Moses said to the people in his final charge "I put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life...Be strong and resolute..for the Lord will not forsake you" Deut. 30 and 31. Former US National Debate Champion and Ordained Rabbi tackles issues of Public Policy, Israel, Islamic Terrorism, Antisemitism, Jewish Wisdom and the Chicago Bears
Prof Larry Sabato said these polls do not sample actually those intending to vote. That is very expensive and is done only close to the election. These polls ask the general public, half of whom never vote, also among them those ignoramuses Jesse Watters finds on the beach who do not know who was in the Civil War, Plus many of these polls over sample Democrats by up to 12%. Polls missed Trump, Bibi, Brexit etc
Following the huge hole the worst President ever, Barak Obama, put us in, Trump is making great progress, despite every obstruction thrown at him by deranged Democrats and media. Just how terrible was Obama?
Trump Making America great again All the Democrats have to say, after nearly wrecking USA, is the phony Russian story, and preoccupation with transgender folks. Nothing to say about their horrible polcies nearly wrecking us and the world. 1. BOOM times in manufacturing
2. Food stamp use way down. Obama years set record usage.
3. Illegal entry way down by 70%.
4. DNC is broke
5. Stock market breaks record after record
6. US trade deficit narrowed to $43.6 billion in June
7. The U.S. economy added 209,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate dipped to 4.3 percent, according to a government report Friday. Record 153,513,000 Employed in July; 62.9% Labor Force Participation. U.S. has added a million jobs in Trump's first six months
8. Growth 2.6% even without tax reform. Obama's years were WORST EVER economic growth over 8 years. The final nail in the coffin of
President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual
growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since
at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had
even one year of 3% GDP growth. An average
annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms. Trump’s economy,
even before tax cuts, because of his ending business killing Democrat
regulations, was already 2.6% last quarter.
As Palestinians make it very clear through ACTIONS they want all Jews dead and pay lifetime support for killers of Jews with our tax dollars donated, a JEWISH summer camp flies a Palestinian flag to welcome group of Muslims to show "solidarity". When parents complained, they pulled down BOTH the Palestinian flag and Israeli flag. Democratic Jews have truly gone insane.
Media going crazy writing Trump's Presidential obituaries because he changed chief-of-staff. Obama had 3 in 3 years and a total of 5. No one cares but deranged media. People care about their pocketbooks and whether we are safe. Stock market hits record after record, economic growth rising, unemployment at record lows, there has been massive pro growth deregulation of Obama's burdensome regulations etc. This despite Democrats only obstructing progress and a few republican traitors blocking the big legislation. In terms of safety, it is clear we have to stop N Korea asap and Iran in the next few years. I'll leave that up to the great military we have to figure those out.
People are so hung up about Trump's tweets. Obama never tweeted and he doubled our debt, gutted our military, had worst ever low growth, did nothing but help iran, stop n Korea China or Russia etc. No tweets. Worst potus ever. Trump tweets and we have record stock market, better growth, Isis on its heels, Israel back in favor, poverty down, and plans to build wall, cut taxes, rebuild military etc. Do you care about results or tweets?
nightmare: 94/99 Iowa counties will have NO Obamacare option 2018. Many providers
are going bankrupt or dropping out. EVERYTHING Obama and Dems said about
Obamacare is a LIE. There is NO CHOICE but get rid of it. Democrats protest
across US to save disastrous Obamacare. Democrats trying to keep Americans
sick. Republicans want to make America cared for again.
can Democrats not be embarrassed?
many Obama LIES to sell it. LIE 1. he said you could keep your doctor. LIE 2.
he said you could keep your plan. LIE 3. he said premiums would go down average
$2500 per household. They are so high people can’t pay them. LIE. Massive
increases LIE 4. He said it would cost US $900 billion. LIE. It cost 2.7
TRILLION. LIE 5. Obamacare architect Gruber admitted they knew they were lying
because they thought we were stupid
Pelosi admitted no one knew what was in Obamacare bill before voting. “we have
to pass it to know what’s in it”
The Greatest danger to world peace and prosperity is the American Democratic Party.
In a wonderful world without Democrats, our economy would be booming, our enemies defeated, only the truly needy would be on handouts,
A strong and determined USA is essential for world peace and prosperity. Our economic growth, strong military, and realization of the real enemies we face is critical and the Democrats do everything they can to weaken and undermine us in everything they do.
1. 8 years of Obama left us with record POVERTY, all our previous debt DOUBLED, WORST EVER economic growth over 8 years, gutted military, and all our enemies enhanced
2. They lionize murderer Ted Kennedy, Rapist Bill Clinton, Thief Hillary who stole hundreds millions Haitain relief $, Lying Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren, Socialist Bernie despite socialist Venezuela starving and his wife going to jail for bank fraud, creepy Joe Biden, Maxine Waters (named most corrupt member of Congress) and worst Potus ever Barak Obama already.
