Saturday, January 16, 2021

The judges all turned down Trump challenges on fraud.

 The judges all turned down Trump challenges on fraud. The mountains of evidence of election fraud were never examined in any court, and then we were told that there was no evidence at all, or if there was any, it had already been dismissed in court challenges. The court cases were all dismissed on technicalities and procedural issues, not because there was no evidence of voter fraud. That evidence has still not been examined. Why? Obviously, The judiciary decided they will not interfere. They never bothered to look at the evidence. The only solution will be to fix it at the legislative level. With Dem's seemingly perfecting the art of stealing elections, the task looks very difficult.

Trump best POTUS Friend of Israel and Jews ever


Trump best POTUS Friend of Israel and Jews ever


1.       Recognized Jerusalem as capitol after 50 years of POtus promises, moved Embassy there

2.       Recognized Golan as part of Israel

3.       Had State dept stop calling West Bank “occupied”

4.       Nixed catastrophic Obama-Biden Iran deal

5.       Facilitated peace treaties with Israel and UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco

6.       Stopped funding corrupt, anti Israel UNHRC and Unesco

7.       Stood up for Israel in UN vs Obama most anti Semitic act in world 2016 with first ever UN abstention on anti-Israel resolution in Security Council

8.       Defunded Palestinian Authority and closed mission in DC

9.       Signed order outlawing anti-Semitism on college campuses

10.   With only 5 days left in office, changed US Command structure in Middle East to include Israel and Arab nations in joint command to fight iran

11.   Only president with Orthodox Jewish child and grandchildren

How they cheat in elections


conservative voters have endured not just the last four years of insults, berating, and unreasonable and childlike behavior out of the Democrat-led House and the Democrat senators as well as many Republicans that failed to support and often worked against President Trump.

They suffered eight years of flagrant trampling of the Constitution, irresponsible and reckless leftist policies and regulations, scandals and abuse, insults and divisiveness from the Obama administration and liberals in the legacy media and social media.

The 2016 election, while a victory for conservatives, was an expression of our frustration and anger at Democrats and liberals, many of whom labeled us as racists, bigots, xenophobes, and greedy capitalist pigs rather than debate policies with us in a civilized manner.

The Democrats committed numerous actions during their campaign that led even the most skeptical voter to conclude that Democrats had engaged in less than ethical behavior to win an election, from the meeting on the tarmac to the Democratic National Committee supplying the debate questions to Hillary, the abundance of undocumented aliens suspected of voting to the polling numbers being pushed by the media that were grossly incorrect. All these contributed to a base level of distrust from conservatives.



Laws have been changed to allow widespread unchecked voting requiring little or no signature verification. Language has been changed in regulations, sometimes a word or two at a time. Voter registration rolls have never been purged, allowing untold numbers of ballots to be sent out. Year after year, progressive Democrat activists have brought suit after suit to the courts presided over by partisan activist judges that allowed a swarm of election policies to be implemented. These actions created and fostered a modern version of ballot-box stuffing on an industrial scale.

