Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Deir Yassin: There was no massacre

Deir Yassin: There was no massacre

MAY 28, 2018, 2:23 PM 18
Deir Yassin is one of the founding myths of the Palestinian narrative, according to which Israelis murdered 254 people, committed rapes, and other gender-oriented atrocities in a peaceful 1948 Palestinian village. For the past five years, I have carried out an in-depth research into the affair, learned to know the village, who lived there and where, their names, and above all, the exact circumstances of death of each of the people killed there. The results were astounding, but clear. There was no massacre in Deir Yassin. No rapes. Lots of unfounded Palestinian propaganda.
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On 9 April 1948, combined forces of the Jewish Etzel and Lehi underground organizations attacked Deir Yassin, an Arab village west of Jerusalem. It was four months after the eruption of hostilities between Jews and Arabs in Palestine, and about a month before the termination of the British mandate and the establishment of the State of Israel. The nature of this attack became one of the most controversial issues in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, serving the Palestinians as a proof for Israeli inhumanity. For almost seven decades, an anti-Israeli biased literature described it as an intentional and deliberate massacre of defenseless Arab villagers, accompanied by rapes and other atrocities.
What really happened in Deir Yassin? Contrary to what one could expect, I found that the testimonies of the Jewish attackers on the one hand, and the Arab survivors on the other hand, were surprisingly similar, at times almost identical. My methodology, therefore, was to integrate the testimonies of both parties involved, Jews and Arabs, into one story. I relied on a vast number of testimonies and records from 21 archives (including Israeli, Palestinian, British, American, UN and Red Cross), many of them yet unreleased to the public, and hundreds of other sources. My findings were basically two: no massacre took place in Deir Yassin, but on the other hand, the false rumors spread by the Palestinian leadership about a massacre, rapes and other atrocities, drove the Palestinian population to leave their homes and run away, becoming a major incentive for the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem.

No Massacre

Deir Yassin was not the peaceful village many later claimed it to be, but a fortified village with scores of armed combatants. Its relations with the adjacent Jewish neighborhoods were troubled for decades and the Jews believed it to endanger the only road from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, thus constituting part of the Arab siege of Jewish Jerusalem. Therefore, although later denying it for political reasons, the Jewish main militia in 1948, the Haganah, sanctioned the attack and later took part in it by means of its striking force, the Palmach.
A ten-hour fierce battle, in the presence of a civilian population, ended in the victory of Etzel and Lehi. No massacre took place. When the battle ended, the killing stopped. “I believe that most of those who were killed were among the fighters and the women and children who helped the fighters,” one of the Arab survivors was later to testify. Furthermore, the Arab villagers got an advance warning to evacuate the village, which 700 of them followed. The attackers took an additional 200 villagers prisoner and safely released them in Arab Jerusalem. Only 101 Arabs were killed, a quarter of them active combatants and most of the rest in combat conditions. The Jewish assailants also suffered casualties.

The Creation of the Palestinian Refugee Problem

For psychological warfare considerations, Etzel reported 200 Arabs killed, twice more than the actual number, enthusiastically adopted by the Palestinian leadership in Jerusalem, which increased it to 254 and added rapes and other gender-oriented atrocities. Hussein Khalidi, the senior Arab authority in 1948 Jerusalem, was of the opinion that, “We must make the most of this.” As his assistant Hazim Nusayba reported in a 1998 interview, Khalidi said “we should give this the utmost propaganda possible because the Arab countries apparently are not interested in assisting us and we are facing a catastrophe….So we are forced to give a picture – not what is actually happening – but we had to exaggerate.” Khalidi’s distortion of the facts failed to prevent catastrophe. Instead, it helped created one.
“Dr. Khalidi was the one who caused the catastrophe,” one of the Arab survivors ruled. “Instead of working in our favor, the propaganda worked in favor of the Jews. Whole villages and towns fled because of what they heard had happened in Deir Yassin.” The Palestinian leadership intended to exploit the affair to lay pressure on the Arab states to send their armies to Palestine to fight the Jews. The plan boomeranged. Following the rule that women’s honor comes before land, the moment the Palestinians heard about rapes they started to leave.
Israelis and Palestinians believe in two myths about the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem. The Israelis claim that the Palestinians followed their leaders’ exhortations to evacuate their homes temporarily and then return with the victorious Arab armies, but that is not what spurred Palestinians to leave. The Palestinians claim that the Israelis expelled them in 1948, but this was not what drove the departure. The true story of the 1948 Palestinian exodus was a flight mainly motivated by panic over a massacre that never happened.

