Sunday, September 3, 2017

Is it possible to have a decent Democratic President who doesn't endanger us all?

Is it possible to have a decent Democratic President who doesn't endanger us all?
You think Hurricane Harvey was bad? N. KOREA tested nuclear device today. We have been dealing with this for 25 years. Naïve Democratic President Bill Clinton, after making his "good deal" with these monsters, promised they'd never have them.!!!!
Another fool/traitor OBAMA made similar promises about IRAN, with his "good deal", even though with the $150 billion have gave them then can buy 100 of N Korea's weapons and ICBMs.  and its "limits expire in a few years.
Incompetent/thief Hillary gave away 20% of our uranium to Russia, and exposed all our top secrets on her unsecured server. LESSON? Can never trust Democrats with our national security.