Biden's 8 years as VP were worst in American history

 Let’s see how Biden did 8 years as VP

1. Worst recovery ever from recession 2. Worst economic growth ever over 8 years 3. Record poverty 4. IRS used to harass and abuse pro-Israel groups and conservatives 5. Top FBI exposed as corrupt, conspiring to bring down trump 6. Isis left unscathed 7. Military gutted 8. Attacked Trump stopping infected Chinese from traveling here with covid 9. Terrorist state Iran embraced 10. New wars 11. Russia, China, N Korea left to work their evil 12. Massive record new business-killing regs 13. Tax hikes to stymie the economy 14. No border enforcement 15. Cages built to house children coming across the border 16. Mishandled their pandemic 17. Massive money to support Palestinian terror 18. Deterioration of race relations 19. Most anti-Semitic acts in the world as leaving office, with UN abstention. According to main Nazi-hunting organization. 20. BEGGING Obama NOT to go after Bin Laden. And then bragged about killing him. 21. Constantly appearing to grope young girls and women in public 22. Wrong on every foreign policy issue for 40 years according to Obama's defense secr Robert Gates Obama-Biden worst foreign policy ever Obama worst foreign policy ever
23. No peace treaties between Israel and Arab nations vs Trump multiple peace treaties In Mid East and Kosovo, (Bahrain, Sudan, UAE, Morocco) primarily by REVERSING Obama-Biden tilt towards Iran. rebuilt our strategic alliance with Israel after Obama-Biden denigrated it.
24. After Obama-Biden policies contributed to our DEPENDENCE on Arab oil. Trump made s energy EXPORTER. During Trump years 1. Attacked Trump stopping infected Chinese from traveling here with covid 2. Supported and encouraged massive riots, burning, looting 3. Helped perfect election fraud 4. Said nothing as big tech fascistically purged all opposition voices 5. Claiming he was a professor when he left the White House when he wasn't 6. Enriching his 5 family members through corruption with Ukraine China etc 7. His racist comments about Indian to work and 711 or his racist comments about saying poor kids and white kids? 8. Never condemned and contributed to this violent rhetoric Madonna (Democrat): "Let's blow up the white house!" Peter Fonda (Democrat): "Lock 10 year old Barren Trump in a cage with child molesters." Johnny Depp (Democrat): "We need another John Wilks Booth!" Tom Arnold (Democrat): "I fantasize about standing over Donald Trump Jr.'s dead body!" Kathy Griffith (Democrat): *Holds up a bloody, decapitated head of Donald Trump* Snoop Dog: (Democrat): *Shoots a likeness of Trump in a music video, has Donald Trump in a body bag on his album cover* Joe Biden (Democratic presidential hopeful): "I'd like to take Trump behind a barn to beat him." Corey Booker (Democratic presidential hopeful): "I dream of punching Trump in the face." Maxine Waters (Sitting Democratic congresswoman) "Harass Trump's staff and supporters in public and refuse to serve them." But according to the left wing media/DNC talking points, it's Trump with the hateful rhetoric... all in the name of TOLERANCE...

Trump did not incite.


Another PHONY, TRUMPED up lie to undermine trump, following PHONY Russian collusion, Phony Ukraine Phone call impeachment, Phony Mueller investigation, stealing an election ad now blaming him for false flag Antifa operation+ some rogue rally attendees.


The president didn’t commit incitement or any other crime. ..SCOTUS case:  Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), in which the Supreme Court set the standard for speech that could be prosecuted without violating the First Amendment. The justices held that a Ku Klux Klan leader’s calls for violence against blacks and Jews were protected speech. The court found that Clarence Brandenburg’s comments were “mere advocacy” of violence, not “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action . . . likely to incite or produce such action. The president didn’t mention violence on Wednesday, much less provoke or incite it. He said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard… The president’s critics want him charged for inflaming the emotions of angry Americans. That alone does not satisfy the elements of any criminal offense, and therefore his speech is protected by the Constitution that members of Congress are sworn to support and defend.”

President Trump addressed the protesters and called on the assembled to march “over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”At the moment the President was uttering the words “peacefully,” though, a different more sinister group had already gathered at the Capitol, a full 45 minute walk away. Whatever happened there is not yet fully understood. Given the proclivity of federal law enforcement to act politically against Trump, it, unfortunately, may never be.

Some things, though, are certain. We know, for instance, that many of the troublemakers were not Trump supporters. We know, too, that Capitol Police waved at least some Trump supporters into the building. We know that a Trump supporter was shot in the Capitol.


Wall St. Journal says a FEW DOZEN of the tens of thousands breached the capital. Police LET THEM IN. How many of the breachers causing trouble were Antifa, planted by dems to create this mayhem? We'll never know, because the left is using Google, Twitter, Facebook etc to block truth-seeking.. But we do know dems generally are ok with violent protests. S



Leftist arrested in DC’



FYI says no antifa involved in DC. Sorry corrupt FBI. We saw it without own eyes. January 9, 2021

The Capitol: So Much Suspicious Evidence

By William L. Gensert

they infiltrated a peaceful demonstration with Antifa and carried out a successful false flag operation.

They Tell Us

This was all Trump's fault.

Funny Thing

Having watched some part of almost all the Trump rallies and having never seen anyone wearing helmets, backpacks, headscarves, or any degree of blackout with a tool dangling from their belts, it was surprising to see so many of the so-called rioters so clad at this "rebellion."

