Tuesday, January 31, 2017

responses to Solomon Schecter day School attack on Trump's immigration order. Joel Pallack's is much nicer than mine.

responses to Solomon Schecter day School attack on Trump's immigration order. Joel Pallak's is much nicer than mine.
"Dear Ms. Foster, Ms. Dohn, and Ms. Forester,

I am a Schechter alum ('91) who greatly valued my experience at the school.

I note with interest your recent letter about President Donald Trump's refugee policy, which was forwarded to me.

I do not recall any such communication when President Barack Obama suspended the influx of Iraqi refugees in 2011. Nor did the school issue a statement when President Obama shut the door on Cuban refugees -- to appease the anti-Israel Castro regime, no less -- a few weeks ago.

Nowhere in your statement do you even acknowledge the valid concern that the majority of Americans share about the possibility that Islamic terrorists could use the refugee program to infiltrate our country, as they have done in Europe. In many cases such terrorists target Jewish schools and institutions.

You mention International Holocaust Remembrance Day. I recently had the opportunity to make a private visit to the facility in Skokie that once housed Solomon Schechter when I was a student, and which is now a Muslim school. The vice principal was kind enough to show me around.

In front of the building, there are two identical trees. I asked her if she knew the story behind those trees. She did not.

I told her that when I was in the third grade, we planted those trees in a ceremony to honor two Righteous Gentiles who saved Jews in the Holocaust. She was glad to be informed, or perhaps reminded, of that history.

There is clearly more that the current leadership of Solomon Schechter can be doing to promote genuine interfaith dialogue and Holocaust awareness than making inaccurate, partisan statements that distort current events and abuse Jewish values for political purposes.

Kind regards,

Joel Pollak"


"Dear Ms. Foster, Ms. Dohn, and Ms. Forester,

I am a Schechter alum (1970) who greatly valued my experience at the school. I am very disappointed in your response to the president's order on immigration. You view violates Jewish law in 3 ways at least.
The 3 SINS in Judaism of Opposing Trump’s temporary travel ban. https://www.facebook.com/JonathanGinsb/videos/10154762564565837/

1. Sacanat nefashote: reckless endangerment of society’s safety. Derived from “Make a fence around your roof, so that you won’t bring bloodshed upon your house if someone falls.” (Deuteronomy 22:8) Maimonides says a person that creates a hazardous situation is responsible for any harm that occurs. DO YOU DENY THE HAVOC AND DANGER these "refugees" have brought to Europe" DO YOU DENY Isis has successfully infiltrated the refugees there and here? DO YOU DENY Isis claims that they will send terrorists here with the refugees?

2. Not to remove landmarks (property boundaries) (Deut. 19:14) WE HARM the refugees. We bring them to alien culture to which they will not adapt, instead of resettling them in culture where they can adapt and be safe. Overwhelming majority wants to live in a shariah society, which is antithetical to USA. Suddenly, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi have signed on, in a conversation with President Trump, to start to accept Syrian refugees.Being Tough works, moron Democratic Snowflakes.
3. Avoid Hypocrisy Rabbi Soloveitchik says that the source for the prohibition of hypocrisy is Numbers 33/35 ולא תחניפו את הארץ. He then says that the Rambam derives it from from Yeshaya 66/17 (הפטרה for shabbos rosh chodesh) people who publicly look pious and privately eat swine - אוכלי בשר החזיר השקץ והעכבורו.. Crybaby/ HYPOCRITE Sen. Chuck Schumer, the nation’s leading Democrat and all the other “refugee” protesters sponsored by Nazi lover George Soros, hypocritically protesting this immigration review, which is another in a long line of Democratic Presidential temporary bans (including by Carter and Obama) on immigrants for security purposes, during a press gaggle in November of 2015, Senator Schumer told reporters himself that a temporary "pause" on refugees "may be necessary". Obama banned Iraqi immigrants for 6 months in 2011, in fact he used the same provision five other times, one more in 2011, twice in 2012 and twice in 2014

Monday, January 30, 2017

Lauder criticizes ADL reaction to Trump statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day

all these pathetic jewish organizations attacking Trump for the International Holocaust day statement. (not recognized by Jews). our day is 27 Nissan. Lauder criticizes ADL reaction to Trump statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day
Sat, 28 Jan 2017

World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder said the following in response to the Anti-Defamation League's criticism of a statement made by US President Donald Trump on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day:

"It does no honor to the millions of Jews murdered in the Holocaust to play politics with their memory.