Horror Propaganda

The horror propaganda about the affair has continued apace from 1948 to the present. The following is just a typical story, repeatedly cited, lately by the exiled Egyptian Muslim preacher, Yusuf Qaradawi: “As a climax of cruelty certain Jewish terrorists laid wagers on the sex of the unborn babies of expectant mothers. The wretched women were cruelly disemboweled alive, their wombs drawn out and searched for the evidence which would determine the winner.”
However, Palestinians and Muslim preachers are not the only ones who promote the massacre narrative, Westerners do as well. “Deir Yassin Remembered” is an organization founded in the United States, interested in building a memorial to commemorate the affair in a location overlooking the Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, apparently in order to draw an analogy between the two. The equation recurs in their writings, which argue that describing the massacre as “false, exaggerated, or in dispute” is tantamount to Holocaust revisionism. My research of the affair puts to rest any serious questioning of whether there was or was not a massacre at Deir Yassin. There was not.
Professor Eliezer Tauber, a former dean in Bar-Ilan University, Israel, is an expert on the emergence of Arab nationalism, the formation of the Arab states, and the early phases of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He has published extensively on these topics. Professor Tauber is now looking for a publisher for his newest book, “The Massacre That Never Was: The Myth of Deir Yassin and the Creation of the Palestinian Refugee Problem.”

UN is a total farce. of course. This stuff is beyond belief.

UN is a total farce. of course. This stuff is beyond belief.
Iran has membership on U.N. committees that oversee the protection of women’s rights and global human rights.

Now, we have an even more egregious case. Syria has taken up the presidency of the United Nations-backed Conference on Disarmament.

Robert Woods, the U.S. ambassador to the Conference, condemned the move, calling it “one of the darkest days” in the forum’s history. If there have been other days comparably dark, perhaps the Conference should disband.

Woods declared that Syria “has neither the credibility nor moral authority to preside over the [Conference].” That’s an understatement. Syria has flagrantly and repeatedly violated what passes as the Conference’s signature achievement, the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention banning the production, stockpiling, or use of chemical weapons.

Even after agreeing to surrender its stocks of chemical agents used in the production of sarin gas and other chemical weapons, under a deal brokered by Russia, Syria continued to launch deadly chemical weapons attacks.

That’s Syria idea of disarmament.




Since the media is once again insisting that Soros' Nazi collaboration was a conspiracy theory, here's George is in his own words on 60 Minutes.
KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
Mr. SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that’s — that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?
Mr. SOROS: Not — not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don’t — you don’t see the connection. But it was — it created no — no problem at all.
KROFT: No feeling of guilt?
Mr. SOROS: No.
KROFT: For example that, ‘I’m Jewish and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.’ None of that?
Mr. SOROS: Well, of course I c — I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn’t be there, because that was — well, actually, in a funny way, it’s just like in markets — that if I weren’t there — of course, I wasn’t doing it, but somebody else would — would — would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the — whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away. So the — I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.
Was Soros responsible for his actions at that age? He's certainly responsible for his adult perceptions of them. And he's been quite clear about that.
It's not just that he felt no guilt over it. It was, in his own words, as, " “the most exciting time of my life.”
But again, the Holocaust was a very difficult time. People do terrible things to survive. And they have mixed feelings about them. Life isn't cut and dried.
Except that we are talking about a man who has waged his own relentless war on Israel and Jews, funding a variety of anti-Israel groups, including J Street, justifying anti-Semitism and being condemned for disrespecting a Holocaust survivor by Elie Wiesel.
Soros grew up in a "Jewish, anti-Semitic home". He called his mother a “typical Jewish anti-Semite” who hated his first wife because she was “too Jewish”. After undergoing psychoanalysis, he was able to understand that his shame was rooted in his Jewishness. He had a special contempt for Jewish philanthropies after a failed attempt to defraud a Jewish charity in London.
He was booed when he undermined the presentation of an award to a Holocaust survivor by comparing Israeli Jews to Nazis. Elie Wiesel had declared in disgust, “I heard what happened. If I’d been there—and you can quote me—I would have walked out.”
That same year, Soros blamed the Israeli government for a “resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe”. He might have been more honest if he took responsibility considering his funding of groups that traffic in anti-Semitic smears. And his own anti-Semitic allegations that “attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressing divergent views."
Soros has defended Hamas and Hezbollah who have called for the extermination of the Jews. He championed the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt despite or because of its support for Hitler. Yusuf al-Qaradawi had claimed that Hitler had been sent by Allah to punish the Jews. “Allah willing,” the Brotherhood’s spiritual leader said, “the next time will be at the hands of the believers (Muslims)."
Some collaborate once. Others never stop collaborating. 