In the now-famous picture of seven guys scaling the wall to the Capitol Building, one can see people already at the precipice. Those are the ones who walked up the stairs (just outside the frame) when the entirely inadequate security melted away.

One can be forgiven for thinking security was purposely left deficient and unarmed to provoke what might happen should a sampling of Antifa intermixed within the mostly peaceful crowd be successful at impelling the desired .

This Is What They Wanted

The left should think about what it has done and what is coming.

These people have stolen an election without caring who knows it. They have rioted, assaulted innocents, and burned down our cities for most of a year. They have defunded police, resulting in a nationwide increase in murders — forget about the increase in other crimes. And they told us we were wrong to mention how all their predations make us suffer.

Whether the left successfully prosecuted a false flag operation or this was an organic conservative rebellion, the result is the same. The left thinks it can push Americans around forever. Leftists think they can tell us what to do and we will obey. They have another think coming.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Obama-Biden worst, Trump best

 Obama-Biden, worst administration in history

2. Trump economy helped workers much better than Obama
3. Under trump pre virus record low unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians
4. Trickle down works to help the poor and middle-class
6. Record worst recovery from recession under Obama
7. Worst economic growth over 8 years ever
9. Obama most anti-Semitic act in world committed just before they left office 2016
VS Trump BEST Presidency, perhaps ever
Despite nonstop resistance and coup efforts at the highest levels of the Democratic party, Trump STILL gave us an amazing presidency:
1. Best economy in many decades, pre virus, after the worst economy under Obama, by REVERSING Obama-Biden disastrous policies.
2. Rebuilt military, after Obama-Biden gutted it
3. Multiple peace treaties In Mid East and Kosovo, primarily by REVERSING Obama-Biden tilt towards Iran. rebuilt our strategic alliance with Israel after Obama-Biden denigrated it.
4. Reversed Obama-Biden racist policies which hurt so many Blacks, through enterprise zones, criminal justice reform, tax cuts, lowest unemployment rates ever
5. Operation warp speed gave us the fastest vaccine ever, after Obama-Biden disastrous failure with their pandemic.
6. After Obama-Biden policies contributed to our DEPENDENCE on Arab oil. Trump made s energy EXPORTER.
Apparently now he will be succeeded (after corrupting our election through fraud) by a corrupt, demented, dumb, perverted, always wrong, Biden.
Thank you Mr. President, for all the great you did for America.

Youre NOt crazy to question the election results


5 Reasons Why You're Not Crazy to Question the Election Results

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

You’ve gotten the memo from the leftist chin-strokers on social media. It’s simple. You’re insane for questioning the 2020 presidential election result. Joe Biden is the president-elect, so you just run along and ignore the copious news stories about election fraud and get over it. Man up!

Political titans on Capitol Hill look visibly concerned when asked by MSM reporters about the president and his millions of voters who aren’t convinced that this election wasn’t filled with fraud.

The party of Governor Stacey AbramsPresident Hillary Clinton, and “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances” dares to point the magenta cat-toy-feather-wand of shame at Republicans who can’t believe that the candidate with the most momentum and the power of the incumbency didn’t win.

You’re not wrong. And you’re not crazy.

Here are just five reasons why people are not crazy to question the results of the 2020 election.

1. Enthusiasm

While Joe Biden was stumbling through basement Zoom calls to the fortunate few who were selected to ask him pre-arranged questions to which he fumbled his scripted answers, Donald Trump went before enthusiastic and huge crowds, giving speeches where he’d wander off the teleprompter to offer off-the-cuff jokes, barbs, and snappy patter for more than at hour, multiple times per day, for days.

Trump’s famous rallies were all done pre-and-post COVID shutdown to the giddy delight of those who waited in line for hours for the privilege of not being able to go to the bathroom and getting felt up by Secret Service agents.

By contrast, Joe Biden’s events, to the extent he had any, were sparsely attended. His “rallies” took on the look of the ribbon-cutting for a puppy mill, there were so few people. Later, he asked the big guns to help him out, such as Lady Gaga, which probably left Gaga wondering, “What the hell am I doing here?’