"Any fair reading of the White House statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day will see it appropriately commemorates the suffering and the heroism that mark that dark chapter in modern history.

"There is enough real anti-Semitic and there are enough true threats facing the Jewish people today. Our community gains nothing if we reach a point where manufactured outrages reduce public sensitivity to the real dangers we confront," Lauder said.

Why opposing Trump's immigration order is sinful x3 and hypocritical: JARE organization: JEWS AGAINST RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT)-Sacanat nefashote

There are at least 3 major sins in OPPOSING Trump's temporary ban. The 3 SINS in Judaism of Opposing Trump’s temporary travel ban. https://www.facebook.com/JonathanGinsb/videos/10154762564565837/

1. Sacanat nefashote: reckless endangerment of society’s safety. Derived from “Make a fence around your roof, so that you won’t bring bloodshed upon your house if someone falls.” (Deuteronomy 22:8) Maimonides says a person that creates a hazardous situation is responsible for any harm that occurs. DO YOU DENY THE HAVOC AND DANGER these "refugees" have brought to Europe" DO YOU DENY Isis has successfully infiltrated the refugees there and here? DO YOU DENY Isis claims that they will send terrorists here with the refugees?

2. Not to remove landmarks (property boundaries) (Deut. 19:14) WE HARM the refugees. We bring them to alien culture to which they will not adapt, instead of resettling them in culture where they can adapt and be safe. Overwhelming majority wants to live in a shariah society, which is antithetical to USA. Suddenly, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi have signed on, in a conversation with President Trump, to start to accept Syrian refugees.Being Tough works, moron Democratic Snowflakes.

3. Hypocrisy. Rabbi Soloveitchik says that the source for the prohibition of hypocrisy is Numbers 33/35 ולא תחניפו את הארץ. He then says that the Rambam derives it from from Yeshaya 66/17 (הפטרה for shabbos rosh chodesh) people who publicly look pious and privately eat swine - אוכלי בשר החזיר השקץ והעכבורו.. Crybaby/ HYPOCRITE Sen. Chuck Schumer, the nation’s leading Democrat and all the other “refugee” protesters sponsored by Nazi lover George Soros, hypocritically protesting this immigration review, which is another in a long line of Democratic Presidential temporary bans (including by Carter and Obama) on immigrants for security purposes. During a press gaggle in November of 2015, Senator Schumer told reporters himself that a temporary "pause" on refugees "may be necessary". Obama banned Iraqi immigrants for 6 months in 2011, in fact he used the same provision five other times, one more in 2011, twice in 2012 and twice in 2014