3. Massive Trump achievements so far, even with media 98% against him and evil Democrats obstructing every fix of Obama disaster. and they just lie lie lie about him
4. They want you and me to give them free free free with no regard to how it will be paid for. Obama DOUBLED all previous debt from the prior 43 presidents and they think he’s great.
5. They oppose Voter ID even tough every facet of their life required ID because they need people to cheat to vote for them to have a chance to win.
8. FASCISTS adopting NAZI tactics: : They oppose the democratically elected president in every way they can, advocating and using violence now to hurt Republicans, shout down free speech, limit free assembly.…/democrats-inciting-…
9. They want NO restrictions at all on murdering fetuses, even after they are born in a botched abortion. Obama voted 3x to allow this as a State legislator in Illinois.
10. They support us having the world’s highest corporate tax rate of developed nations, despite the competitive disadvantage it puts us in.
11. They applauded Obama gutting our military and belittling the Russia threat in Romney debate, ignoring Isis danger, doing nothing to stop China from expanding and helping the world’s leading terrorist nation Iran and did nothing to counter N Korea military threat..
12. They supported Obama’s economic policies that produced RECORD WORST EVER economic growth over 8 years.
13. They supported Obama’s cozy ties to many tinhorn thug dictators who abuse people rights everywhere including Castro, Chavez, Mullahs of Iran,
14. They want to deny religious rights to Christians by forcing them to insure contraception even if religiously opposed, or baking wedding cake for gay couple
15. Democrats were racists from the beginning. The Confederacy was Democrat. Klu Klux Klan Democrats. Opposed all civil rights legislation Democrats. Republican Lincoln freed the slaves. Democrats overwhelmingly run our big cities, concentrating blacks there is poor, crime ridden neighborhoods and getting them addicted on welfare which has destroyed the black family. Blacks did worse in every category under Obama!!!! Racist, sexist Democrats only seem to care about your sexual identity or race, not about values, not about growing the economy to help you up. Conservatives do not care about race or sex, only values and beliefs.
16. Increasingly anti –semitic, they boo Jerusalem and God at their convention
17. Now after disastorous Obamacare is failing, the want the government to control all of health care, which they call single-payer, even though that is what our VETS get in VA medical care and all acknowledge it is horrific. Idiots.
18. After millions most likely VOTED ILLEGALLY for Hillary, Democrats now deny any help with our investigation to control illegal voting.
19. Adopting NAZI tactics of collusion between Democrats and MEDIA becoming propaganda arm of Democrats just like Hitlers Goebbels Propaganda ministry.
20. Quiz. What was named the MOST ANTI-SEMITIC ACT in the world in 2016 by Simon Wiesenthal Nazi hunting organization? Hint. Always check democrats first.
21. democrats help tyrants oppress their own people. Financed courtesy of Obama and the Democratic Senators that supported his $150 billion gift to this terrorist state.
22. Racist Democrats. Poor blacks and Hispanics stuck in failing public schools. Republicans want school choice for them in the form of vouchers so they can have similar opportunity as to rich kids for education, but racist Democrats are determined to keep them chained to failing inner city schools. It's another form of forced segregation from the historically racist Democratic party. See WSJournal editorial in it Mon.
Hilarious. Dems plan to rebrand selves as better on economics. Really: last 8 years doubled all previous debt, record worst ever low economic growth over 8 years because of record excessive Obama regulation and world's highest corporate taxes plus job killing Obama Care. But don't let facts get in the way.
Hilarious. Dems plan to rebrand selves as better on economics. Really: last 8 years doubled all previous debt, record worst ever low economic growth over 8 years because of record excessive Obama regulation and world's highest corporate taxes plus job killing Obama Care. But don't let facts get in the way.
The unraveling of Jane Sanders' Burlington College legacy
April McCullum, Burlington Free PressPublished 12:27 p.m. ET July 21, 2017 | Updated 12:59 p.m. ET July 21, 2017
Five years after Jane Sanders, wife of Sen. Bernie Sanders, left as president — after significant board turnover and three college presidents — Burlington College, and her vision, collapsed under "the crushing weight of debt." AKI SOGA/FREE PRESS
Jane O'Meara Sanders had an ambitious vision for Burlington College.
Sanders, wife of 2016 presidential candidate and Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, described herself when she was hired in 2004 as a "turnaround president." She orchestrated the college's move from a small, cramped campus to an expansive lakefront property in 2010.
The sprawling green would give students space to relax. The small private college could have built dorms, townhouses and single homes on the 32-acre property. Some property could have been leased, perhaps to a restaurant or cafe. There could have been space for weddings, outdoor movies or afternoon tea with a chamber music accompaniment — all with stunning views of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks.
Five years after Jane Sanders left — after significant board turnover and three college presidents — Burlington College, and her vision, collapsed under "the crushing weight of debt."
Taboo: Almost half of Muslims are inbred. How does that affect intelligence and health? And is there a connection to terrorism and violence?