Joe’s car rallies looked a little more alive, owing to the lights and horns of the few who showed up.

Wait, the thinking goes, voters didn’t bother to come out and see Joe when he and Punxsutawney Jill – excuse me, Doctor Punxsutawney Jill – came out of the basement of their Big-Guy-paid-for manse but did show up to vote for him?

The enthusiasm deficit for Joe Biden is a huge reason why people are leery of the reported election results.

VIP: Is It Misinformation to Claim ‘Widespread Fraud or Errors’ Changed the Election Outcome?

2. Riots and Law and Order

President Trump made the antifa and Black Lives Matter riots, looting, arsons, and violence a campaign issue.

He attempted to stop the nightly attacks at the Portland, Oregon, federal courthouse, eventually acceding to the demands of the governor and mayor, who promised they’d deploy state police to stop the assaults, which they did for two seconds.

While Trump made unrest from antifa and BLM a campaign issue and demanded Democrats denounce them, Biden’s “denunciations,” such as they were, were often muddled, and siding with antifa outcomes. In a statement in May, when Portland, Kenosha and other cities were on fire from anti-cop riots, Biden weighed into the fray saying that “protesting police brutality is ‘right and necessary’ and the ‘American response.’ But burning down communities and needless destruction is not.”

For observers of the antifa and BLM riots of the spring, summer, and fall, riots and protests were of a piece. You didn’t have one without the other.

By putting himself on the side of the politically-motivated rioters being cheered on by his party’s Left, Biden seemed to embrace the Democrats’ defund-the-police and anti-police messages even as rioters set fires, destroyed other peoples’ property, threatened others’ lives, and acted like terrorists.

Trump knew this. There was no question of where he stood. The president expanded the First Step Act and gave clemency to people who had been arguably wronged by the judicial process. He supported law and order but most of all he demanded justice and was ready to make it right where he saw a wrong.

The idea that millions more people favored the guy who was ambivalent about the literal terrorism on the streets of America was unthinkable to Trump supporters. Who would vote for a guy who would give the old ¡Olé! to people looting, burning, and threatening people? Surely, fewer than those who voted for Trump…

Trump: ‘Joe Biden Has Given Moral Aid and Comfort’ to Rioters by Calling Riots ‘Peaceful Protests’

3. COVID Response

Early in the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, and after he stopped travelers from China, President Trump took a federalist approach to much of the response. He held daily news conferences along with Vice President Pence and he led the federal government in ticking off a daily checklist of things that needed to be done to confront the new virus.

The White House amassed information and began the effort to get a vaccine on track using the CDC, FDA, NIH, and the military. President Trump sent military medical ships to California and New York to help with any emergency room overflows, which thankfully never occurred.

Trump pressed into service U.S. manufacturers, sometimes using the Defense Production Act, to get companies to build ventilators and even hand sanitizer, which was in short supply.

In so doing, Trump resupplied spent emergency stores never replenished by the Obama administration after the much smaller H1N1 pandemic.

President Trump got the ball rolling on the big-picture items needed for a country to respond to a pandemic.

As he did this he devolved hands-on responses to local governments, in the federalist approach, where he believed it belonged and where it would be more efficient.

Many big, top-down government fans didn’t like it and often blamed the president for not commanding shutdowns and arrogating more power to himself to oversee response at the granular level. If he had any notion of doing such a thing, Trump didn’t give into it.

While Trump took hits for leadership lapses in the COVID response, complaints were usually uttered by leftists who wished he’d done more to lock down, force vaccinations, and take a greater hand in shutting down the economy.

Trump’s approach and his sideline Twitter sniping let people know he didn’t want a wholesale shutdown. He’d hoped to reopen the economy “by Easter” and tried to cajole Democrat governors into lifting the reigns on the people and the shutdown of the economy. Democrats like Governors Jay Inslee, Kate Brown, Gavin Newsom, and Gretchen Whitmer did the exact opposite. Citizens organized recall efforts to respond to the governors’ autocratic response.

Trump deemed the federal government’s response as “the greatest mobilization since World War II.” And he’ll never get the credit for getting a country on war-footing to fight a pandemic from the ground up.

