who were not legally supposed to.And I think that one of the — the key points — I think there’s a — a responsibility from members of the media is to give an appropriate level of — of attention to some of these different concerns as — as we’ve seen from the Pew research study and the — the report that was in The Washington Post and a number of others and — as opposed to just chasing the — the shiny object of the Jill Stein recount effort, which is really just a way for Ms. Stein and the Green Party to go and make money.I think they’ve already raised — I think the number I saw earlier was some $6 million. It’s just completely ridiculous and I think anyone who looks at that on — on face value just sees how — how nonsensical it is.So, I appreciate that, Todd.
Should California alone decide our presidential election?
Jimmy Carter says US must recognize Palestine at UN
another Muslim, another terrorist attack here
Monday, November 28, 2016
why give biased media seats in White House briefing room?
Saturday, November 26, 2016
It is a lie that cuba was terrible before Castro. Castro was tyrannical brutal mass jurderer
“High infant mortality” — (in fact, Cuba’s infant mortality in 1958 was the 13th lowest — not in Latin America, not in the Hemisphere — but in the WORLD — lower than Ireland’s.)
Most jews will never stop being Democrats even if it kills them
No matter how anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, anti-poor, anti-business, how racist the Democratic party is, most Jews won’t leave. Paradox of high IQs, but stupid and anti-Jewish political instincts.
Most Jews won't quit Democratic Party even if Hamas' man in Congress Keith Ellison, is named head DNC. They didn't bolt when Jerusalem and God got booed at the 2012 convention, when the Israeli Prime Minister is treated totally disrespectfully by Obama. They didn't bolt after catastrophic Iran deal etc. They don’t bolt when Wikileaks shows top DNC officials anti-semitic. They don’t bolt when it Is revealed Hillary often was overheard saying “ jew bastard…” Jews claim they care about poverty but don’t leave the Democratic Party even when Obamanomics leads to record poverty. Preserving the right to kill a baby in the womb in the ninth month is more important to them than Israel's welfare. All the Jewish kapos in Congress who supported the Iran deal support Ellison. They don’t bolt even when Dems embrace blacklivesmatter which aligns itself with Israel hating Palestinian terror groups.
Most Jews eschew the Republican Party even though: 1. It is strongly Zionistic, 2. It has always been for civil rights, while the Democratic have always been racists from slave and KKK days until today 3. When capitalism, not socialism has always proven to lift people out of poverty and guaranteed more rights. Jews to flourish much more than the high tax, over regulated, business killing Democratic policies.
They viciously attack and defame Trump with lies, even though he will be the best thing that ever happened to Israel as a US President, he will fight Jews #1 enemy, Islamic radicalism, even as Democrats appeased them, and his economic policies have always allowed. They are scared by evangelicals, even though evangelicals are the basis of support for Israel in this country.
American Jews are not Jews primarily. They are Jinos. Their main religion is Leftism. Tragic for Jews. tragic for the world..
Friday, November 25, 2016
Why Daniel Gordis is wrong on Donald Trump and Israel
Why Daniel Gordis is wrong on Donald Trump and Israel
Whether Jews concerned about Israel agree with Daniel Gordis, they generally not only read what he has to say, but his comments also become a primary source of discussion for days after his articles appear.
This is no less true of the Conservative rabbi’s latest article, about Donald Trump's election victory. But this is less the voice of Gordis’s usual scholarly insight and moderation, and more a page from Lamentations reminding us of his love for Israel and the “danger” that a Trump victory brings to the world’s two largest Jewish communities.
Strange—living in America, I viewed the Trump victory as opening a new and glorious era for American Jews, even though most of them are too wedded to their Democratic Party identification to comprehend what the Obama administration has meant for the Jewish community.
For the last eight years, Barack Obama, the man who allegedly slept at the feet of the anti-Semitic and anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his messages of black liberation theology, has refused to have Title VI enforced by his administration on behalf of Jewish students. This has meant that while the obscenities of racism and various forms of bigotry are virulently attacked on college campuses with the full weight and power of the federal government, anti-Semitism is not. In fact, as Paul Miller has documented, anti-Semitism on college campuses has become a growth industry. And wherever there is faculty support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, anti-Jewish incidents are four times more likely to occur, according to Tammi Rossman-Benjamin of the AMCHA Initiative.
There are numerous reasons for this, and the Obama administration’s refusal to implement Title VI to defend Jewish students against hatred is one of them. In sharp contrast, the Trump administration has announced its intention to consider BDS an act of anti-Semitism and to use the full power of the federal government to fight anti-Semitism on campus.
So for those liberal rabbis who share Rabbi Gordis’s concerns about the Trump presidency and are busy sitting shiva (the Jewish mourning ritual) with their congregants while serving warm cocoa and borrowing helper puppies from the local humane society to comfort the mourners, I want to know: Where were you when anti-Semitism was flourishing on our campuses, when Jewish students were being humiliated in class for their Zionism, and when thugs of the radical Muslim persuasion and their leftist allies—with school administration complicity—were preventing Jewish students from attending classes? I’d ask the same question of our Jewish defense organizations and most campus Hillels, but regrettably most of us who study these issues know the answers to those questions.
Gordis is unconcerned with these issues, but he is concerned with what he sees as the rise of anti-Semitism, not in the anti-Semitic thuggery on the college campus, but that the KKK is having a victory march in North Carolina. No, what troubles Gordis isn’t the well-funded student associations that have made college life a living hell for some Jewish students, it’s what he sees as the rise of the KKK.
Perhaps, living in Israel, Gordis is unaware that the North Carolina KKK—at the most generous estimate—numbers 200 members. North Carolina has more than 10 million people, and the Klan has two-thousandths of a percent of that number as its members. Trump can no more control (nor should he) who celebrates his victory than Hillary Clinton can control all those sheikdoms that prayed fervently for hers—although she surely could have controlled the investment they made in her foundation. What expectations did all those sheiks have for the millions they poured into the coffers of the Clinton Foundation? Was it better respect for girls and women as human beings and not as sex objects? No doubt.
Suddenly, Gordis has discovered that America’s Jewish future is at stake. I thought America’s Jewish future was at stake when Title VI was not being used to protect Jewish college students. I thought America’s Jewish future was at stake when the anti-Semitic, cop-hating Black Lives Matter movement was invited to the White House. I thought America’s Jewish future was at stake when Hillary Clinton would be called upon to pay off all those investments made by sheikdoms living in the Middle Ages.
If Gordis is going to read from Lamentations on his forthcoming tour, he will find eager paranoid Jews who share his myopic read of America and think that the Obama administration was the golden age of tolerance for the Jewish community. He will find welcoming audiences at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club and almost anywhere on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
Abraham H. Miller is a distinguished fellow with the Haym Salomon Center news and public policy group and an emeritus professor of political science, University of Cincinnati. Follow on Twitter @salomoncenter.