a SIN to oppose Trump’s temporary ban
JARE organization: JEWS AGAINST RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT)-Sacanat nefashote
We VIOLATE one of the greatest mizvote in the Torah if we allow in unvetted refugees. Mitzvah of sacanat nefest is derived from Make a fence around your roof, so that you won’t bring bloodshed upon your house if someone falls. (Deuteronomy 22:8) Maimonides says a person that creates a hazardous situation is responsible for any harm that occurs. +++ WE HARM the refugees. We bring them to alien culture to which they will not adapt, instead of resettling tem in culture where they can adapt and be safe.
To crybaby Sen. Chuck Schumer, the nation’s leading Democrat and all the other “refugee protesters sponsored by Nazi lover George Soros, protesting another in a long line of Presidential temporary bans (including by Carter and Obama) on immigrants for security purposes:
DO YOU DENY THE HAVOC AND DANGER these "refugees" have brought to Europe"
DO YOU DENY Isis has successfully infiltrated the refugees there and here?
DO YOU DENY Isis claims that they will send terrorists here with the refugees?
DO YOU DENY that both Obama and Carter instituted similar bans? No protests then.
DO YOU DENY it is ODIOUS to compare Jews fleeing Hitler with shariah supporting jihad loving refugees? 51% of US Muslims currently support shariah and 25% currently support violent jihad.
DO YOU DENY ALL our intelligence services say we cannot properly vet these refugees?
DO YOU DENY San Bernardino, Orlando, Marathon Bomber etc were all "vetted" refugees"?
DO YOU DENY Syrian Refugees, in Canada less than a week, just shot and killed many Muslims at a mosque?
Do YOU ADMIT NO Muslim country has taken any “refugees”?
There is no humanitarian case for admitting them at all: at enormous cost, we protect a tiny percentage of the refugee population, while subjecting them to an alien culture to which many will never adapt. It makes more humanitarian sense to devote those resources to protecting a far larger number of refugees where they live, or close to where they live, in a familiar culture.

The MITZVAH OF PIKUACH NEFESH, saving lives, Trumps all other mitvote.
This is a DEEPLY MORAL PAUSE to figure out how to better protect us, as required by the Constitution. Your support of unlimited open borders and refugees endangers us all, and is deeply IMMORAL!!!
Anyone who takes American security interests seriously and who has been paying attention will agree that a fresh look is overdue.
MAJORITY in US SUPPORT the temporary ban. http://www.hannity.com/articles/hanpr-immigration-487258/poll-majority-of-voters-approve-of-15517966/

Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Refugees 101

Refugees 101 Democrats argument is IMMORAL.
1.       Every nation has a moral right to determine who comes in to their country. Democrats ignore it. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. Illegal entrance is NOT the same as legal entrance.
2.       America has been a very generous nation, allowing 1,000,000 legally in each year. We should those who follow legal procedures take a back seat to the illegals who come in? Europe is exhibit A that Isis smuggles monsters in with refugee population and wreaking havoc. Isis promises the same to us. ALL our intelligence services say we cannot vet them properly. . Democrats and leftists response to Trump's Executive action trying to protect us from Isis terrorists infiltrating with "refugees" essentially is to say "let them all in. we don't care how many Americans die, does not matter we cannot vet them safely." Boston bombers, san bernardino, Orlando killers etc were all “vetted
3.       There is no "Muslim ban." There is a ban from countries with high levels of terrorist activity. It's not our fault those just happen to be almost entirely Islamic..
4.       Obama/Hillary stopped Iraqi immigrants for 6 months in 2011. Why was ok then and not now?
5.       Those claiming opponents to open borders are heartless are actually the heartless ones themselves. They evidently do not care about the violence, crimes, welfare costs, medical costs, casually related to the illegals.
6.       No Muslim nation has taken ANY refugees.

7.       Most of the refugees support shariah and jihad, a grave danger to us.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Surprised that the GOP Congressman from Michigan attacking Trump Executive order on refugees is an Arab

Surprised that the GOP Congressman from Michigan attacking Trump Executive order on refugees is an Arab? Born in Grand Rapids, and raised in Kentwood, Amash is a second-generation Arab-American of Palestinian Christian and Syrian Greek Orthodox descent. His father, Attallah, is a Palestinian business owner, whose family emigrated to the United States in 1956 through the sponsorship of a Christian pastor and his family. His mother, Mimi, is a Syrian immigrant to the United States. "Amash voted against the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, favored a measure to repeal indefinite detention, and opposed reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act.

Friday, January 27, 2017

US President Donald Trump signed an order Friday to strengthen the vetting of would-be immigrants or refugees and to keep "radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America."