4. Coattails …?

Stories about President Trump’s weak coattails were legion before the election. His likability was questioned and still is, but, what ho! Look what actually happened.

After the usual midterm 2018 thrashing for the president in power (George W. Bush and FDR are the only presidents who added seats during the midterms), Republicans made up some of those losses in congressional races and statehouses across the country in 2020.

Ballotpedia reports that while Democrats won 222 seats to Republicans’ 212, the GOP unexpectedly flipped 14 seats from D to R compared to three seats for the D’s.

Among the claw-backs were four California seats lost in the 2018 election to the new “ballot harvesting” measures Democrats put into effect. Trump didn’t come to California to hold rallies but did he did come to fundraise.

The candidates won on the backs of law and order (sound familiar?) and opening up the economy. They were Trump messages without the man. And Republican Michelle Steel is already working on getting Governor Gavin Newsom to change his disastrous tax and law and order policies that have made California so unpopular that people are fleeing in droves and the state could lose a congressional seat.

Republicans expanded their “trifecta” of governor’s mansions and state houses by two and possibly three, according to Ballotpedia. Alaska is still tallying the votes, believe it or not.

The media are loathe to give Trump any credit, but Trump received ten million more votes than he did in 2016 – the most of any Republican president ever. He energized the voter base and flipped back a bunch of seats in both state houses and Congress.

What’s the definition of coattails again?

5. Another ‘Election’

If President Trump is so divisive and unlikable and truly the worst, most contemptible person in the world, then why did he win the Gallup Poll’s “most admired” person, outstripping the Obamas and Joe?

Who are these people? Rubes? Or could it be that the oldest public polling firm in America captured the lightening in the bottle that shows what has really happened in the body politic?

  • Trump – 18%
  • Obama – 15%
  • Joe Biden- 6%
  • Dr. Fauci – 3%

The Dalai Lama came in at a — womp, womp — 1%.

We all know about public opinion polls. Joe was supposed to win by 10 or more points in 2020 and Hillary was going to easily get into office in a landslide. But Trump trebling the declared president-elect in a public opinion poll done in December? You can’t blame that on a sympathy vote. Nobody feels sorry for Donald Trump. They just love – or hate – him.

So you can be forgiven for your skepticism about the presidential results.

And you’re not crazy.

Listing Biden's anti semitism and anti israel acts

 Pre presidency

1. As a Senator, threatened Israeli PM Begin with CUTOFF of funds if begin did not do what Biden wanted

2. as VP, as they were leaving office, Obama-Biden tram committed the most anti-semitic act in the world in 2016 with first-ever US abstention at anti-Israel UN resolution

3. January 11, 2021 Within days of being inaugurated, why did France and Germany call for Israel to go back to "Auschwitz" 1947 lines? Because Biden is coming and Trump is going. The antisemites will have a field day now

4. Biden nominates Black supremacist who endorsed anti-Semitic lecturer

Biden taps as head of DOJ Civil Rights Division woman who claimed blacks are racially superior, endorsed anti-Semitic professor.  

5. Trump arranges peace deals between Israel and 4 Aran nations (UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Morrocco, and Pelosi calls it a "distraction"/ 

6. Obama's Secr. Of Defense, Robert Gates, said Biden has been WRONG on every policy view over 40 years.

s controversial book, The Jewish Onslaught: Dispatches from the Wellesley BattlefrontA year after the book’s publication and a month after her letter to The Harvard Crimson, Clarke invited Martin to speak at Harvard. In his address, ostensibly meant to address The Bell Curve controversy, Martin excoriated Jews and Judaism, trashing the Torah, the Talmud, and the writings of Maimonides as being racist texts. "There was a Jewish monopoly over Blacks being cursed," Martin said during the 1994 address, claiming that Jews had been the first to develop racist theories.According to a report by The Harvard Crimson, Clarke defended Martin’s claims, saying: "Professor Martin is an intelligent, wellversed Black intellectual who bases his information of indisputable fact.”Clarke’s handling of the fiasco prompted The Harvard Crimson to criticize her for bringing “the ugly specter of anti-Semitism to a lectern on campus,” and lamenting the damage Clarke’s invitation to Martin caused to black-Jewish relations on campus.