Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Good riddance Mattis


1. Opposed Trump naming Jerusalem capital
2. Opposed Trump nixing Iran deal
3. Insisted on helping train Hezbollah (Iran) controlled Lebanese militiary
4. Opposed using US forces in Surai vs Russia and iran

good riddance!

Top 10 anti-Semitism of 2018 from Wiesenthal Institute

Review the items below. Things they MISSED: anti Semitism of new Democrats in Congress,
Erdegon of Turkey, and others.  see

 11 AMERICAN JEWS MURDERED IN THEIR PITTSBURGH SYNAGOGUE ON A SABBATH  “It’s the filthy evil Jews... Hitler was right...but we don’t listen” “Isis executions are form of Jewish Ritual Murder” - Robert Bowers, Pittsburgh synagogue shooter The deadliest anti-Semitic attack ever committed in the United States took place on October 27 when 46-year old white supremacist, Robert Bowers entered the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and shot to death eleven worshippers and wounded six others before police arrested him.

Only FBI intervention thwarted another deadly attack on a Toledo-area synagogue in early December. This attack was planned by Damon Joseph, a fanatical convert to Islam and ISIS adherent. Joseph told FBI undercover agents he was inspired by the attack in Pittsburgh: “I admire what the guy did with the shooting... I can see myself carrying out this type of operation, ‘inshallah. “(God willing in Arabic)

2. FARRAKHAN DEPLOYING NAZI PROPAGANDA, LOUIS FARRAKHAN DEHUMANIZES 2 During an October speech in Detroit, Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, said this about Jews: “I’m not mad at you because you’re so stupid... So when they talk about Farrakhan, and call me a hater, you do what they do: call me an anti-Semite.... Stop it, I’m an anti-termite.” Farrakhan’s slanderous attack came during a 23rd anniversary event for the 1995 “Million Man March.” Throughout the 1930s, before the Holocaust, Nazi propaganda serially demonized Jews as vermin and rats, seeking to dehumanize German Jews in the eyes of their neighbors.

3. US CAMPUSES SWASTIKAS DESECRATE U.S. CAMPUSES JEREMY CORBYN A CORBYN-LED UK GOVERNMENT: “AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT” TO JEWS 3 4 Alarming anti-Semitic attacks on American campuses followed the synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh, PA. Clinical psychologist Elizabeth Midlarsky found anti-Semitic graffiti spray-painted in her office (pictured) at Columbia University’s Teachers College in New York City. At Duke University a swastika was daubed over a mural commemorating the victims of the Pittsburgh shooting. Three swastikas were discovered at Cornell University, and a Jewish fraternity at Penn State had its menorah vandalized and stolen. Dozens of similar episodes took place at schools across the nation. Flyers blaming Jews for sexual assault allegations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh were posted at UC Berkeley and UC Davis in the West and at Vassar and Marist colleges in the East. Members of extremist groups, like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), created hostile environments for Jewish students by posting quotes on social media like, “Let’s stuff some Jews in the ovens” and “every time I read about Hitler, I fall in love again.”

4. JEREMY CORBYN A CORBYN-LED UK GOVERNMENT: “AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT” TO JEWS  “You have proved you don’t want people like me in the party... It is not what you say but what you do, and by your actions you have shown you are an anti-Semitic racist.” - Jewish MP Dame Margaret Hodge to Jeremy Corbyn, July 2018. Allegations of anti-Semitism on the part of key members and officials of the UK’s Labour Party officials have piled up in recent years, injecting the world’s oldest hatred into the mainstream of society. Party leader Jeremy Corbyn stands directly responsible. In July, Britain’s three leading Jewish newspapers published a joint article warning of “the existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Corbyn government.”