Washington (AFP) - US President Donald Trump signed an order Friday to strengthen the vetting of would-be immigrants or refugees and to keep "radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America."
At a ceremony at the Pentagon to swear in James Mattis as his secretary of defense, Trump signed a decree entitled: "Protection of the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States."
"This is big stuff," he declared, to polite applause from gathered senior military brass.
The White House did not immediately make the wording of the decree public, but a draft text had been leaked to US media earlier in the week and was widely reported on.
According to this unconfirmed order, Trump's decree suspends the entire US refugee resettlement program for at least 120 days while tough new vetting rules are established.
In addition, it specifically bars Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat.
Meanwhile, no visas will be issued for 30 days to travellers, whether would-be visitors or migrants, from seven mainly-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Why we believe the Democratic Party/LEFT is EVIL. Examples

Why we believe the Democratic Party/LEFT is EVIL. Examples
1.    Man who hired thugs to incite violence at trump rallies visited white House over 300x and married to congresswoman who co-chaired Obama’s campaign
2.     Regular calls for assassination of Trump and rape Melania. Madonna think of blowing up White House.
3.     Several make fun of 10 year old Trump son.  Rosie O'Donnell sparked criticism after she retweeted a video suggesting that Barron Trump “Barron Trump Autistic?” 
            SNL Writer Katie Rich Suspended Indefinitely For Attacking Barron 
4.    Leadership believes in NO limits to abortion, even at last week of pregnancy
5.    IRS which harassed conservative and pro-Israel group’s director visited white House hundreds of times
6.    They embrace blacklivesmatters which embraces Muslim terrorism and advocate killing police
7.    Believe in open borders, so no control of anyone entering USA, including violent criminals and terrorists
8.    Major funder is Nazi lover George Soros, who spent $3 million hiring rioters at Ferguson and Baltimore
10.  Hillary major scandals covered up by press
11.  Hillary pathological lies covered up by press
12.  Wikieaks proved collusion mainstream media and Democrats
13.  Want to limit freedom of speech. Example desire to criminalize anti Muslim talk and challenges to climate change phony science.
14.  Want gun confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens, just as Hitler, Mao and Stalin did.
15.  Decimate Blacks. They control most inner cities, with massive black poverty, rising black on black murders. They have done nothing to improve it in 60 years. Always fought civil rights legislation. Were KKK and slave owners.
16. Israel haters, pro Islamic terrorism. Birthed Isis.
17. Liberals believe a. Republicans caused the financial disaster in 27/8 and b. Obama fixed it. The truth is the OPPOSITE!
18. Democrats refuse to take measures to keep us safe. Massive spike in murder rates in urban areas. Massive increase mass shootings under Obama. Massive increase in Islamic terror incidents. Massive cyber hacking by foreign entities and Hillary leaves our top secrets on unsecured server. Obama gutted our military. Horrible border control allowed illegal criminals and isis in. Glad a grown up has taken over.
19. For head of the DNC, Democrats can choose between
a. Hamas member in Congress Black Muslim follower now lying about it Now they want Hamas’ rep in Congress, Keith Ellison, to head the DNC, http://strongandresolute.blogspot.com/…/very-troubling-demo…
b. white woman who says her job will be to shut out other whites/ http://dailycaller.com/…/white-candidate-for-dnc-chair-say…/
really. How can anyone not be embarrassed to still be a Democrat?
20. Align themselves with Jew killers These leftist jewish women align themselves with Jew KILLERS!!! MEET LINDA SARSOUR - WOMEN'S MARCH ON WASHINGTON 
Don't you think Linda would be better off fighting for "Women's Rights"
in one of the 56 muslim majority countries in the world, rather than protesting for the right to kill babies in America? This Israel HATING antisemite is one of the organizers of the anti-Trump movement. Linda also has a habit of defending Arabs murdering Jews as a natural response to the "occupation".
21. They backed the most dangerous president of all times. Obama set loads of records: Just a few . https://www.facebook.com/JonathanGinsb/videos/10154584413185837
1. Obama scores the worst legislative record in history
Signed fewer bills into law than one-term Carter
3. Record doubling of all previous debt
4. Most anti-Semitic act 2016 (the UN abstention) according to Wiesenthal Nazi Hunting center
5. Most taxpayer money spent on vacations
7. Most references to self on average per speech
8. Worst ever economic growth, never once reaching 3%
9. Most mass shootings
10. Most islamic terror incidents
11. smallest military in 80 years
12. Most terrorist released from Gitmo
13. Most pardons of criminals