By Nicolai Sennels, Psychologist
Lise Egholm, long time school leader in the Muslim dominated area of Nørrebro in Copenhagen, Denmark, recently warned against not talking about the widespread practise of inbreeding among Muslims: “”A study shows that infant mortality doubles along with a high risk of congenital malformations, also that increased birth defect rates and inheritance of recessive traits are more common in consanguineous marriages. I think it’s time to express concern. We must talk about this problem. All parents want healthy children. Fortunately, we live in a society where our health system does much to ensure that a pregnancy ends with a viable child. What amazes me and has made me wonder for years is why we do not talk about, maybe they even ban, the many cousin marriages?”
While health systems in otherwise less developed countries in the Muslim world are openly discussing and warning against consanguineous marriages, it is considered politically incorrect in the West to problematize the vast genetic and societal problems resulting from this religious-cultural practise.
Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguineous (cousin marriages), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen (Reproductive Health Journal, 2009 Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs.). In Pakistan 70 percent of marriages are consanguineous and in Turkey the percentage is 25-30. There seems to be no national data on Indonesia, but there are reports on 17 percentconsanguinity on East Timor and a “high level of consanguineous marriages in some areas of Java.”
Except for a few exceptions like Indonesia and Albania, roughly half of the population in the Islamic world is inbred, in most cases for generations.
According to Islamic law, Sharia, family honor is dependent upon the ability to control family members, which is another reason for keeping daughters inside their own blood-related family when marrying.
Also read: DANGEROUS REFUGEES: Afghans 79 TIMES More Likely to RAPE
Sharia law’s extreme restrictions on women’s freedom of movement and contact with men probably also makes it more natural to marry one of the few men they are actually allowed to interact with.
Health and intelligence
A long list of mental and physical complications are related to inbreeding between cousins. These include an increased risk of depression, schizophrenia, and mental retardation. Mental retardation (less than an IQ of 69) in children of consanguineous marriages is five times more frequent than in normal marriages. On average, cousin marriages results in children with 10-16 points lower IQ. Social abilities, including empathy, are also less developed with inbred people.
The cognitive consequences of Muslim inbreeding might explain why non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes. When it comes to the production of scientific work, the Islamic world produces less than 1/10 of the world average. Low average intelligence in the population and prioritizing faith over knowledge may also be the reason why fewer books have been translated into Arabic over the last 1,000 years than there are books translated in Spain every year.
On top of these mental complications comes the increased risk of many diseases related to genetic disorders leading to severe syndromes, handicaps, painful diseases, and decreased life expectancy.
It is also likely, that it is easier to convince people with low intelligence to follow the Islamic scriptures’ hundreds of invitations and direct orders to harm, terrorize and wage waragainst people – including fellow Muslims, even family members – who do not following a literal interpretation of those scriptures.
Another link between Muslim inbreeding and terror concerns handicaps and mental diseases. Yusuf Yadgari of the Medical University of Kabul has autopsied the remains of suicide bombers and his findings support this theory. Yadgari found that close to ninety percent were suffering from severe illness such as blindness, cancer, missing limbs or leprosy. Many Muslim societies, including that of Afghanistan, have a low social acceptance of handicaps and severe illnesses. According to Yadgari, being physically handicapped or mentally retarded often leads to exclusion in a society like Afghanistan, and becoming a martyr might be the only chance of achieving social recognition and honour — if not just a way to end the pain of being socially isolated (which is especially traumatizing in collectivist cultures like Islam). Al Qaida’s use of people with Down’s syndrome to commit terrorist attacks might be another unpleasant side effect of the many chromosomal illnesses that result from inbreeding between first cousins.
Ban cousin marriages?
A ban on consanguineous marriages is a win-win policy.
It will save million of future children and their families from suffering. School leader Lise Egholm gives an example:
“One second grade class had a reading test. Fortunately most children did very well. However, a small Turkish boy only had two correct answers out of 40. The teacher was very concerned and asked me to attend the a meeting with the mother. I looked at the student card and wondered that the family apparently only had one child. The mother said there had been three, but two died as infants because ‘we have bad blood’. She explained that her husband was her cousin, his parents were cousins and her own parents were blood related too. She also said, ‘You can not teach my boy much, but it’s good that he lives.’ Soon after he was referred to a special school. This mother also told me that it was the men who were stupid because they want that ‘we marry our cousin, so we get bigger pieces of land, but they do not understand what we women know: that it is dangerous for the children if their parents are blood related.’ These two examples are from Turkish families, but I have encountered similar problems with Pakistani people and in Arab-speaking families.”
On top of these issues, tax payers would save billions from not having to handle the many costly societal challenges related to consanguineous marriage. Integrating into advanced cultures with our high-tech work market is not easy with an IQ of 75 and decreased social abilities.
Finally, it is likely that such a ban would decrease the amount of violence in our countries.
Similar benefits would come from banning migrants with consanguineous background who apply for residence.