5. UNRWA: ENABLERS OF HAMAS MASSIVE CHILD ABUSE WITH A ‘PEACE’ CURRICULUM THAT ERASES ISRAEL AND VENERATES MASS MURDERER OF JEWS 5 “The administration has carefully reviewed the issue and determined that the United States will not make additional contributions to UNRWA” - U.S. State Department, August 31, 2018

6. AIRBNB AIRBNB BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER UNLESS YOU ARE JEW LIVING IN GUSH ETZION 6 Airbnb is a trailblazing company whose self-described mission is “To bring people together in as many places as possible around the world.” It matches travelers with local home owners willing to rent to tourists. In October, Airbnb suddenly announced it would delist 200 rentals in Israeli communities on the West Bank. Airbnb intoned that Israeli settlements ... “are at the core of the dispute between the Israelis and Palestinians.” This at the very time when Israel is defending its international borders against terrorist attacks from Hamas in the South and Hezbollah in the North - areas where there are no “settlements”. There is no indication that Airbnb, who claim to oppose BDS, is extending its interventionist diplomacy to Cyprus or the scores of other disputed territories around the world.

7. GERMAN BANK BDS GERMAN BANK STANDS WITH ANTI-SEMITIC BDSERS 7 When it comes to issues related to antiSemitism and threats to the Jewish state, Germany receives a great deal of attention. In recent years, to their credit, German cities, companies and financial institutions have recognized the anti-Semitic underpinnings of BDS and shunned interaction with a global campaign seeking the Jewish state’s demise. In 2018, however, one important financial institution, the Bank for Social Economy, insists on doing business with the radical “Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East,” which strongly endorses boycotting the Jewish state.

8. BISHOP’S LIBEL EPISCOPAL BISHOP FABRICATES ISRAELI ATROCITIES 8 During a speech in Massachusetts last July, Bishop Gayle Harris reported that she witnessed an Israeli soldier arrest a three-year-old Arab child on the Jerusalem Temple Mount and gun down a 15-year old Palestinian teen in the back. After the Simon Wiesenthal Center exposed the claims as fabrications, Harris, the #2 Episcopal clergy in the state, backtracked, saying that she had only heard the stories from a third party (a Palestinian). “The fault is solely mine,” Harris said. “I was ill-advised to repeat the stories without verification.”

9. KAROLINSKA’S SHAME RENOWNED SWEDISH HOSPITAL FAILS TO TREAT CANCER OF ANTI-SEMITISM 9 Every year, Sweden’s Karolinska Institute announces the Nobel Prize for Medicine. But now, a dark cloud hangs over its Karolinska University Hospital for failing to deal quickly and forthrightly when history’s oldest hate manifested in its top ranks.

10. ROGER WATERS LEADING BDS CHEERLEADER - AN ANTI-SEMITE WHO WANTS TO TELL JEWS WHAT ANTISEMITISM IS 10 There are few performers whose anti-Israel vitriol can match that of Roger Waters. Despite his protests to the contrary, the co-founder of the iconic band Pink Floyd has, for years, crossed the line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The REAL scandal is Dem/FBI collusion to undermine the election of 2016

Posted: 23 Dec 2018 06:19 AM PST
(Scott Johnson)
Supplementing Kim Strassel’s Wall Street Journal column that I highlighted on Friday, Jonathan Turley reviews key moments in the greatest scandal in American political history in the Hill column “The Steele Dossier and the perils of political insurance policies.” As I did in the post on Strassel’s column, I want to offer an excerpt for the record (with Turley’s many links omitted; read the whole thing):
Throughout the campaign, and for many weeks after, the Clinton campaign denied any involvement in the creation of the dossier that was later used to secure a secret surveillance warrant against Trump associates during the Obama administration. Journalists later discovered that the Clinton campaign hid the payments to Fusion as a “legal fees” among the $5.6 million paid to the law firm. New York Times reporter Ken Vogel at the time said that Clinton lawyer Marc Elias had “vigorously” denied involvement in the anti-Trump dossier. When Vogel tried to report the story, he said, Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman likewise wrote: “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.” Even when Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was questioned by Congress on the matter, he denied any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Sitting beside him was Elias, who helped devise contract.
Later, confronted with the evidence, Clinton and her campaign finally admitted that the dossier was a campaign-funded document....
The dossier ultimately found its way from a Fusion GPS employee, Nellie Ohr, to her husband, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr. From there, it became the basis of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants targeting figures like Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, signed off by the Obama administration with the involvement of later-fired FBI director James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe. ...
The FBI knew the dossier was part of a Clinton campaign operation but told the secret FISA court that it was only speculating about a possible political motive for the material. Notably, however, the FBI’s warrant application indicates that Steele denied knowing the purpose behind the dossier. In the 412-page application, the FBI buries the issue in a footnote, stating that Steele was hired by Fusion GPS to conduct research on Trump and that “The identified U.S. person never advised [Steele] as to the motivation behind the research into [Trump] ties to Russia. The FBI speculates that the identified U.S. Person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s campaign.”
We now know that Steele and Fusion GPS aggressively shopped the dossier with any reporter who would listen, while also pitching it to Ohr and the FBI. Notably, the dossier story was broken by investigative journalist Michael Isikoff who recently admitted, “When you actually get into the details of the Steele dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them, and, in fact, there’s good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations will never be proven and are likely false.”
Steele’s recent comments magnify the concerns. Ultimately, the dossier was used for precisely the purpose described by Steele: It led to the special counsel investigation, which quickly diverted to other criminal allegations unrelated to the dossier’s most sensational claims, like hacking or coordination with WikiLeaks and Russian trolling operations. Indeed, Democratic leaders’ new claims of a “massive fraud” in the election is the alleged violation of campaign finance laws to pay hush money to a porn star and former Playboy bunny…