14. His 8 years correlated to largest democratic party losses ever . Congress. Governors. State legislators

Dennis Prager LEFTISM A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right

A Guide to Basic 


 Between Left and Right

Dennis Prager
Posted: Jan 17, 2017 12:01 AM

Source of Human Rights
Left: government
Right: the Creator
Human Nature
Left: basically good (Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil.)
Right: not basically good (Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil.)
Economic Goal
Left: equality
Right: prosperity
Primary Role of the State
Left: increase and protect equality
Right: increase and protect liberty
Left: as large as possible
Right: as small as possible
Family Ideal
Left: any loving unit of people
Right: a married father and mother, and children
Guiding Trinity
Left: race, gender and class
Right: liberty, In God We Trust and e pluribus unum
Good and Evil
Left: relative to individual and/or society
Right: based on universal absolutes
Humanity's Primary Division(s)
Left: rich and poor; strong and weak
Right: good and evil
Ideal Primary Identity of an American
Left: world citizen
Right: American citizen
How to Make a Good Society
Left: abolish inequality
Right: develop each citizen's moral character
View of America
Left: profoundly morally flawed; inferior to any number of European countries
Right: greatest force for good among nations in world history
Left: a social construct
Right: male and female
Most Important Trait to Cultivate in a Child
Left: self-esteem
Right: self-control
Worth of the Human Fetus
Left: determined by the mother
Right: determined by society rooted in Judeo-Christian values
Primary Source of Crime
Left: poverty, racism and other societal flaws
Right: the criminal's malfunctioning conscience
Place of God and Religion in America
Left: secular government and secular society
Right: secular government and religious society
American Exceptionalism
Left: chauvinistic doctrine
Right: historical reality
Greatest Threat to the World
Left: environmental catastrophe (currently global warming)
Right: evil (currently radical Islamist violence)
International Ideal
Left: world governed by the United Nations, and no single country is dominant
Right: world in which America is the single strongest entity
Primary Reason for Lack of Peace in Middle East
Left: Israeli settlements in the West Bank
Right: Palestinian, Arab and Muslim denial of Jewish state's right to exist
Purpose of Art
Left: challenge status quo and bourgeois sensibilities
Right: produce works of beauty and profundity to elevate the individual and society
Left: ideally universally abolished, except for use by police, the armed forces and registered sportsmen
Right: ideally widely owned by responsible individuals for self-protection and the protection of others
Left: intrinsically significant
Right: intrinsically insignificant
Racial, Ethnic and Gender Diversity at Universities
Left: most important
Right: far less important than ideological diversity
Black America's Primary Problem
Left: racism
Right: lack of fathers
Greatest Playwright
Left: entirely subjective; there is no greatest playwright
Right: Shakespeare
Left: not the answer
Right: sometimes the only answer
Left: wrong, except when directed at the political
Right: wrong, except when directed at evil
Left: all equal
Right: some are better than others
America's Founding Fathers
Left: rich white male slave owners
Right: great men who founded the greatest society
Purpose of Judges
Left: pursue social justice
Right: pursue justice
National Borders
Left: a relic of the past
Right: indispensable for national survival
View of Illegal Immigrants
Left: welcomed guests
Right: illegal immigrants
Left: intrinsically valuable
Right: made for man