Monday, May 28, 2018

Here is what to say to Chelsea Clinton

Here is what to say to Chelsea Clinton who says:
Chelsea Clinton: "Trump Degrades 'What It Means To Be An American"
Chelsea: your dad RAPED women. Your women tried to ruin the victims. together they raked in hundreds of millions for their phony foundation, while selling out USA. Your Mom destroyed emails and phones under subpoena, lied repeatedly to investigators. Your dad interfered and obstructed justice in meeting with Lynch days before Comey announced. Your dad was impeached by the House. Your Mom had out top secrets hacked on an unsecured server stored in a bathroom. Your dad could not decide what "is" means after caught having sex with intern in Oval, and gave new purpose to cigars. Who degraded America?

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Obama and Netflix deal. The first list of shows have been revealed. They are

Obama and Netflix deal. 

The first list of show themes have been revealed. They are

1. My bromance with Farakhan

2. My youth in Islamic schools

3. My dinner with terrorists Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi

4. My bromance with Chavez and Castro.

5. My wife hated America until I won.

6. Why I let 5 terrorist leaders free to get back and honor deserter/traitor Bo Bergdhal 

7. Why I committed treason to make genocidal deal with Iran mullahs

8. How I managed to replace Carter as worst president ever

9. How I corrupted FBI, IRS and Justice Dept to advance my evil Democratic Party

10. Why I had Eric Holder give guns to mexican drug leaders.

11. Why I had govt hundreds of millions to my chrony buddies for failed Solyndra

12. Why I let Russia have 20% of our uranium

13. why I gutted our military

14. Why I had worst ever economic growth over 8 years

15. why I love debt. Doubled all debt is  my term

16. My 26 years listening to Rev. Jeremiah Wrighte sermonize about "G-d Damn America"

17. Why I told Rev. Wright i wanted to "pretend" convert from islam to christianity for political expediency

18. My close friendship with Pentagon Bomber Bill Ayers

19. why not one piece of work or evidence that I wrote in college or law school has surfaced

20. Why I did nothing in 2016 when i learned russians were meddling in the election

21. Why I lied and blamed Benghazi on a video when i knew it was an organized AlQuida mission

22. why I conspired with Al Sharpton to have many race riots which have all stopped since trump won

23. Why I conspired with IRS to harass and abuse my opponents
24. Why I couldn't knock Isis out of Iraq in 8 yrs and Trump did it in a few months
25. The story behind my " most anti-Semitic act in the world 2016" when I had us abstain at UN on Anti Israel resolution on my way out of office.
26. I knew Americans were stupid so I lied and lied and lied and got Obamacare passed anyway

Every Jewish organization supports Trump’s pullout from the genocidal Iran deal except JStreet which was created by Obama to weaken US support for Israel

Every Jewish organization supports Trump’s pullout from the genocidal Iran deal except JStreet which was created by Obama to weaken US support for Israel and funded by Iran and George Soros.
1. J Street was paid by Obama administration to promote Iran deal. Liberal Jewish group received $576,000 to advocate for Iran nuclear deal, belying its 'pro-Israel' pretensions.
2. JStreet Funded by Iran and George Soros.…/j-streets-half-truths-…/63541/…/more_jstreet_revelations_…
3. Obama committed most Anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 according to nazi hunting organization Simon Wiesenthal Simon Wiesenthal center names Obama's treacherous stab in Israel's back with UN abstention as #1 anti-Semitic act of 2016 in the world…/obama-refusal-israel-vote
4. JStreet long history of anti-Israel positions
5. Opposed? Only JStreet

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Hamas can still manipulate the media into demonizing Israel for the legitimate actions it takes to defend itself.