Israel haters taking over Democratic party

"A small wave developed during those same  2018 midterm elections: A group of charismatic, female, community-oriented fighters for the poor and disenfranchised whose platforms revolved around Medicare for all, quality housing and free collegetuition, ran for office and resoundingly won. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, candidate-elect for the U.S. House of Representatives from the 14th District of New York was first, creating a groundswell of euphoria with her primary win against the House’s No. 4 Democrat, Joseph Crowley. Rashida Tlaib, member-elect of the House of Representatives from Michigan’s 13th District, beat out a large field of African-American political royalty to win the primary and take over the seat vacated by John Conyers after he stepped down in the midst of sexual harassment accusations. Both women are card-carrying members of Democratic Socialists of America. As is Julia Salazar, newly elected member of the New York state Senate. Another up and comer, Ilhan Omar, a Somali-American, is the representative-elect from Minnesota’s 5th District, who ran as a member of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.
These women’s wins have been the subject of hundreds of adulatory media stories on the left. Liberals are excited by the new life injected into the party in the time of Trump by these young candidates whose resumes have taken on an added gravitas in light of the #MeToo movement and the interesting idea that immigrants (like our parents and grandparents?) possess a more pointed and legitimate appreciation of this country—its strengths and weaknesses—better, fresher, more vibrant—than our own.
It turned out, though, that these populist heroines were also Israel haters.
Both Tlaib and Omar made policy statements about Israel during their campaigns that they changed after their elections. While running, Tlaib got the endorsement of J Street by saying she supported a two-state solution. After her election, the lawyer and community organizer announced she supported a single state. “One state,” she said to In These Times magazine. “It has to be one state. Separate but equal does not work. I’m only 42 years old but my teachers were of that generation that marched with Martin Luther King. This whole idea of a two-state solution, it doesn’t work.” The day before, she told Britain’s Channel 4 News that she wanted the U.S. to slash funding to Israel. “Absolutely, if it has something to do with inequality and not access to people having justice,” she said. J Street later pulled its endorsement of the candidate.
Somali-born Ilhan Omar, who took over the seat vacated by Keith Ellison when he decided to run for attorney general, said during her campaign that she did not support BDS, opining that pressure on Israel would be counterproductive to peace. Now, she says both are true: She doesn’t think pressure is productive, yet she supports BDS. She was indignant when a tweet she’d penned in 2012 surfaced, which stated that Israel had “hypnotized the world” and was guilty of “evil doings.” When offered the chance to clarify or separate herself from these comments, Omar said, “these accusations are without merit.” She blamed Islamophobia for the strong reaction against her words. “They are rooted in bigotry toward a belief about what Muslims are stereotyped to believe.”
Because of her celebrity aura and up-by-the-bootstraps story, the headscarf wearing Omar has been given a pass on these comments, and she has been treated with kid gloves over her eyebrow-raising tweet about VP Mike Pence during the recent, heated, Oval Office exchange between Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and President Trump on the border wall and a possible government shutdown. Under a photo of Pence with his eyes closed she tweeted: “Jesus Take the Wheel.” The Federalist’sDavid Harsanyi asked, “I wonder what would happen if Pence made fun of Omar’s belief in Muhammad?”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old former organizer for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, beat U.S Rep. Joseph Crowley, a veteran congressman who had not faced a primary opponent since 2004. The upset win of fresh-faced, bright, Ocasio-Cortez, lit up the left across the country, which appreciated the energy and earnestness she brought to the election—as a young woman, a person of color (her family hails from Puerto Rico) and a champion of the working class. She gathered an impressive number of endorsements from national progressive groups. During the campaign, she, too, offered some anti-Israel palaver, including a remark that IDF attempts to keep Hamas protesters from breaching the fence along the Gaza border was a “massacre,” before admitting on PBS that she really wasn’t an expert on the issue. Jewish Insider recently reported that she declined AIPAC’s invitation to travel to Israel with the group later this year with her freshman congressional colleagues.
What unites these candidates is their youth, their powerful media presences, and the Democratic Socialists of America, which has its roots in the venerable Socialist Party of America, led by activist, trade unionist, and five-time losing presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs. But to understand Berman’s apprehension, one need only listen for a bit to the young people who, in the last five years, have resurrected this group, swelling its ranks fourfold.
Olivia Katbi Smith and Emily Rose Golden are the co-chairs of the Portland chapter of DSA. Before a Pussy Riot concert last March, they took the stage together to welcome their comrades and talk to them about a very important issue: “Palestine.” Olivia, who shares more than a passing resemblance to the stunning Amal Clooney, with long wavy hair, large eyes, and arched brows, wore a very short dress and black leather jacket. She took hold of the mike and introduced herself as “an Arab.” She then handed the microphone, relay-race style, to Emily, who wore jeans and a red DSA T-shirt, who said, “And I’m Jewish.” Now that their bona fides had been established, Emily continued, and, reading from a script, said: “So we want to debunk any myths surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that paint it as a complicated conflict, something that has always been around and is unsolvable and we can just let them fight it out over there.” The crowd offered murmurs of approval as if they were familiar with this call and response. “Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that there is anything other than an illegal and brutal occupation, designed and bankrolled by Western imperialist powers.” Cheers and whistles. “The United States gives Israel $4 billion a year while Israel subjects Palestinians to unspeakable crimes. Thanks to Capitalism, American arms manufacturers and other U.S. corporations profit directly from the occupation of Palestine. As Socialists, we reject all forms of exploitation and oppression including the profit-driven militarism that has directly led to the dire situation in Palestine today.” She stepped back from the mike to yips and applause.

Trump chooses Muslim brotherhood terrorist Erdegon over his advisors

1. Erdogan of Turkey : ‘Jews in Israel beat women and children’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lashed out at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday, calling him an "anti-Semitic dictator"

2.  The President made the decision to pull out of Syria last Fri Dec 14 after speaking with Turkish President Erdogan  All of Trump's advisors OPPOSED the move. 

Erdogan is not a benevolent sultan of old, he's a monster that must be stopped,7340,L-5432450,00.html
Opinion: The world has a strange double standard on the Muslim world - it's ok when they massacre their own, and the Turkish president is the master of it

Once upon a time, a Turkish sultan in situ was good news, such as those, for example, during the expulsion from Spain in 1492. The Sultan Bayezid II, who ruled 1481-1512, sent ships to Grenada to save the dispossessed Jews and invite them to live across the Ottoman Empire. Your loss, Bayezid tolds those who signed the deportation order, is our gain. And gain they did. The Jews were not only loyal, but also helped to develop the economy and spiritual life in every place they reached across the empire.

Life was not always good for the Jews under the Ottomans and/or the Turks. But what is very clear is that the current Sultan, Recep
Tayyip ErdoÄŸan, is an impudent anti-Semite. His repeated statements make it clear that his role model is former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and not sultans of yore who treated the Jews fairly. This attitude of Erdogan's did not start today, or even with the 2010 Mavi Marmara crisis, when IDF troops and Turkish activists clashed on board a Gaza-bound boat with deadly results. When he was younger, Erdogan wrote a play called "Mas-Kom-Ya", which depicts a conspiracy by the Freemasons, the Communists, and the Jews.