Stop demonizing Israel for defending itself

Opinion | It doesn't look good on CNN, but Israel has to protect its citizens
The Israeli ambassador to the United States says Israel must protect its citizens, and that Palestinians who want to live in peace deserve better leadership. 
Ron Dermer is Israel’s ambassador to the United States.
Hand it to Hamas. As this week’s events in Gaza showed, the terrorist organization committed to Israel’s destruction can still manipulate the media into demonizing Israel for the legitimate actions it takes to defend itself.
Hamas’s four-step formula for success is by now familiar. First, get a media that is largely hostile toward Israel, simply ignorant or both to ignore Hamas’s genocidal goals and excuse its terrorism. Second, put Palestinian civilians in harm’s way. Third, force Israel, while defending itself, to kill some of those civilians. Fourth, rely on that same hostile and ignorant media to blame Israel for these deaths.
In Gaza, step one began some seven weeks ago. Hamas called for tens of thousands of Palestinians to join a weekly “March of Return” — effectively, the flooding of Israel with millions of the descendants of Palestinian refugees from the War of Independence (which five Arab nations started, promising to throw the Jews into the sea).
The March of Return was to culminate in a mid-May march on “Nakba” day, which Palestinians mark each year to remember the “catastrophe” of Israel’s creation.
Palestinian “marchers” were told to break down the security fenceseparating Gaza from Israel, a clear and present danger to all those living in Jewish communities only hundreds of yards from that fence.
Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, could not have been clearer about his goals: “We will take down the border and tear out their hearts from their bodies.”
But as thousands of Palestinians showed up to achieve that murderous goal, the media was determined to tell another tale. Press reports insisted that the march was “against the occupation” and “for humanitarian relief” in Gaza. Such nonsense continued even as rioters destroyed the very infrastructure that enables Israel to deliver food, medicine and supplies into Gaza.
This Last week, the media narrative shifted. Despite all evidence to the contrary, suddenly we were told that the riots in Gaza were against the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. “Marches over embassy move take on violent edge” read a headline in The Post, one of many similar headlines around the globe.
The media also insisted that these riots had been peaceful protests, or “mostly” peaceful, whatever that means. Apparently, grenadesmolotov cocktails, fire kites, explosive devices, guns and machetes don’t quite hit the media’s bar for what constitutes Palestinian violence.
Mahmoud Zahar, one of Hamas’s founders, said that calling what happened in Gaza peaceful protests was a clear “deception.” In Facebook posts, Hamas called for the rioters to “bring a knife, dagger or gun,” and embedded its own forces in the crowds, ready and willing to kill and kidnap Israelis. Not surprisingly, these facts barely merited a mention in the news coverage.
With the media playing ball, the stage was then set for step two — putting Palestinians in harm’s way. Hamas pushed the Palestinian masses toward the fence, falsely claiming that Israeli soldiers were abandoning their positions and that the fence had already been breached.
Step three was inevitable. Once nonlethal means, from fliers to tear gas, were exhausted, the choice for Israel’s army was simple: Let a violent mob of thousands of people breach the fence, exposing the surrounding Jewish communities to the risk of slaughter, or defend those communities with lethal force. That choice is no choice at all.
The stage was set for the critical final step — get a biased media almost always ready to believe the worst about Israel to demonize Israel. Just like the blood libels of old, Israel was falsely and widely accused of perpetrating a massacre.
Now that the libel against Israel has spread around the world, the truth is beginning to get its boots on. A senior Hamas official said that 50 out of the 62 dead were members of Hamas. Those figures would make the Israeli military operation to stop a violent mob of thousands of people trying to infiltrate our border under a dense cloud of smoke arguably one of the most surgical in history.
While one journalist and a British member of Parliament who rushed to condemn Israel have apologized, others are unlikely to follow. Most of those in the media who constantly target Israel will probably not give a second thought to the damage they have caused.
But they should. Because while they cause damage to my country’s reputation, they actually cost Palestinian lives. By proving to Hamas that the media can be manipulated time after time, the media is only encouraging Hamas to continue to employ this ghoulish strategy.
How to keep this from happening again? Hamas could stop being Hamas. But that is unlikely to happen.
Israel could stop defending itself. But that will never happen. As has been said: Better bad press than a good eulogy.
But there is another way to put an end to this despicable practice: The media can stop demonizing Israel for defending itself. By not giving Hamas the PR victory it seeks, the media would actually be doing something to save innocent Palestinian lives rather than being complicit in their tragic deaths.