Since 1984, Turkey has destroyed 3,000 Kurdish villages, implemented mass transfer of the local population and caused a "Kurdish Nakba" of two million people who became refugees in their own country. During this orchestrated war on the Kurdish people, there have been massacres during which 30,000 people were killed. Even if Israel made every effort, it could not scratch the surface of the horrors perpetrated by the Turks, not those of recent decades and certainly not those of the last century, including the genocide committed by the Turks against the Armenians, and the atrocities committed in the framework of the expulsion of Christians at the end of the First World War.

Kurds protesting against Erdogan in Germany (Photo: AP))
Kurds protesting against Erdogan in Germany (Photo: AP))

Erdogan himself is responsible for several massacres committed in recent years. For example, his soldiers raided the city of Cizre, in the northeast of the country, in February 2016. Hundreds of civilians hid in three basements, but it did not help them as Erdogan's soldiers massacred them mercilessly. A total of 178 people were killed, most of them innocent civilians.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Democrats endanger all of us through their hostile attitude towards border security.

Democrats endanger all of us through their hostile attitude towards border security.

Why? "The Democrats have staked their future on importing voters in violation of the law, since the voters they already have mostly prefer not to have many children. Republicans, in turn, have staked their future on preserving the rule of law, and on preserving an America more or less like the one we know. It comes down, ultimately, to a contest between preserving America vs. preserving the Democratic Part."  Powerline blog

5 examples of how the Democrats do not want any border security.
1.    Walls work:
2.    Israel—illegal immigration down 99%
San Diego—down 92%
El Paso—down 95%
Tucson—down 90%
Yuma—down 95%
Democrats OPPOSE the wall. In the mid-2000s, many prominent Democrats in Congress voted to spend billions on security fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, and some criticized the “sanctuary cities” that are now in the Trump administration’s crosshairs.
3.   Democrats voted against Kate law. One of the two bills was Kate's Law, which would have strengthened the sentences for people who are caught entering the country illegally two or more times.
Introduced by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), the legislation is named after Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old woman who was killed in July 2015 by an illegal alien who had several felony convictions and had been deported from the United States five times. Ms. Steinle was shot to death while she was walking along the San Francisco pier with her dad.
Kate's law was designed to strengthen federal law by increasing the maximum sentence for illegal reentry into the U.S. to five years. It created a new illegal reentry penalty of up to 10 years for anyone who had previously been denied admission or deported at least three times, and would have imposed a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone convicted of illegal reentry who had a prior aggravated felony or had been convicted of illegal reentry twice before.
The final vote on Kate's law was 55-42, five less than needed for cloture
4.   Senate Democrats Block Anti-Sanctuary City Law. The second bill, the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act, was introduced by Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA). The sanctuary city bill also has ties to Kate Steinle. Four months before Ms. Steinle was murdered, her accused killer Juan Lopez-Sanchez, was in federal prison for re-entering the country after his fifth deportation. As his deportation neared, the federal prison officials transferred him to the San Francisco sheriffm who had an outstanding warrant on him for an old marijuana possession violation.  When he was transferred, immigration officials issued an "immigration detainer," requesting they be notified before his release so they could take custody of Lopez-Sanchez and begin the deportation process. But, because San Francisco is a sanctuary city, on April 15th Juan Lopez-Sanchez was released without notifying immigration
5.      5. A group of Democrats chose to stake a position on the far left of abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE).

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Trump's remarks at Chanukah Party at WH

:My administration will always stand with our cherished friend and partner, the State of Israel. We have left the horrible Iran nuclear deal — it was a horrible, horrible deal, should never have been made — and imposed the toughest-ever sanctions. We sanctioned Iran like I guess few have ever been sanctioned before. We must never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon or bomb….
Exactly one year ago today, at my direction, the United States recognized the true capital of Israel and we quickly moved the American embassy to Jerusalem"….He added: “Civilization is indebted to the Jewish people for their incredible contributions….we reaffirm our unbreakable solidarity with the Jewish people.”
In his remarks at the evening party Trump quoted from George Washington’s great 1790 letter to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Anti Semitsm today

1. Ultra-Orthodox man assaulted in Brooklyn
CCTV cameras capture a man sneaking up on a victim in Hasidic garb and violently hitting him in the head before fleeing the scene; NYPD says the incident is not being investigated as a hate crime.,7340,L-5418545,00.html